Tuesday, July 25, 2023


If RINO Willard Romney is going to go Democrat, as has been rumored that he has talked about doing, then he just needs to go ahead and do it and shut the fuck up about President Trump! Either do it or stop his pointless attempt to have some impact on the Republican contest for president and his endless mission to sabotage President Trump. This guy just can’t let go of the fact that Donald Trump won, and he lost. He fails to understand that had he been a bit more Trumpish, and a little less wimpish, he might actually have won back in 2012. And had he won I doubt very much that Donald Trump would have ever become president, let alone even run for the job.

And yet Willard persists in his efforts to derail President Trump’s attempt to be re-re-elected. You see it was old Willard who has now called upon the Republican donor class to start pressuring those low-polling Republican candidates into dropping out of the 2024 presidential race so that it may make it easier to defeat President Trump. I am curious about something though, what is it about having less folks vying for the big prize that has Willard convinced that fewer folks would be voting for President Trump? Especially when you consider that all of those running, except for perhaps Mr. Ramaswamy, are nothing more than squishy RINOs. I’m just not seeing the logic.

Anyway, it was this past Monday when Willard issued his call courtesy of a Wall Street Journal op-ed. He said that the donor class needs to pressure candidates with no path to victory to drop out by February of next year at the very latest. Willard wrote, “Despite Donald Trump’s apparent inevitability, a baker’s dozen Republicans are hoping to become the party’s 2024 nominee for president.” And he then went on to write, “That is possible for any of them if the field narrows to a two-person race before Mr. Trump has the nomination sewn up.” Personally, I’m not quite sure what makes Willard think he is someone that anyone might actually listen to.

Anyway, he added, “For that to happen, Republican megadonors and influencers—large and small—are going to have to do something they didn’t do in 2016: get candidates they support to agree to withdraw if and when their paths to the nomination are effectively closed.” Willard said that such candidates will not drop out on their own due to the financial incentives as well as the increased exposure. He explained, “There are incentives for no-hope candidates to overstay their prospects. Coming in behind first place may grease another run in four years or have market value of its own: Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum got paying gigs."

Willard said, “And as former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu has observed, ‘It is fun running for president if you know you cannot win.’” And continued by saying, “Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries.” Willard further cautioned donors against believing in Republican leaders or campaign staff or campaign consultants, saying, “Donors may think that party leaders can narrow the field. Not so. Candidates don’t listen to party officials, because voters don’t listen to them either."

And he wrote, “And the last people who would ever encourage a candidate to withdraw are the campaign staff and consultants who want to keep their jobs for as long as possible.” Current polls show President Trump in the lead over his opponents, with Ron DeSantis as his strongest competitor. Other candidates, such as Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, and Tim Scott, have been polling in the low single digits. And so it’s once again that Willard makes painfully clear just which side it is that he is on. Instead of simply allowing Republican voters to choose who they want to be their nominee he works to manipulate the process because of his hatred of President Trump.

And you have to ask yourself, why isn’t he, instead, railing against Joey B? Look, we all know Willard essentially took a dive back in 2012 allowing ‘BO’ to pretty much coast to an easy win. And you have to wonder if that just wasn’t all part of the plan. Fast forward and now it would seem that he’s trying to help ‘BO” win what would essentially be his fourth term in office. Willard is a total fraud. He should have resigned in shame, long ago. He’s a horrible joke. And I would like to think that the good people of Utah have seen the error of their ways and when the time comes to decide whether or not to send his traitorous ass back to Congress, they will not!

Anyone the least bit familiar with this guy is well aware of Willard’s rather long history of being a backstabber. It was shortly after President Trump helped him gain his carpetbagger Senate seat, being born in Michigan, elected governor of Massachusetts before then being elected as a Senator from Utah, Willard proceeded to author a President Trump bashing op-ed for the New York Times. And Willard also voted the for the impeachment of President Trump, an act that was clearly nothing more than an exercise in political fiction perpetrated by Democrats in what was nothing more than an attempt to convince supporters of President Trump to abandon him.

And while Willard claims to be a religious man, he is clearly one of the most petty, most selfish, most jealous, and nastiest individuals you would never want to meet. The man is completely devoid of character. What a two-faced scumbag, he literally begged President Trump for his support in 2018 and has constantly back-stabbed him ever since. Willard is one of those old school country club Republicans who can’t stand the idea the Republican Party has transformed into the party of the working-class. Willard clearly has an overinflated sense of importance. He has zero following except for perhaps the few misguided souls there in his ‘home’ state of Utah.

Willard’s problem, in my humble opinion, is that he’s a narcissist who believes that a man that he considers to be so much beneath him was able to make it to the White House, when he could not. He doesn’t see President Trump as being as qualified as he is and has never gotten over the fact that he didn’t make it and President Trump did. But the scary thing is, is that Willard could have made it, but he simply chose not to. And most likely he may now be questioning the wisdom of that decision. But you know what they say, you can never go back. But instead of acting like a man he, instead, chooses to act like the crybaby that he is and will very likely always be.

I think we can all agree that while President Trump may not have succeeded in draining ‘The Swamp,’ he was able to drain it to where we all could very plainly see just who it is that’s been hiding in there. And sadly, it’s many of freedom’s greatest enemies that have become very well entrenched within the Republican Party, with many no longer even bothering to try to hide it. And it is Willard who seems to wear the moniker of RINO with a certain level of pride. The party is now in desperate need of serious housecleaning, but until the voters are aboard and decide to cleanse the party of those like Willard, of which there are many, not much is going to change.

And so if President Trump does in fact win in 2024 we will still have too many of these RINOs who will be willing to work with Democrats in an effort to stymie his agenda to “Make America Great Again,” just as we had during the first go around. Some of the worst people on face of the planet, are these milquetoast, loser RINOs, like Willard. Willard is nothing more than a paid mouthpiece. He’s another of those who have been assigned the task of doing damage to President Trump, to say, or do, whatever they feel they must to ensure that he does not get the Republican nomination for president. Thus far, Willard, and those like him, have achieved little success.

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