Tuesday, February 28, 2023


As amazing as it may sound, it’s many of our Hollyweird celebrities who continue to persist in thinking that there are actually regular Americans who care about what it is they have to say when it comes to any given issue. It’s just all so weird that these same people continue to see themselves as being so much smarter than the rest of us when so may of them are clearly uneducated. And yet they persist, why? Do they seem themselves as special because they’re able to memorize words written by others long enough to regurgitate them in front of a camera? Hell, if you had enough time, you could likely train a monkey to do that. And yet they continue to lecture us.

And the latest in the string of narcissistic assholes to come forward and spew their drivel was none other than Bryan Cranston. Now I gotta be honest, were it not for his silly little stint on ‘Malcolm in the Middle,’ I wouldn’t even know who the Hell this guy is. So why is it that I should somehow care about what this boob has to say? I mean talk about delusions of grandeur! It’s amazing that in this group of dim bulbs we have so many vying to be the dimmest among them. All in the hope of finally being taken seriously. And I fail to understand why it is that these knuckleheads continue to be held in such high regard by so many people when they should simply be ignored.

So anyway, I’m pretty sure that most folks are, by now, likely aware that Cranston is far being much of a fan of President Trump, or his slogan, “Make America Great Again.” And it was recently that he was again provided a platform from which to lecture us. It was during an interview this past Sunday with CNN’s ‘Commie Chris’ Wallace, that Cranston argued that “MAGA” could be construed as “racist.” He said, “When I see the ‘Make America Great Again,’ my comment is, do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark?” Cranston said, “And most people, a lot of people, go, how could that be racist? Make America Great Again?"

He went on to say, “Just ask yourself from an African-American experience, when was it ever great in America for the African-American? When was it ‘great’?” He added: “So if you’re making it ‘great again,’ it’s not including them. So it’s to teach us, in the woke world, to open up and accept the possibilities that our privilege has created blind spots for us. And maybe I haven’t seen what is really happening yet in all my years.” Have you ever heard anything that makes any less sense? The arrogance to think, and to say out loud, that Trump supporters are all RACISTS is the height of kookiness. This guy should have laughed out of whatever studio he was in.

And it was also this same pussy who recently atoned for his whiteness while also advocating for putting limits on the freedom of speech. Cranston confessed to his “white blindness” and white privilege, declaring “I need to learn, I need to change.” People who hate President Trump are morons. He’s a good man. He cares about people and he loves this country. Any person who says otherwise is nothing more than a petty dumb-ass. So many lies have been told it makes me puke. If you’re buying into that you are not my friend, I’ll not buy your products and I will certainly NEVER vote for you. You’ve shown your true colors, and you’ve fallen short. You’re disgusting.

And apparently this moron also believes that limits should be placed on the First Amendment. He said, “There need to be barriers, there need to be guard rails.” Now I wonder, would those barriers also apply to him and his kind? Doubtful! Cranston clearly knows very little of what he speaks. President Trump did MORE for Blacks in America than any president in recent history, and yet this idiot seems quite happy to be either grossly ignorant, or just outright dishonest about it. And why is it that most in the black community don’t take advantage of all that is available to them. Might it be because they prefer victimhood which tends to be far more lucrative?

It’s amazing to see how truly ignorant these people are. Let me remind this dolt that it was under President Trump that blacks had their lowest unemployment rate in history. Unemployment for women hit its lowest rate in nearly 70 years. Nearly 7 million people were lifted off food stamps. Poverty rates for Black and Hispanic Americans reached record lows. Income inequality fell for two straight years, and by the largest amount in over a decade. The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in net worth. Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue-collar workers – a 16 percent pay increase. And that’s just for starters.

Seems to me he might be guilty of cultural appropriation for asserting he knows the views of all black Americans about what they actually think of America. Given how many are still coming to us from Africa and around the world, it seems to me many might disagree. As for the rest of us, I’m really tired of Hollyweird types telling us vapid tales of their views of morality or our generic need to evolve. Seems to me there’s a lot of need for ‘growing up’ everywhere. Cranston is, by all accounts, a pretty good actor, but I’m not his parent or friend and don’t really care what he thinks about the self-loathing agenda of leftist white privileged blind woke fools.

These spoiled, ultra-privileged people continue to think themselves worthy of being listened to. There are only two types of people support Socialism in the world. The very, very rich and the very, very poor. And it’s in Cranston that we have another woke actor commenting on politics. Devoid of intellect and someone who knows absolutely nothing about history. President Trump did more for minorities in this country in his first six months in office than all the other presidents combined. Ask this fool why his party voted against the Civil Rights Act. Ask this moron why the Democrats during WW II rounded up Japanese citizens and put them into camps.

Is not America the best place on the planet for blacks? Where on Earth is it better for them? America is accused of being a racist country, but they die trying to get to a racist country? Does that make sense? If I’m black I wouldn’t care how my ancestors got here or how they suffered, I would thank all of them that they got me here. Otherwise, I’d be living in Africa hating life wishing I could go to a racist white country. Blacks have had every opportunity to make something of their lives, but when they are more interested in blaming everyone else for the problems, they bring on themselves they’ll never have a good life, no matter what country they live in.

Personally, I think it would be fun to have a “Day Without White Men.” When we stay home, close down our businesses for a day and spend no money. I wonder what would happen if there were no white men working or employing anyone for a day or three. The assumption that Blacks can’t succeed without social welfare, Affirmative Action, and excessive patronizing from guilty white elites is far more racist. I’m convinced life’s successes, for any skin color, begins with a nuclear family. If that community avoids or rejects that prospect, then they are destined to relying on others to survive and will remain where they are - or continue their downward spiral.

It’s in Cranston that we have yet another mental midget from Hollyweird who thinks himself an expert in history. While he’s certainly entitled to his opinions it’s in my view that it was rather foolish of him to go public with his nonsense. He should stick to acting like the rest of those in Hollyweird. Perhaps all the money that he has earned as a white actor needs to be taken from him and given to all the non-white actors. He’s admitted his guilt so he needs to repay all those actors that should have been cast in roles instead of him. He admits he only got the roles because he’s white. He’ll sleep better knowing that he’s atoned for his white sins.

MAGA clearly isn’t about going back to pre-Civil War, or even pre-Civil Rights days. It’s about putting ‘America First’ and using our tax dollars to I build our own infrastructure instead of those of foreign countries. It’s about securing our own borders and stopping foreign invaders into our country instead of helping Ukraine with theirs. It’s about fair-trade deals with China, Canada and Mexico. And it’s about merit-based hiring and education enrollment instead of racist systems where one color gets preferential treatment. What these idiots will never do is interview a Black man, or woman, wearing a MAGA hat and ask them what they think.

I am so sick of those who construe. insinuate, read minds and outright lie about what those not part of their unique little clique are thinking! It is all part of their vicious tactics to attack, discredit, intimidate and ruin lives. It is despicable to convict those you consider opponents (or anyone!) with NO PROOF of wrongdoing! It used to be considered un-American! We used to believe in innocent until proven guilty because it created a healthier society and was the right thing to do. This social justice evil is simply mob rule with a Communist label. It is satisfying for people wanting to join a safe group to vent their suppressed hatred for other human beings.

It is destructive of society, which is the goal of people like Cranston. Pitting the masses against one another keeps them from uniting to do what benefits everyone ending the tyrannical dictatorship that the Leftist overlords want. Communism is exactly the opposite of what the label implies. Communism is spread by lies, manipulation, intimidation and death. It was the Communists who murdered 100 million of their own people in the last century and, make no mistake, they plan to murder far more in this one. Look at their history. Look at what they claim and what they deliver. Don’t be duped into believing their professional propaganda.

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