Wednesday, July 12, 2023


The more these leftwing kooks shoot their mouths off, the more they reveal about their true selves and show the world just how stupid they think the American people truly are. They persist in their thinking that we’re all as stupid as those who routinely vote for Democrats, which you must admit requires one to have an IQ that rests firmly down in the single digits. Democrats continue in their effort to portray Joey as being the greatest thing since sliced bread and describe efforts to prove otherwise as being simply grabbing at straws. Take for instance Jamie ‘Rat-boy’ Raskin, Democrat from Maryland, and his comments from a recent appearance on MSDNC.

Now it was during that appearance, just this past Tuesday, on MSDNC’s “All In” that ‘Rat-boy’ Raskin argued that the country was “still in the thick of this fight to defend American democracy” from so-called kleptocrats like President Trump. And it was on the subject of House Republicans investigating *president Joey that Rat-boy came a bit unglued saying, “Really what we see is a grasping at straws in attempts to find something, anything to get at Joe Biden. Why? Because it is a massive distraction from the fact that Donald Trump had one overriding purpose for being in office and one overriding purpose for coming back into office. He had a moneymaking operation."

‘Rat-boy’ went on to say, “He converted the presidency into an instrument of profit maximization for himself and his family any wants to keep this grift going. So there’s gotta be an effort to bring down Joe Biden by putting him in the same category which is ridiculous and it is not convincing to the American people.” He continued, “We are still in the thick of this fight to defend American democracy and democratic institutions against the autocrats and the theocrats and the kleptocrats like Donald Trump.” Rat-boy added, “I am exactly where I need to be as the ranking Democrat at the Oversight Committee.” Funny, it’s when I think of kleptocrat that I think of Joey!

Anyway, he then said, “When we win the House back in 2024 and we will, I will be the chair of the Oversight Committee. I want to see this through. I want to make sure that we will w Another lying filthy Democrat... Not sure this man is a traitor like the majority of Democrats, but he is a liar and that is all I need to the House back and going all across the country to campaign for fellow Democrats.” Rat-boy claims President Trump wants back in the Presidency because he is a kleptocrat engaged in a money-making operation. But I’m curious, just what exactly IS this alleged money-making operation? And why is he not asked to backup his ludicrous accusations?

This dope clearly thinks that we’re all pretty stupid. He accuses President Trump of doing exactly what it is that Joey has essentially been doing for half a century and then just expects us all to believe his idiotic claims. So, as is usually the case, Rat-boy again has it completely ass-backwards, and on purpose. The Democrats are guilty of trying to destroy America and the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The mess involving an economy with trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on illegal immigrant gimmes, runaway inflation and criminals running free on the streets is all 100 percent attributable to the con job inflicted upon Americans by the Democrats.

And so, just when you think you’ve heard all the crazy talk, along comes this retard. Money-making operation? President Trump may be the only president ever to leave office with less money in the bank than he had when he entered. President Trump lost money as President, not to mention the fact that he funded a big chunk of his first campaign. No Democrat has ever done that, they get their money from all manner of shadowy sources, but that’s ok, they’re Democrats. I also recall he donated his salary to charity, Joey is known for giving nothing to charity his entire career. Rat-boy is nothing more than the poster boy for all that is wrong with the Democrat Party.

And so it is once again that we are made to witness Democrats doing that which Democrats do best, blaming President Trump for doing precisely what their guy Joey is, and has been, busy doing. These Democrats are all batshit crazy.  Absolutely and without a doubt. Rat-boy doesn’t make even a lick of sense and yet the media continues to provide him a platform. How do people vote for these insane Democrats? He’s perfectly described what Joey and his little crime family do while attempting to describe President Trump. What do you call it when somebody is projecting the behavior of one person or group onto another person or group? A Democrat!!!

Projecting: the unconsciously taking of unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. But what scares me is that I know people who will believe every word that this creep says, only because they are ‘good’ Democrats and have always voted Democrat. Too many have been indoctrinated, trained and conditioned to the core and no longer possess any semblance of an independent thought process. Anyone who believes the lies that these traitors continually spew are very firmly in the stupid column. Crawl back in your safe space. I’ll say it again, I have no sympathy for these pathetic traitors.

I won’t shed one tear for any of the traitors. I’ll leave that to others and the rest of the brain-dead liberals who buy the lies. Democrats just keep electing these low character shoe scrapings like Rat-boy Raskin over and over again. What does that tell you about the character and intelligence of people who insist upon voting for Democrats? They are no longer Americans in any way, shape or form. They live only to destroy the three pillars of our society in the form of God, family, and country to force us under the control of a world government that will control every aspect of our lives. Those who tout Communist China as being the perfect model.

Contrary to the claims made by Rat-boy, President Trump doesn’t need the White House to make money, unlike Joey who if he weren’t in politics would likely be living on the street. This is not about money for President Trump. It’s about his love for America and of all Americans. Joey is a multi-millionaire having made his millions by selling the rest of us down the river for the last 50 years. Anyone with more than one functioning brain cell can understand what’s going on here with the alphabet government agencies and persecutions of private citizens who have voiced their concerns about the dementia riddled puppet illegally squatting in the White House.

Despite all of the claims to the contrary coming from those like this scumbag Rat-boy, in reality it’s the majority of the American people who know for a fact that the Biden’s are corrupt because there is documented evidence. Rat-boy is a morally bankrupt piece of shit. He lies for a living. Everything he blames on President Trump is something that Joey has already done. The fact is President Trump lost money when he was President, unlike Joey, ‘Slick Willy’ and ‘BO who made millions using their political power. Rat-boy must be made to show us the proof of President Trump’s money-making scheme. Either show us the proof or shut the fuck up!!!

Rat-boy is just another of your basic, run of the mill propagandists. And as such is clearly unconcerned about honesty and truth telling. This is why people have no faith in our government. Here we have a member of Congress who lies repeatedly and is allowed to get away with it facing zero consequences. Rat-boy is one of the sleaziest, scummiest, lowlifes in all of Congress and that’s saying something. Joey is a con artist who has run an influence peddling operation for 50 years. All Rat-boy has on President Trump are suppositions, all manner of speculation and made-up BS with zero proof. We have plenty proof that Joey is a crook, and yet it all gets ignored.

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