Friday, July 14, 2023


So when I recently heard that our illustrious Hollyweirdos had come together and decided to go on strike, I almost had to chuckle. I thought to myself, seriously, what do these morons have to go on strike about? They provide no service, they produce no real product, their sole job in life is to entertain, and it’s been of late that they haven’t even managed to do that all that well. They have decided that it’s far more important to lecture us on the evils of how we choose to live our lives than it is to simply entertain us, to help us forget, even for just a couple of hours, the trials and tribulations we’re forced to work our way through because of politicians they support.

Frankly, as far as I’m concerned they can stay on strike for as long as they want, because it will have no impact on my life. For people who are supposed to be so bright, they seem not to realize that they are simply not needed. I mean, it’s not like they’re electricians, plumbers or auto mechanics. These so-called entertainers are nothing more than the court jesters of the world, highly paid to pretend they are someone other than who they are by reading words that others, not they, have written. Pretty good gig if you can get it. And yet they continue to whine, give me a break! And if I may be so bold, they ceased entertaining us some time ago.

By the way, I’m quite sure no one is going to miss all the woke, propaganda and gaslighting. Nobody cares about their never-ending leftist propaganda. They’ve made themselves irrelevant, and their first clue should have been that nobody watches their idiotic award shows anymore. They hate mainstream America, those who pay far too much to see their crappy movies. Let the strike go on indefinitely, who cares! The government shutting down is like Hollyweird shutting down, suddenly people realize life goes on, they’re not needed. And here’s a question begging to be answered, If Hollywood goes on strike, and nobody actually gives a shit, are they really on strike?

And I’m already starting to panic, wondering how I’ll ever make it through without getting my required dose of LGBQT and all Black commercials, TV and movies. I think it pretty fair to say that the majority of society doesn’t really care if the entire ‘entertainment’ industry were to crash and burn, never to return. Is it too much to hope for that Hollyweird will simply implode, the ultimate ‘victim’ of having chosen to go woke, only to go broke? Are we now witnessing the snake eating its tail. Get your popcorn ready and stream to enjoy the gems of early television and movies that were bona fide classics, when we weren’t being preached to. Perfect!

Dear Hollyweird, were you delivering better products, instead of choosing to alienate half the country with your idiotic elitist viewpoints, you might actually have a few folks on your side. But nope, no one cares. You could have spent the last few years making movies that people actually wanted to see, but instead you took a far different path. You made movies that sucked and as a result have tanked. And still you persist, convincing those whom you rely on for your revenue to wonder about your priorities, is it to make a quality product or has it become all about lecturing us in attempt to have us fall in line with the leftist policies that you seem to ascribe too?

So now we have the writers of profanity and perversion not supplying the deliverers of their profanity and perversion any work because the actors won’t work. What a breath of fresh air. Hopefully this will be the last we hear form these chronic malcontents and victimologists, and wouldn’t that be nice. But I suspect that as soon as they realize just how unimportant they really are, and how easily we can live without their woke movies and television shows, they’ll walk back in and it will be as if none of this every happened. So what’s the point of Hollyweird anymore? All they seem to do, with very few exceptions, is to make movies that no one wants to see.

It should be easy for anyone with even average intelligence to see that the American people don’t want to watch all of the woke crap that continues to flow from Hollyweird day after day. And yet for some reason it continues. They have cheated their fans with their inability, or unwillingness, to produce good quality content that we all actually want to see. So, too bad, so sad! They’ve missed the boat and they’re circling the toilet into oblivion. Too late to fix this, few of us will be returning to our local theaters. Personally, I will never return. Hollyweirdos are overestimating their importance to the rest of us. Their best days are clearly behind them.

This is like our pampered athletes kneeling and whining about how tough they have it. Playing kid games and making millions, yet still bitching and complaining. None of them have ever worked a day in their life. I’m done with the whole lot of them, entertainers of every stripe, singers, actors, athletes, they’re all nothing but a bunch of whiney-ass crybabies. All of these butt wipes seem not to realize that they are the ones who need us to survive, it’s not the other way around. Hollyweird needs to be put out of business. Too much corruption, too many pedophiles, too many drug addicts, and last, but not least too much human trafficking by Hollyweird elites.

Hollyweird is in its death throes and with luck, this strike just might just be the final nail in its coffin. If you cannot sell your product for a profit, it doesn’t take very long for your business to go broke. And to demand more money at a time when folks have less and less disposable income, while still insisting on producing garbage, seems more than a bit selfish, even greedy. We are now told we will have no new junk from Hollyweird until they get their way. That sounds like the biggest empty threat ever. Maybe they can make a movie out of this. Only woke losers will lose any sleep over this silliness. Most of us have far more important things to worry about.

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