Friday, February 3, 2023


So I ask you, is there anyone, anywhere, in all of cable news who is more worthless as a ‘journalist’ than is Jerry Rivers? I would argue that there is not. As proof of that I would offer up as proof this past Wednesday’s episode of Fox News’ ‘The Five,’ where it was that Jerry once again demonstrated what is his very obvious disconnect from reality and his total lack of ‘journalistic’ integrity. This latest appearance should cause most reasonable people to ask, “Why is it that this incredibly incompetent boob is still able to be seen anywhere on cable news?” He’s clearly a fraud and a fake, and rarely makes even a lick of sense. His opinions are nothing more than shit!

Might his only purpose be, at this stage of his ‘career,’ to provide nothing more than some level of little comic relief? I mean, I can’t imagine anyone actually tuning in for the specific purpose of hearing what it is that Jerry might have to say. And as I said, it was on Wednesday’s “The Five,” that Jerry went so far as to call *president Joey’s mishandling of classified material found in his home and office a “phony scandal.” And it was co-host Greg Gutfeld who said, “Connect the dots. This is an incredibly timely scandal when he decides to run for reelection. Which member of the deep state and setting them up? The same people that went after Trump or Nixon?"

Jerry said, “Maybe, maybe it was them. This is the incredible shrinking scandal. As I’ve said, there is absolutely no there there. We have been talking about this around and around, and now Vice President Pence famously is involved in the so-called scandal. This is totally political retribution.” Gutfeld asked, “But from whom?” And Jerry said, “Republicans.” Gutfeld said, “Really, how did the Republicans know about the stuff?” Jerry said, “Why is it we are talking about a document scandal with zero evidence and national security has been compromised, and we are not talking about the Paycheck Protection Program and the billions of dollars that were wasted?"

Jerry went on to add, “Why don’t we go after something American people care about? This is the librarian scolding the people who kept the books overdue. It is nothing to do with anything in American life. Not one family watching this today is affected one iota by the phony scandal.” Jerry, like Juan Williams, is nothing more than a shill for the Democrats! This is a bigger scandal because the chances are very good Joey’s friends in the Chinese Communist party had access to these documents. Personally, I’m not at all sure why it is that Fox News continues to have Jerry as a paid contributor. He has virtually no credibility and his arguments simply don’t hold water.

So I’m sitting here racking by brain trying to remember the last time that Jerry was actually right about something. And I keep coming up empty, and it’s to my way of thinking that old Jerry would be a much better fit on ‘The View,’ he constantly spews the same sort of drivel as that heard from those hags. As Jerry proves every time he’s on ‘The Five,’ he’s an arrogant, obnoxious, imbecilic narcissist, who pontificates and chronically gets his facts wrong. But we’re not to criticize him because he’s a ‘journalist?’ This guy is no more a ‘journalist’ than I am. And it’s anyone still waiting for Jerry to say something intelligent who will just have to keep on waiting.

The older Jerry gets, the dumber he seems to get. He claims to be a long-time friend of Donald Trump and even claims to be a Republican. But with friends like Jerry, who needs enemies? He portrays himself as some kind of proud Puerto Rican when by his own admission, and with a little research, you find that his upbringing was very different. Jerry has never been relevant, despite his near endless self-promotion. And once again Jerry is talking out the wrong end. Scum like Jerry are only concerned about a national security breach when it involves President Trump, where no evidence of any breach occurred while his documents under lock and key with 24/7 security.

I could never understand why Jerry was ever given any airtime just to prove over and over again how very wrong one can consistently be on every issue and about every subject. From his infamous Capone safe cracking caper to his foolish gallivanting around active shooting zones like some sort of faux junior G-Man, he’s really just a verifiable buffoon. And it’s totally irresponsible for Fox to provide him a platform from with to spew his lies. His creditability was shot a long time ago over the Capone fiasco. That said, I would think Republicans would want Joey to run because he’s on his last political legs anyway. Probably wouldn’t be mentally fit for one debate.

Jerry’s career was resurrected by Fox and now he ignores the obvious sins of the Democrats and has the gall to criticize those who oppose simply sweeping the Democrats’ crimes under the rug. Perhaps Fox keeps him on as a way to ‘balance’ out the conservatives, but he uses facts and arguments that are clearly bogus. Joey’s document scandal is obviously a very serious matter and should be investigated with the same level of ‘enthusiasm’ as that of President Trump. With luck, if the House does its job, we may eventually come to know much more about the level of damage that has been by the man who is our *president and members of his family.

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