Wednesday, February 22, 2023


And so, slinking out from his little hidey-hole, we now have yet another RINO declaring how it is time for us all to be moving on from President Trump but, as is usually the case, he is more than a little vague when it comes to, exactly, what we need to be moving on to. Most likely it would be moving back to a time when RINOs would tell us whatever was needed to get themselves elected before then doing whatever they wished once safely in office. And to that I respectfully say, “No thank you!” Perhaps all of these Trump hating RINOs should throw their hats into the ring and let the people decide if we need to be moving on from President Trump.

But no, as usual, they’re far too gutless to ever do something like that. They would rather spew their anti-Trump drivel while standing safely on the sidelines. And you really do have to wonder about the level of desperation exhibited by these RINOs when it comes to attacking President Trump. And the more they open their mouths, the less they make any kind of sense. Case in point would be RINO Governor, Chris Sununu. You see it was Sununu who, this past Tuesday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Special Report,” hosted by resident NeverTrumper Bret Baier, said that Americans were “moving on” from President Trump in the 2024 Republican primary.

It was then that Sununu said, “The race for president hasn’t really started. No one’s really thinking that way. Remember, we’re just coming out of November of ’22. And, you and I are in this world talking about it all the time, but the average American, they’re dealing with inflation, they’re dealing with high housing prices, record debt at the household level.” He continued, “And look, my message to, about President Trump is we thank you for your service. Great, but we’re moving on. Americans are not in the mode of just settling. Right? We’re never going to say, ‘The best opportunity for tomorrow’s leadership is yesterday’s leadership.'"

He said, “We want the next generation. We want the next big idea.” I just don’t get this warped mentality that we see coming from these RINOs. So Sununu wants to go back to what, exactly? Trade deals that screw American workers? Wide open borders like we have now? So it would appear the Sununu prefers to keep things as they are right now! Anyway, Sununu went on to add, “The former president is kind of baked in. Either you are with him, or you are not. I don’t think anything’s going to get his poll numbers up. And as this race actually heats up and people start paying attention, there’s just going to be a lot of other options on the table."

And then it was Baier who said, “And for the people who say the more candidates get in – if you choose to – the more the chances are that the former president shoots the gap and becomes the nominee?” And Sununu responded, “So here’s the key. I don’t care how many get in. You got to have the discipline to get out. And that’s what a lot of folks did not have in ’16.” Note to Sununu and the rest of the country club RINOs: Don’t include us in your editorial “We're” crap! Many of us have already folded our tents and moved on from your kind. President Trump didn’t trample on people’s freedoms, and had effective policies that actually helped ALL Americans.

RINOs, like this jerk Sununu, like to call themselves conservatives but they most definitely are not. They do nothing more than push progressive policies, albeit a bit slower than Democrats on everyone, whether they’re wanted or not. RINOs like Sununu seem to have taken a page straight out of the Democrat playbook; repeat a lie often enough and loud enough and the sheep will eventually come to think it’s true. President Trump isn’t going anywhere. He will be the Republican nominee. And the Republican patriots on the ground (not in inside the beltway) are going to have to do everything in their power to see that the election process is as fair as possible.

Out here in the real world it’s going to be up to the citizens to decide for themselves as to whether, or not, it’s time to move on from President Trump. To be a RINO is to be blissfully delusional regarding your self-importance and relevance to those the real world. You can move whichever way you want Mr. Sununu, But WE are not moving anywhere. It is YOU who we are moving on from. We are fed up with you lying faux Republicans. Without a man like President Trump in the Oval Office our nation will continue to regress both economically as well as morally. And it’s become quite clear that the Democrats have no problem with that as do, apparently, the RINOs.

And those who make the claim that President Trump, as the Republican nominee, only increases the odds of Joey winning paint a pretty bleak picture of the American people, because if that is in fact the case then this country is already lost. President Trump, the man who made America energy independent, created a prosperous and growing national economy, secured our southern border, evened the playing field when it came to international trade and so much more. The Democrat agenda to hamper fossil fuel production screwed that all up. Inflation is the result, and the economy cannot sustain any meaningful growth. Is that what Sununu wants?

I feel pretty confident in saying that supporters of President Trump are not going anywhere. President Trump has already demonstrated what he can do and it is the removing of his policies that has put America in peril and making it into a shambles. He only has to show the plan, which he is doing, he doesn’t have to pump himself up or make promises because he’s already shown us that he keeps his promises. He not only keeps them, he kept in touch with us all though his presidency. The RINO power brokers are throwing everything out there in the hopes that something will finally stick. They just can’t deal with President Trumps connection to the people.

So, Mr. Sununu is free to move on if he wishes, that’s entirely up to him. But that said, there are MILLIONS of us who understand that President Trump is the only person who can destroy the rampant corruption in our government. People like Sununu who think they’re somehow entitled can go pound sand! For me, we have two choices; elect someone that will fight like Hell to get this nation headed in the right direction, or let the Democrats maintain power and increase the pain the nation feels to the point they are ready to standup and put an end to it. And those like Sununu do not speak for me, or the American people. I will be voting for President Trump.

All of these NeverTrumpers are the same, they think they can decide when President Trump is done. For folks who have been in politics their entire life they really have no clue about the political landscape. President Trump will be done when his supporters decide he’s done. Not when political punks like Sununu, Christie, Hogan or any other RINOs say so. Those buffoons have zero hold on the Republican Party. They have screwed over their constituents one too many times and their days are numbered. The shear audacity of these clowns that has them thinking they’re actually in a position to determine in which direction the party is going is laughable on its face.

And finally, I feel confident in saying that President Trump is not yet done. He earned his Presidency fighting in front of the American people. His second term will defeat the enemy from within and give the Republican Party a path forward. President Trump will show our children that freedom is NOT social justice but is, instead, the opportunity to succeed or fail according to the Constitution. He is the ONLY American that can get America back on track. It’s clear that 2016 was his time and his place just as 2024 will be. Others will choose to run, but they would better serve the county they claim to love so much by simply choosing to get behind President Trump.

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