Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Isn’t it amazing this peculiar ability that every Democrat seems to have, that uncanny ability of being able to look at one of their own, see all of the corruption that surrounds that individual and to then simply look the other way. And yet when looking at any member of the opposition they are able not only to somehow see corruption where none actually exists, but to then demand some level retribution for this nonexistent corruption. But then, such is where things stand today in 2023 when it comes to members of the Democrat Party. Oh to be a Democrat and never be required to tell the truth, and to possess the luxury of never being asked to tell the truth.

Introducing Madeleine Dean, yet another Democrat dumbass. You see, it was during an appearance this past Tuesday on “CNN News Central,” that Ms. Dean, Democrat from Pennsylvania, said that while “there are questions that can be asked, and should be answered” about *president Joey B’s involvement in his son’s rather shady business dealings, “I don’t have any at this point.” And she claimed Republicans are “chasing conspiracy theories” by floating a potential impeachment inquiry against *president Joey. Dean claimed, “There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the President, and Mr. McCarthy knows that.” Right, Republicans are only “chasing conspiracy theories."

And so it was that co-host, and well-known faux journalist, John Berman asked, “On the subject of what could be a pending impeachment inquiry into President Biden, what questions, if any, do you have about Joe Biden’s connection to Hunter Biden’s business dealings?” And Dean proceeded to answer, saying, “I don’t have any at this point. But, certainly, there are questions that can be asked, and should be answered, if there was any connection. But we don’t see any evidence of that whatsoever. So, they’re making it up [out of] whole cloth.” Berman then proceeded to ask this genius, “And where would you learn that evidence, if not for an inquiry?"

Dean responded, “Well, sadly, we won’t learn it by way of our Judiciary Committee, which is now led by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). He’s Chair of Judiciary. And he’s proven himself to be very weak in the hearings that we have had this Congress. He’s just not hitting the mark on any of the things he’s trying to prove. And what is so dangerous is the willingness of Mr. Jordan and others on the Republican side of the dais in Judiciary to absolutely peddle in lies. They call all of our witnesses to swear to tell the truth. And yet, they peddle lies as they ask their questions. So, we’re not going to get good information under any kind of leadership from Mr. McCarthy or Mr. Jordan."

The Democrats may be about done with old Joe, after all, I thinks it safe to say he’s served his purpose. This isn’t a very strong defense of him and I have never heard of this backbencher who was likely sent out by more senior people who were unwilling to defend Joey. So cracks are beginning to show. But the Democrats will keep Humpty Dumpty together long enough to allow the Republicans to pull the last thread. That way the Democrats can claim to be innocent but, make no mistake, Joe will only go when the Democrats are ready for him to go. It may look like the Republicans pushed him out, if it happens, but we know it’ll be the Democrats that make it happen.

And so it’s from Dean that what we hear is another example of double talk, or of willful ignorance or some weird combination of both. With Democrats it’s getting increasingly difficult to tell. Personally, I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t even listen to them, what’s the point. They’re supposed to uphold the Constitution and our nation, yet they choose to uphold a criminal and his crime family. She reminds me of Mad magazine: “What, me worry?” She doesn’t have questions because doesn’t want to know. When Democrats are cornered, it’s racism or conspiracy theory. I know ignorance is bliss, but this level of ignorance in a member of Congress is disturbing.

Democrats have become so used to flinging shit at conservatives, they seem to have gone nose blind when they’re standing in a shit pile of their own making. And I think you can safely assume that you’re squarely over the target when the Democrats trot out some fourth stringer to squawk about it all being nothing more than a “conspiracy theory.” The only conspiracy theory here is believing that Joey was somehow not involved with Hunter’s questionable “business” deals. He was directly involved at all times and sold-out America to whatever foreign entity willing to pay the fee. Many millions of dollars and we have only seen the tip of the iceberg. This is no theory.

If Dean truly does not recognize the level corruption that has been taking place here or has made a conscious decision to tolerate it, or to simply ignore it, and for no other that because the culprit happens one of her own, then she doesn’t belong in the Congress. Even Democrats can’t flaunt such blatant bribe taking and corruption. or can they? If Joey is allowed to continue in office after all of this, then we are totally screwed as a country. Imagine, just for a second, if this was President Trump, would this moron be so casual about things? Would she be so willing to turn a blind eye? Somehow I just don’t think so. The gallows would have long ago been built!

This Dean character is obviously nothing more than a bimbo. She is another of those who prides herself as being a champion of the little guy, but is simply a fraud.  Anyone who doesn’t know anything about all the shenanigans perpetrated by ‘Joey and Son’ in the past ten years does not want to know about them. More than likely, they are getting their ‘news’ from the likes of CNN and MSDNC which together are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party machine. They wouldn't recognize real news if it was nailed to their foreheads. That Joey has allowed to remain in office is testament to how the ‘news’ media has failed to do its job.

And so if I understand this bimbo, Democrats want us all to believe that Hunter the crackhead was somehow capable of landing all of these great gigs and making millions of dollars all by his little lonesome crack self! But as that old adage says, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” And realistically, how is it that any of this lunacy can be anything other than than a Republican conspiracy? It’s not like there are smoking guns, recorded conversations or anything that can be called real evidence, right? These Democrats are nothing more than a pack of delusional liars.

Dean apparently doesn’t possess even a basic understanding of what the purpose of a Congressional committee hearing is. The purpose is to elicit the facts, to raise and to get answers to questions, to shed light on the numerous contradictions and information gaps, to conduct oversight, especially of the Executive Branch, and to inform the American people. These hearings are not intended to ‘prove’ anything, although criminal referrals might be sent over to the DOJ if deemed to be warranted. Unfortunately, Dean is typical of today’s Democrats, who seem to think of Congressional hearings only in terms of a grand jury at best or an inquisition at worst.

And finally, the ONLY reason Democrats are able to continually get away with their outrageous lies is because those in our ‘fake news’ media allow them to. Imagine if we had a bona fide ‘news’ media that was interested only in getting to the truth. How different would things be? Dean knows there is a mountain of evidence that the entire Biden family is profiting from the big guy selling influence, it’s not a theory, it’s a fact, a solid gold FACT. Hunter sells Joey like a whore and as a poor crack addict with a concerned father we shouldn't attack him. The only way this ever gets traction is if the media gets off it collective lying ass and reports what’s obvious to everyone.

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