Wednesday, February 8, 2023


No, I didn’t bother to watch Joey’s ‘State of the Union’ address last night because, quite frankly, I just didn’t see the point. After all, unless you’re a brain-dead Democrat, a member of the ‘fake news’ media, a complete moron, or have the misfortune to be all three, you know the current state of our union. And there is nothing that Joey could say that could convince anyone that our union is anything other than totally fucked. And while it may seem unfair to some for me to offer up any sort of critique on something I chose to not to watch, I think it more than a little unfair what Joey has done, and continues to do, to destroy my country.

But with that said, there were certainly those who appear to have loved Joey’s speech last night, and who had many positive things to say about it. One of those was, as expected, none other than ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace who, despite his continuing abysmal ratings since departing ‘Fox News’ for CNN, still seems to think that there are still those who are interested in hearing his opinion. And it was during his network’s coverage of Joey’s speech that he actually claimed that the speech had what he described as brilliant moments with “political showmanship.” Which should make one wonder if he was watching the same speech that others were watching.

And it was during the coverage that ‘Mr. Fake News’ himself, Jake Tapper, who said, “I just keep thinking about the idea that not only does the House Republicans, and again, it was a minority of them, it was not most of them, but the ones who were unruly and yelling and heckling, the president, not only did they make themselves look bad but they really gave him an opportunity to look vigorous.” ‘Commie Chris’ said, “Oh, absolutely. I mean, they literally played into his hands. You know, I don’t know if the people of the White House, as they were drafting, it said this weekend, envisioned that happening the way it did, but it played out perfectly."

And he said, “I am looking back at the end of that whole sequence when he was engaged back and forth with the Republicans, and he said, ‘So tonight, let’s all agree to stand up for seniors.’ Of course, one of the things that you notice in the speeches is half the House, the Democratic side for Democratic presidents stands up in the other side set on their hands, but he said, let’s all stand up for seniors, and there was no politician who was not going to stand up for seniors. So, they were standing up while he said, ‘Let’s all agree not to cut Social Security. Let’s all agree not to cut Medicare,’ when they were all standing up, he said, ‘Well, apparently, it is not going to be a problem.'"

‘Commie Chris’ added, “It was a brilliant moment. And it took something that had been prepared by the speech writers, and he made it his own, and he made it magic. It was really quite a piece of political showmanship.” Now I suppose if you’re a big supporter of Joey, as is ‘Commie Chris,’ you likely would have viewed his speech as having “brilliant moments.” To those with a more critical eye, however, recognized the speech as being full of lies and illusions! But that is who the Democrats are, blatant liars! So, ‘Commie Chris’ clearly attempted to make a ‘silk purse out of a sow’s ear.’ It’s not what real journalists do, but that is the state of our media today!

A marvelous observation made by a man whose career is circling the bowl. ‘Commie Chris’ is a shill who dutifully reads whatever scripted propaganda is handed to him. I suppose it might be useful to know the particulars of the gaslighting bull crap they are shoveling on any given day. Always good for a laugh. This is the reason why ‘Commie Chris’ is stuck in the media equivalent of the witness protection program! No one watches him and for a very good reason! Once again ‘Commie Chris’ demonstrates why it was that he lost both viewership and popularity. Another reason ‘Commie Chris’ is no longer relevant enough to rate a show anywhere people would watch it.

But, in a way, I do kind of agree with old ‘Commie Chris’ on this one. Especially if you consider the half-truths, the lies, the obfuscation and the, in general, massive deception to be an example of the “political showmanship” to which ‘Commie Chris’ refers. But most of America is fed up with this sort of “showmanship.” And so, while Rome burns our lying politicians do nothing but bicker and increase their net worth. And while the Democrats make up lies about how Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare and the *president references the lie in his State of the Union address, ‘Commie Chris’ talks about the *president’s “showmanship."

‘Commie Chris,’ much like his father before him, is nothing more than a propagandist, and too, also much like his father, is quite proud of that moniker. Therefore, ‘Commie Chris’ is worthy of nothing more than to be ignored. He calls it a brilliant performance by Joey. Was it “brilliant?” Hardly! But more importantly it was deceitful. The *president, by resorting to deceit to make his party look like a better choice for looking out for seniors, is counting on the ignorance and gullibility of the people who look to him for truth. That’s as sad and it is shameful. And the fact that we have a supposed ‘journalist’ so obviously taking sides, does no one any favors.

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