Thursday, July 6, 2023


Now I must admit that I’ve heard some pretty cockamamie excuses from the Democrats, and many in the ‘fake news’ media, regarding Joey’s dismal approval numbers, none of which place blame on Joey himself. But it was earlier this week that Jimmy Clyburn put forward the most bizarre of excuses yet. It was this past Wednesday during one of his many routine appearances on MSDNC, this time on “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” that Jimmy made the pathetic argument that *president Joey has a low approval rating because the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021 “soured the public.” I can only assume that Jimmy must think that we’re all pretty stupid.

And it was Mitchell who said, “Tell me about the president’s disapproval ratings and how you counteract that. He’s not getting credit for his economic achievements.” Economic achievements? What. like his record high inflation? Once again this bimbo removes any and all doubt that she’s about as far removed from being an objective ‘journalist’ as one can possibly get. But I digress. Anyway, Jimmy said, “No, he’s not. And a lot of it has to do with the fact that people are in a pretty sour mood. I have been just studying politics pretty much all of my life.” And what I find most remarkable about Jimmy’s comments is that he got through them with a straight face.

And Jimmy then went on to say, “I have been really taking a hard look at where we are today in the scheme of things, and comparing it to where this country was back in 1876 when the vision and the country was at stark then as it is now.” He added, “I’ve been saying for a long time, those people who put together the January 6 events, I think they studied what happened back in 1876 and how the election was thrown into the House of Representatives and how Rutherford B. Hayes became president of the United States by one vote. I think this is what they were trying to do on January 6.” This man is nothing short of disgusting. He is a Democrat, therefore he is scum!

This moron says we no longer have trust for our institutions and for our political leaders. Well, no shit Sherlock, and why might that be? Might it be that we’re tired of being lied to by our supposed political leaders, the same so-called leaders who have successfully bastardized those very same institutions. This pathetic old dolt would have us believe the events of over two and a half years ago are the cause of Joey’s plummeting approval numbers and not the insanity that Joey, with the help of those like Jimmy, have inflicted upon this country during that very same period of time? All that does is to make Jimmy appear to be dumber than even I thought he was.

Now I’m quite sure everyone remembers the ‘Summer of Love,’ back in 2020. A series of “mostly peaceful” events that resulted in: 35+ Dead, 2000 police officers injured, 120 days of violence, $2 Billion in damages and at least 1500 businesses destroyed, all of which that was actually condoned by Democrats like Jimmy. And yet it’s these very same Democrats who want us to believe that January 6 was the equivalent of 9/11!! Let’s be perfectly clear, January 6 was nothing more than a very elaborate scheme involving many government players pretending to be something other than what they were. Jimmy is nothing more than what we have always known him to be…a liar.

Jimmy implies that the public has been soured by the January 6 protesters, but it’s Joey who has soured the public! It’s not just the suspicious ‘election,’ Joey’s reign as *president has been a miserable failure and an unmitigated disaster on every front. From inflation to millions of illegal immigrants being allowed, even encouraged, to enter the country, international humiliation, archaic energy policy, the war in Ukraine, and so very much more. With everything done on purpose! Clyburn is one of the original race hucksters, and it is once again that he is quite content to claim that President Trump is the man responsible for the troubles face by the American people.

But could it be that a border that is non-existent, inflation that is robbing us blind, gas that has doubled in price, that we are on the verge of nuclear war with Russia, that China is eating our lunch, that federal law enforcement has become the Gestapo, Joe can't tell his wife from his sister or Iraq from Ukraine, that our public schools are more interested in freak sexuality than math and science, that Joey calls anyone who disagrees with him a racist, that our ‘news’ media is pure propaganda, or that the medical community have shown themselves to be dishonest and Hollyweird is full of groomers and pedophiles might be responsible for Joey’s approval numbers?

And so as is usual the case Jimmy’s got everything ass-backwards. What is “souring the public,” or more than likely, has already soured the public, is his party’s very aggressive promotion of all manner of perversion, generational dependence on government, self-proclaimed ‘victimhood’ and your constant whining. We are also tired of Democrats wiping their backsides with the Constitution and weaponizing bureaucracies as well as the courts to impose their lunacy upon the rest of us because they can’t get it passed legislatively. And the fact that they can so easily lie about it should make clear to the folks back home that they have no business in public office.

Ok, pop quiz!! Who among us is capable of naming one positive thing, just one, that Joey has accomplished during his entire half century in government? If you can’t think of one, don’t feel bad, neither could I. But what he has done, along with making himself quite wealthy, is to do his best to destroy our country. Despite Jimmy’s claim, Joey’s approval is low due to his record-breaking failure as *president, his failed ideology and his failed economy. Joey sucks as a *president, as we all knew that he would, and his covered-up family corruption is again realized by most of us. But those like Jimmy will keep coming out trying to point their finger in the other direction.

And too, because I’m just a simple guy, someone is going to have to explain to me how it is that what I’m paying for gas and groceries today versus what I was paying when Donald Trump was President can in any way be interpreted as “economic achievement.” Jimmy is nothing more than an inarticulate clown. Does he really believe that Joey’s pitiful approval ratings are due to the events of January 6th, or is it just another empty theory concocted for consumption by the party faithful. If anything, the public soured over patriots being locked in solitary confinement and with no constitutional rights. The majority don't trust politicians who lie.

But politicians will be politicians. We all know that the ballot boxes in certain states were stuffed with mail-in ballots. We also know that covid wasn’t an accident. The Democrats have figured out how to cheat during elections and how to cause issues that only they have answers for. The good, normal, hardworking, taxpaying moral citizens of this country lost their trust in Washington long before the events of January 6. We long ago soured on Democrat corruption and their rampant abuse of power. That and we have soured on the destruction inflicted upon this country caused by Joey. No, we no longer trust our government and with very good reason.

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