So I’m thinking that one of the very last guys that anyone really needs to be listening to, especially when it comes to President Trump, or any other Republican, is that creepy little pervert from Minnesota, Al Franken. But that certainly hasn’t prevented those in our ‘fake news’ media from dragging old Al out from under his rock and to get what his take might be regarding President Trump and the upcoming election. Not being a product of the left myself I do wonder why it might be that anyone might think it a good idea to invite a guy like this on to provide an opinion on President Trump. I mean it’s not like inquiring minds really care about this guy’s opinion.
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." ― George Orwell
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
So I’m thinking that one of the very last guys that anyone really needs to be listening to, especially when it comes to President Trump, or any other Republican, is that creepy little pervert from Minnesota, Al Franken. But that certainly hasn’t prevented those in our ‘fake news’ media from dragging old Al out from under his rock and to get what his take might be regarding President Trump and the upcoming election. Not being a product of the left myself I do wonder why it might be that anyone might think it a good idea to invite a guy like this on to provide an opinion on President Trump. I mean it’s not like inquiring minds really care about this guy’s opinion.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
First of all, let me just say that I am not now, nor have I ever been, all that impressed with Nikki Haley, neither as UN Ambassador or as governor of South Carolina. And if it is by some strange miracle that she turns out to be the Republican nominee for 2024, which I very much doubt, let me just say that there is no way in Hell that I would ever find a reason to vote for her. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nadda a freaking chance. And does she really think that the best way for her to win over supporters of President Trump is by sounding like a Democrat? I just don’t see that as being a winning strategy.
Monday, January 29, 2024
Democrats suck, pure and simple. And I say that because as we head deeper into this election season, the more noise we hear coming from Democrats about how all of their fuckups, and I do mean every single one, especially the outgoing fiasco at the southern border, are really not their fault. They are, instead, all the fault of, you guessed it, President Trump. And that would, of course, be because it’s they who operate under the best of intentions while the only thing that motivates President Trump is politics. We’ve been told that President Trump “doesn’t give a damn” about America or her people, but it would seem that the evidence tells a different story.
And it was another chapter of that story that was
revealed just this past Sunday by yet another Democrat. This time around it was
Chris Murphy, Democrat Senator from Connecticut. It was during an appearance on
CNN’s “State of the Union” that Murphy argued that President Trump wanted “to
preserve chaos” at the U.S.-Mexico border because he thought it was a winning
political issue. So President Trump wants to preserve Joey’s chaos at the
border? Of course, Murphy conveniently forgets to mention the fact that there
would be no chaos at the border if Joey wasn’t allowing it to happen. But it’s
that message that always seems to get lost in the translation.
Anchor Dana Bash said, “Do you have a deal?” Murphy
said, “Well, we do have a bipartisan deal. We’re finishing the text right now.
The question is whether Republicans are going to listen to Donald Trump, who
wants to preserve chaos at the border, because he thinks it’s a winning
political issue for him, or whether we are going to pass legislation which
would be the biggest bipartisan reform of our border immigration laws in 40
years and would give the president of the United States, whether that president
is a Republican or a Democrat, new, important power to be able to better manage
the flow of people across the border.”
He added, “We are sort of finalizing the last pieces
of text right now. This bill could be ready to be on the floor of the United
States Senate next week. But it won’t be if Republicans decide that they want
to keep this issue unsettled for political purposes. I was glad to hear the
president speak forcefully in favor of the bill. I am hopeful we will have
enough Republicans in the Senate who want to fix the problem at the border
rather than just do Donald Trump’s bidding. We will see over the next 24 to 48
hours whether that’s true.” Why is a person who has the power to actually fix
the border complaining about a private citizen who has no power to fix the
So here we are three years, and 10+ million illegal
immigrants, later and somehow our broken border is somehow all the fault of President
Trump. Democrats never take responsibility for any of the messes they create. Whether
we’re talking about the economy, the number of Americans who are homeless, skyrocketing
crime, the border, the wars, it matters not, it’s always someone else who did
it and is responsible for it. Even though they’re the ones who were in power
when it all went down. According to Murphy, President Trump wants to prevent this
latest border deal not because it doesn’t help the country, but because it
doesn’t help him. And that’s a lie!
Murphy is just another partisan fraud as well as a
liar. The border has been wide open ever since Joey took it upon himself to
reverse all of those policies that President Trump put into place to make the
border secure. It was Joey’s and Mayorkas' stated wish. Any Democrat who is
choosing to whine about border security at this particular time is doing so because
of the approaching election. It’s the Democrats who have made it a winning
issue for Republicans by ignoring it and facilitating it for four years. Murphy
has zero credibility. It’s shocking to me that the people making these idiotic comments
haven’t yet managed to strangle themselves tying their own shoelaces.
All of a sudden Democrats claim the border mess that
they created is all the fault of President Trump. The same guy whose request
for funding to build a wall they denied is now to be blamed for all of the
current chaos and stands accused of not wanting law and order brought back to
the border. If you believe this garbage, you probably don’t tip the IQ scale above
single digits. Joey’s method of ending the chaos, the one supported by those
like Murphy, would be by giving all of these illegal aliens free entry into the
country. And it’s President Trump who would create “chaos” by deporting the
illegals back to their country of origin, preferably by a catapult.
But I suppose we may be making some manner of
headway, in a weird sort of way, since we have a Democrat finally admitting
that there is chaos at the border. But that said, they’ve had three years to do
something about it and purposely chose to make it worse. And if President Trump
does not get re-elected the Democrats will still do nothing about it. President
Trump had the border problem solved. And it was the Democrats, Joey
specifically, who created the chaos when Joey took it upon himself to end those
policies that President Trump put into place. So you would think that the
solution would be a simple one, all they have to do is to go back to what
This new plan, which is claimed to be a bipartisan one
but really isn’t, allows Joey the discretion to slow the flow after seven days
of 5,000 plus per day illegals being released into the country. But that’s not
what Democrats really want, they want no limitations. All they want is more
money to transport and house millions more into the U.S. interior. But this
idiot makes it sound like Republicans are preventing them from closing the
border down. Additional funds to facilitate the invasion is not the answer. And
no intelligent person believes it is. Enough of the political games. Enforcement
of our federal immigration laws is the answer, along with a real, secured
Democrat politicians really do believe the American
people are ignorant rubes, that can be lied to and manipulated, with help from
the ‘fake news’ media, for political gain. Every single disaster since President
Trump left office is directly related to Joey’s lack of any kind of morals,
intelligence or cognitive flexibility. And does this guy Murphy really think that
the American people have such short memories? It wasn’t all that long ago that
the border was in much better shape. The Democrats are panicked because the
border issue is hurting them, and it’s all Joey’s doing. So that leaves only
one thing left to do, blame President Trump and the Republicans!
Look I have no doubt that the low IQ people among us
who vote Democrat will likely believe everything that this doofus says. That
said we do not need to create new laws to end the madness, all that needs to be
done is to put back into place those laws that we know worked, laws that were
in effect prior to Joey ‘taking’ office. Joey can stop it whenever he wants,
and with a stroke of a pen, but he simply chooses not to. Any why. Well, the
answer to that is obvious, to get those future voters. The ignorant,
indoctrinated Democrat sheeple don’t understand that Joey can fully secure the
border by himself, that he doesn’t really need a deal that includes amnesty.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
Anyone familiar with Joe Manchin, U.S. Senator from West Virginia, is also, most likely, familiar with how it is that Manchin takes great pleasure in portraying himself as being some sort of a moderate. And those familiar with this guy are also likely well aware that such claims made by Manchin are nothing more than a charade. A charade that Manchin has worked to maintain ever since first being elected to the Senate and in an attempt to keep the folks back home fooled into believing that his values, were their values. But over time Manchin has shown those folks that he is not like them, is not of them, as he has shown repeatedly just how much he hates this country.
As we head further into what is sure to be a crazy election season, I don’t think anyone is really surprised to hear some of the garbage that is already being spewed by those on the other side in their attempt to convince Americans that it’s is only they, and not President Trump, who are able to feel their pain. Pain, THEY have created! And they are able to say such things with a straight face, and never once are they challenged when making any of their insane claims by those who claim to be serious ‘journalists.’ It’s just further proof that the supposed ‘news’ media in this country truly is dead and those involved in it are no longer worthy of being listened to.
Friday, January 26, 2024
I feel pretty confident in saying that most sane Americans would have literally no trouble at all if they were ever to find themselves in the position of being asked who it might be that is the sleaziest individual in all of American politics. That would, of course, be the same guy who has overseen a mass exodus from his state with former residents of his state departing by the thousands and heading to all parts due east. And the same guy who took political advantage of covid. The same guy who personifies the sleazy politician and can safely be considered the poster boy for the Democrat Party here in 2024. So have I provided a sufficient number of clues?
I take it rather personal when some scumbag Democrat seems to think that the American people are not particularly bright. And suggests that we really shouldn’t really pay attention to what we’re seeing take place before our eyes but should, instead, pay attention only to what we’re told by those in the Democrat Party. Democrats seem to think that they should be able to say whatever they please and that we should believe them no matter what we may be experiencing in our own lives. They’re supposed to be able to talk and we’re just supposed to listen, and not much else. Because, you see, they’re just so much smarter than the rest of us.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
I think we can all agree that we would be hard pressed to find a more useless individual anywhere in government than John Kirby. Kirby has the rather uncanny ability to speak for as long as may be necessary and never actually say anything. And while I doubt he actually believes anything he says, he certainly expects the rest of us to take everything he says as gospel and to swallow it all hook, line and sinker. This guy has been spewing his bullshit since back in 2013 when Kirby was appointed as ‘BO’s Pentagon press secretary. And as I’ve said before it’s quite clear how he was able to make it all the way to Admiral, he’s what we used to call a butt-shark.
I think we’re all able to recognize how it is that when looking back at all Joey has done since becoming *president, Democrats have a tendency to look through what are some pretty strong rose-colored glasses. That said, what might these same Democrats be peering through when looking at the many bona fide accomplishments of President Trump? I only ask because it was MSDNC’s Larry O’Donnell who said this past Tuesday, during his network’s New Hampshire primary coverage, that it was a “very bad” night for President Trump. I couldn’t help but wonder, do these people wake up each day trying to figure out how to spin their warped reality into something believable?
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
So why is it, do you suppose, that it’s always those who reside on the left end of our political spectrum who seem to be so convinced that those with whom they disagree with politically somehow have it within themselves to knowingly vote for a politician who seeks nothing more than to become a dictator. Oddly enough it’s those on the left who have shown, repeatedly, that they are the ones who seem to have no qualms when it comes to doing just that. And it matters not in the least to them that those for whom they vote have demonstrated, and on numerous occasions, a willingness, even an eagerness, to place strict limitations on our freedoms.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
At the same time the RINOs are busy trying to separate President Trump from his millions of supporters, it’s Democrats like James Clyburn who are working even harder to prevent supporters of Joey from choosing to separate themselves from the ‘Big Guy.’ And it was on Friday’s broadcast of ABC’s “GMA3,” that Clyburn, Joey’s 2024 Campaign Co-Chair, took the opportunity to blame Joey’s poor numbers among young black voters on “a lot of misinformation going on out here. There are a lot of things being said that [are] just not true.” Yes, Mr. Clyburn, there is a great deal of misinformation, but unfortunately, most of it seems to be coming from Democrats.