Monday, July 24, 2023


Can we all agree that if there is one person who knows more than a thing or two about being pathetic, that that one person would be none other than Nancy Pelosi. And I’m pretty confident in saying that one would be pretty hard-pressed to find a more pathetic individual anywhere on this big blue marble called Earth. And I only say that because when it comes to being pathetic, Pelosi takes things to a whole new level. But then, being a pathetic human being is something that is neither rare nor unique when one is a Democrat. Dare I say, I would argue that it’s a prerequisite. Think about it, have you ever in your life, met a Democrat who was not pathetic?

All which brings to this past Sunday and one of Pelosi many routine visits to CNN, this time to CNN’s “State of the Union,” hosted by one of the many resident bimbos there at the network, Dana Bash. And it was during this appearance that Pelosi made that rather idiotic claim that President Trump was a “puppeteer” making those who do his bidding “look pathetic.” Bad metaphor. Puppet’s actions are totally controlled by the puppet master. Puppets can’t be held responsible. They’re instruments of their master’s will. Those “who do his bidding” tend to make the conscious decision to keep following President Trump’s lead because they think it’s to their political advantage.

Bash said, “In a private call, the now Speaker Kevin McCarthy told the former president that he supported the idea of expunging Trump’s two impeachments but apparently he didn’t commit to bringing it to the floor for a vote. You oversaw both of these impeachment proceedings. What is your reaction to that notion?” Pelosi said, “The president was impeached because we had no choice. He had undermined our national security and jeopardized our well being of our country. I was very careful about bringing any impeachment forward. But when the president made that phone call in terms of Ukraine, there was no choice. We had no choice."

And it was Pelosi who then went on to say, “He must be impeached. Kevin is playing politics. It is not even clear if he constitutionally can expunge those things. If he wants to put his members on the spot, his members in difficult races on spot, that is a decision he has to make. but this is not responsible. This is not about the flag still being there. This is about being afraid. As I’ve said before, Donald Trump is the puppeteer, and what does he do all of the time but shine the light on the strings, these people look pathetic.” That Pelosi feels able to call out anyone as being pathetic should come as a surprise to absolutely no one!

And talk about undermining our national security and jeopardizing the wellbeing of our country, few have done a better job, and continue to do it better, than does anyone in the Democrat party including old Pelosi herself as well as Joey B. and ‘BO.’ This horrible excuse for a human being is a national disgrace. And I find it to be quite fitting that she represents that Democrat utopia known as San Francisco. Pelosi and her Democrat Party are little more than the worst form of a malignant cancer on America. And she is, without a doubt, one of the most corrosive and destructive politicians in the past 60 years, and a huge reason why America is in a state of decline.

You only have to get a visual on those that continue to elect this woman and you can understand that she is as deranged as they are. So anything that comes out of her mouth is pure nonsense at best and at worst nothing more than downright lies. But one thing you can take to the bank is that nothing that comes out of her mouth is going to have any resemblance whatsoever to the truth. Of course, the media is right there giving her every opportunity to voice HER concern without her ever being asked to provide anything that would back up her rather bizarre accusations. But then, might that not be the reason that Pelosi is such a frequent guest on CNN?

“Pathetic” says the woman who continues to hide whatever her husband had going on in the home invasion last year and who has profited for years from her insider stock trading. If we’re being honest, pathetic is tearing up the State of the Union address in full view of everyone watching the speech. I could go on but won’t because the list of her pathetic actions would take up far too much space. She is an enemy of the people, and she has again attacked us. Yes Ms. Pelosi, MAGA voters are unrepentantly deplorable for wanting law and order and upholding the constitution against liberal dictatorship, better than having the riot-burn-loot Democrat alternative.

But then what I think she might really mean is that the supporters of President Trump are wising up to the ongoing malfeasance that is known as the federal government. President Trump’s supporters no longer accept the word of these criminals as the truth anymore. She has benefitted from her office in any number of ways and, in short, she is pure evil. And so here we have another instance where a Democrat is permitted talk crap about President Trump instead of being asked about her own crimes. And again it’s by going on a network like CNN that she is likely comfortable in the knowledge that she will never be asked about her own many crimes.

And just how stupid does anyone truly need to be to listen to, or to believe any Democrat, least of all this hag Pelosi? They only care only about being the ones in power and will do, and say, anything including fabricating evidence and outright lying, to get rid of any opposition. Their opinion has no basis in fact. Democrats seek nothing more than to use their positions of power to enrich themselves. And without exception they are corrupt to their core, and they have the ability to lie with such ease, never really telling the truth. Pelosi and others in the Democrat Party are the ones who look pathetic every time they open their mouths to speak.

Look, when it comes puppeteers let’s talk about those operating from behind the curtain and pulling the puppet *president Joey B’s strings, the ones who give him his instructions. Pelosi claims that it’s President Trump who has repeatedly jeopardized our national security and yet Joey B. is the one who has taken millions upon millions of dollars in bribes from any number of foreign countries. And it’s Joey B. who is little more than a pervert, whose behavior has likely opened him up to blackmail the level of which that truly does jeopardize our national security. And we may never know what was given in return for all those millions upon millions of dollars in bribes.

Unlike Democrats, President Trump very clearly loves this country. When running for president he told us what he intended to do for our country if we gave him the chance. We did, and he made good on his promises. The Democrats feed false information to their dupes which they in turn then swallow hook, line and sinker. And it’s Pelosi, and every other Democrat, that projects what they are guilty of doing upon the opposition, but it doesn’t work as well as it once did. Democrats are forced to weaponize every agency, and even the courts, to advance their cause, while President Trump is forced to no such in order to get votes and to get the country behind him.

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