Wednesday, February 1, 2023


I hate to keep being the squeaky wheel when it comes to this boob Clyburn, I really do, but it’s gotten to the point where every time he opens his mouth the only thing that comes out is more bullshit. And still, it’s those within our ‘fake news’ media who continually provide him a platform despite the fact that he’s such an obvious liar. And it was Jimmy who was recently once again provided a platform from which to argue how it was that the Democrats were totally justified in their endless investigations of President Trump, even though no crime was committed, and yet somehow the Republicans investigating Joey, would be nothing more than a waste of time.

You see, it was just this past Monday that Clyburn presented his argument during an appearance, where else but, on MSDNC’s “All In,” hosted by resident stooge, Chris Hayes. It was then that Jimmy claimed that House Republicans’ upcoming investigations were “a waste of time” and nothing more than an attempt to “score political points.” Hayes asked, “Congressman, having been through this a number of times now, having gone for the majority to the minority, having watched Republicans launched a series of investigations when they get the gavel, what is your expectation and posture towards these various investigations that they are gearing up to do?"

Clyburn said, “I think they are very, very unnecessary. They are really a waste of time. I think they have proved that with Benghazi. We know what the result of that was, two and a half years. I don’t know how much money was spent, and it was all for naught. It may have been of some detriment to Hillary Clinton, but that is not what we run government for. Government is here to really address the things that are really responsible and things that really get the country moving, get people, lives in order. Not to score political points. If we are going to run this government to score political points, I think the result is going to be the same."

Clyburn went on to say, “We saw that time and time again when they were in power before, and I think that will be the end result this time as well. But then, a lot of money will have been spent and wasted, and a lot of time, but we could be devoting it to improving people’s lives.”  For the past six years, the Democrats have persecuted President Trump with all manner of false and slanderous claims of some type of non-existent wrongdoing. No we have a bona fide organized crime figure occupying the White House and Clyburn refers to an investigation as a waste of time? And in typical fashion this buffoon Hayes just sits there nodding in agreement.

So I wonder, was trying to impeach a sitting president twice, with no evidence of wrongdoing, also a waste of time? And is he insinuating that others are not to take the same path that his own party went down? Yet this time around there is evidence, and plenty of it, of clear wrongdoing. The Biden family continues to be engaged in all manner of questionable activities and there is the distinct possibility that Joey has acted as a foreign agent who has traded the assets of the American people for self-enrichment. Call it what you like but it cannot be allowed to go unpunished no matter who might be involved. As the Democrats love to say, “No one is above the law."

And isn’t it amazing that we should now be hearing such comments coming from one whose party it is that has been throwing good taxpayer money after bad investigating President Trump for the last six years. Yet when it comes to Joey, and the many smoking guns that are everywhere, there’s nothing to see and we should all just move along. Democrats have grown quite accustomed to those in our corrupt ‘fake news’ media, as well as those in the CIA and FBI, providing cover for them which may be why Jimmy implies that any ‘investigation’ would be a waste of time. NO THIS ISN’T. This is what needs to happen to save the country from Democrats yet again.

Still, it is mildly amusing to sit back and watch them throwing themselves on the floor kicking and screaming while holding their collective breath until they turn blue while resorting to going all the way back to their salad days of corruption with Benghazi as they watch in horror as Republicans actually start to take their jobs a bit more seriously. When is the last time Congress produced a budget? Declared war? Oversaw bureaucratic agency rules? And, how about that infrastructure bill. How many bridges have been replaced? Or when was the last time FAA software was upgraded? Or when were the necessary measures taken to upgrade our seriously outdated power grid?

And coming from someone who supported the validity a literary work of fiction (Steele dossier) as a basis for a sitting president's impeachment, I have no doubt that the evidence on Hunter’s laptop will be ignored by this hack and other members of his party. Democrats will ignore the evidence no matter how undeniable it is. There it is, the absolute hypocrisy that lives and breathes inside of every Democrat. This guy is either dumb as a box of rocks or deliberately misleading people as usual. Someone this dumb has absolutely no business impacting the lives of American citizens, but sadly, the imbeciles in his district will likely allow him to continue to do so.

And imagine that, a Democrat talking about the scoring of political points. For a guy who claims to have been part of the civil rights movement, Clyburn has done nothing more than to assist in the racial divisionism peddled by the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Wright and Farrakhan for decades. These clowns have never figured out that the walls of their houses are made of glass. Democrats created a political coup against a sitting President and the American voter. They spent millions of taxpayer dollars trying to come up with dirt on a ‘former’ president in what was, and continues to be, an effort to prevent him from running again. The audacity and hypocrisy is not surprising.

Clyburn is a lifelong partisan hack with absolutely no redeeming qualities. He has never chosen to do anything positive for the American people, hence the reason he chose to help push a simpleton like Joey over the finish line. His laughable protests now are added proof that the Republicans are directly over the target. Democrats like Clyburn continue in their attempts to portray the Republicans as being a threat to our “democracy,” their word not mine. But nothing could be further from the truth. And to put any amount of stock in anything that any of them say is to seriously jeopardize the future that lies ahead for our young. The Democrat Party must be extinguished.

And yet with all that said, I still worry that no matter how much evidence they manage to uncover, the spineless Republicans won’t actually do anything with it. This is just a political football. We already have the man on tape admitting to blackmailing a foreign country with taxpayer money to not investigate his crackhead son. We have multiple caches of classified documents that he had no legal authority to have, stored in a completely illegal fashion. And I do worry that these investigations may not actually be about holding Joey accountable but ‘are’ about scoring points heading into 2024. I pray I am wrong because most Republican voters will see right through that.

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