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While Hitery's favorability rating in February was 61 percent, newly released Quinnipiac University poll out just today, Friday, has it now down to 52 percent and her once double-digit lead over her potential GOP presidential challengers Jeb Bush and Sen. Rand Paul has been cut to less than 10 percent. Frankly, I can't even imagine that we're talking about electing yet another Bush. But then I suppose anyone would be better than another Clinton. I think that if Hitlery were to be elected, I'd seriously begin to consider dumping my U.S. citizenship and taking my entire family to someplace like Belize or Costa Rica. Because it that were to happen, this country would no longer be America.
Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipac University polling Institute said, "Her score is down substantially from her all-time high score in February. The drop in her favorability is substantial among men, Republicans and independent voters. One reason for her drop may be that 48 percent of voters blame her either a little or a lot for the death of the American ambassador in Benghazi." The drop in her favorability rating follows a series of GOP-led congressional hearings into the State Department's mishandling of the Benghazi affair. More are planned and lawmakers have demanded that Clinton's top political aides at State appear to testify. She cannot be permitted to hide.
Still, this pathological liar and accomplice to the murder of four Americans remains the Democrat's best chance to succeed Barry "Almighty" in the Oval Office. In matchups with the leading Republican hopefuls, Clinton beats Paul 49 percent to 41 percent and Bush 48 percent to 40 percent. 'Slow Joe' Biden is her chief rival, if you can really call him that, for the job. But in the new poll he loses to Bush by six points and Paul by four points. Democrats, being the bottom feeders that they are, I'm sure will have no problem whatsoever overlooking the fact that she stood quietly by on the sidelines as four of their countrymen were butchered, if it means getting another progressive in the White House.
Democrats, as a whole, are really a rather pathetic lot. They have a rather peculiar set of priorities and possess no core principles. And nearly to a person you'll find that most possess what can only be described as a strong dislike for this country, one that borders on hatred. And while I'm not sure why that is I can only assume that it's because if one expects to succeed, then one must be willing to work. And for most Democrats, at least the majority that I've come in contact with, work is nothing more than a dirty four letter word. And for some bizarre reason Democrats seem to be of the opinion that they are deserving for no other reason than because they…'are.' It's really quite remarkable.
And therefore even with someone like Hitlery, It doesn't matter to Democrats that she is both a failure as a leader but also as a human being. What's remains most important is that she, if elected, would continue the policy of robbing from those who choose to work, only to give what was taken to those who, well, would just rather not. Whereas anyone on the Republican side would be far more likely to have a slightly different approach to things that most Democrats would likely find objectionable, even offensive. Let's face it, today we have nearly 68 Million people dependent on the federal government. That means 1 in 5 Americans (21.8%) receive some level of government assistance.
America is a nothing if not a product of it's citizens. And as mentioned earlier we now have 68 Million people who have no problem living off the rest of us and, most of whom, would be only too happy to elect someone who's willing to keep those checks coming even at the expense of taking all of us over the cliff. And if that were to happen there's not much the rest of us could do but either go over the cliff, or choose to abandon this once great and proud ship called America. It's sad really that so many Americans, today, have made what appears to be a conscious decision to cede or forfeit all that what being "American" used to signify. And for what, really? I just don’t get it.
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