Sunday, September 7, 2014


It was two years ago that four Americans were simply left to die in Benghazi. While not only were their calls for assistance left unanswered, worse still those that could have helped were told to stand down. And why was it that these men were left to die on foreign soil? The answer to that is a very simple one. To have sent in help would have been an admission by Barry "Almighty" that the terrorist group that he had claimed had been decimated or forced to go on the run, was still very much alive. And at a time he was quite busy trying to get himself re-elected. So these men were not the priority.

But Barry wasn’t the only one to play a role in the death of these four men. Men who we were repeatedly told died because of some anti-Muslim video. Long after the fact we were finally told by our then Secretary of State, and future Democrat Party presidential candidate, Hitlery Clinton, that it really made no difference why it was that these men were left to be murdered. We were also told, repeatedly, that the perpetrators would be brought to justice, and yet two years later we’re no further ahead in doing just that than we were back in 2012.

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