Thursday, July 13, 2023


You know, something here just ain’t adding up. I mean wouldn’t you think that a guy who everyone, at least almost everyone on the left, is portraying as being nothing short of a genius and who has been called a brilliant leader when it comes to foreign policy, compared even to the likes of Eisenhower and FDR, would be absolutely soaring in every poll taken when it comes to his job approval as *president. But the funny thing is, he’s not. Not only is he not soaring in these polls, but he remains unable to even get that far off the deck, although some of these polls would seem to indicate that he has managed to get further off the deck than he actually has.

The most recent poll shows us that *president Joey’s public approval rating remains stuck at 40 percent in early July, close to the lowest levels of his entire presidency, defying White House efforts to further engage voter support. It was a Reuters/Ipsos poll that delivered the bad news for the president as he looks to make another run for president in 2024.The three-day online poll that asked Americans, “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?” and ended on Monday and showed a marginal decrease from his 41 percent approval rating just a month earlier, within the survey’s three percentage point margin of error.

The largest number of respondents, 21 percent, cited the economy as being their top concern, followed by 15 percent who cited crime or corruption. The slump has defied White House attempts to push a series of events aimed to reboot Americans’ dour mood about the economy. These would include touting the *president’s “Bidenomics” agenda even as critics suggest that nobody really knows what that means, much less what “Bidenomics” represents. But, let’s fact it, all of the silly gimmicks in the world aren’t going to alter how most Americans view an economy that now has them paying double what they were paying roughly two and half years ago for just about everything.

And if actually true, that 40 percent of Americans think that senile old Joey is doing a good job, then, my friends, I would argue that we have a much bigger problem than what’s going on in Ukraine. And I find the fact that anyone with even an ounce of commonsense, and a properly functioning brain, would say anything positive about Joey to be more than just a little disturbing! But that being said, old Joey thinks he’s doing a rather spectacular job, recently telling one of his counterparts that after he wins re-election he will be working with him another 5 years! Of course, he also quite often seems to forget where it is that he might be at any given time.

I guess it all depends on whether the government is financing you, or you are financing the government. Why else would anybody support a geriatric, senile, vastly corrupt machine politician? I suppose, if you’re a lifelong Democrat, there’s now Kennedy to consider, who at least seems to be rational, even if some of his Green policies would seem to rule him out for any sensible individual. But when you add up all of the Blacks, homosexuals, transgenders and the rest of the LGBTQXYZ123 people along with the liberal white morons who are hell bent on the destruction of their own race, that’s roughly 40 percent of the population who will still support Joey.

His approval ratings will likely never drop below this percentage until those operating from behind the curtain come to the conclusion that the time has come for Joey to be tossed overboard. Either because of the level corruption has become simply too difficult to further conceal, or Joey obvious mental issues that have him appearing to be totally unaware of where he is becomes too difficult to deny, or any number of things. You would think that there would come a point when the embarrassment becomes too great for even them to tolerate. But for now, I suppose Joey seems safe enough, but for how long? Because with Joey, each day is a new day.

The American people, although far fewer than 81million of them, knew what they were getting when voting for Joey, and apparently they were fine with that because at least he wasn’t Donald Trump. They actually looked forward to the socialism, the stagnation, the open borders, the rising crime, the skyrocketing inflation, the relentless, repeated efforts to circumvent and destroy the First Amendment and the criminalizing of political dissent that Joey would be bringing with him. What’s so astonishing, really, is not Joey’s low polling numbers; it’s that there is still anyone who willingly voices support for this dementia-riddled corruptocrat.

But even after all this time, it still amazes me that we still have people who would happily choose to vote for this pervert over President Trump. For some bizarre reason these people would rather continue to pay twice as much for everything, and I do mean everything, compared to when President Trump was in office. Are they that consumed by their hatred of President Trump? If so, there’s only one what to describe them, they’re insane! And my God, Joey is an absolute embarrassment on so many levels. From his bumbling and stumbling around other world ‘leaders’ to his being an outright pervert, there is simply no way to justify one’s continuing support of Joey.

Likely the only one thing that Joey can do to bring up his poll numbers, would be to resign! That he won’t do, at least for now. And besides, the decision regarding when the time has come for Joey to depart, it ain’t gonna be made by Joey. It will be made by those who are, as I have said, operating from behind the curtain. What you are going to see is going to be the biggest scam since Covid and global warming. Joey’s poll numbers will mysteriously start to increase thanks to “Bidenomics.” No other explanation will be given by the media and corrupt pollsters. They will have Joey back to 51 percent by November 2024 just in time to beat President Trump! Or so they think.

But then you know, I got to thinking. How can it only be 40 percent of Americans who approve of the job that Joey is doing? I mean, I’m sure everyone absolutely loves paying sky high prices for gas and food that now cost double what they did just two years ago. I’m sure it’s all across the country that Americans are now coming together to discuss just how great life is under the leadership of this outstanding human being. Joey is a wonderful *president and we should be eternally grateful that he is our *president. After all, where else could you find in one man so experienced and seasoned in wartime profiteering, racketeering, extortion, and treason?

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