Saturday, December 12, 2015


Let me start by saying that I am not one of those die-hard Donald Trump supporters.  While I actually like, even agree, with much of what he says, my issue is, and always has been, trust.  Can I trust him to follow through, or is he simply saying what many people want to hear?  I can say, with some certainty, that he is not the candidate for whom I will vote in the my state’s primary, on that I remain undecided.  And I do not view his supporters as being crazies, Nazis or anything other than people who are pissed off and tired of getting screwed by those in power.  Which brings me to something written by someone named Olivia Nuzzi in something called The Daily Beast, a publication that I must admit I am completely unfamiliar with.

And it was in writing one of the oddest pieces of this already-bizarre election cycle, targeting 2016 Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, that she spoke to some of Trump’s donors.  And here is what she found, in a piece entitled, “Donald Trump’s Donors Asked Me If I Was Muslim”.  She writes, “I met the 9/11 truther, the man who believes Trump has great intellect and his bold pronouncements are just showbiz, the concerned gentleman who said I could be murdered tomorrow in a supermarket, the hot tub salesman whose mind-controlled girlfriend was killed by the Illuminati, and the father of the donor who didn’t want to talk, who asked me to recite the Lord’s prayer to prove I’m not a Muslim.”

So there, you see? I assume the point she is trying so desperately trying to make is that while Trump himself may not be totally insane, some, if not most, of his supporters most certainly are. Therefore, he has to be considered as being insane it only makes sense.  And also, he may not be a total Islamophobe, but again some, even most, of his supporters certainly are. Therefore, he too MUST also be considered as being an Islamophobe.  Now of course, Ms. Nuzzi believes Trump is all of these things already, and more.  She goes on to write in this rather bizarre little piece that, “It’s never been a secret that Trump is a racist, a bigot, a xenophobe, an attention whore, and a bad speller.”  Wow, even a bad speller?

But she adds,“[T]o say Trump and his supporters are cut from the same cloth would be to miss a more important point. Trump is not paranoid and he is not scared, he is merely stoking the paranoia and fear in others to his own benefit. He is exploiting the paranoia and the fear of the people who send him their money, or attend his rallies, or defend him on Twitter. They are not elites. They don’t have big buildings or golf courses or book contracts or TV deals to lose. And they can inspire sympathy, even when they sound just like Trump, which they often do.”  So you see, Trump is not only evil, he’s a manipulator of the stupidly evil. And you can tell how bad Trump is by asking the people who give him money.

I always have to laugh, actually I wish I could laugh, at the painfully obvious bias that takes place daily in the state-controlled media.  And I’m assuming that ‘The Daily Beast’ is seen as being part of the media.  If not please excuse my ignorance, as I said, except for this piece to which I am referring, I know very little about this publication.  But can’t what is being said about Trump, be said about any candidate and their supports.  I mean there are any number of YouTube videos that paint a pretty clear picture if the intelligence of those who voted for Barry and who intend to vote for Hitlery.  And if Ms. Nuzzi really wants to go down that road I would be only too happy to join her.  But somehow I think she’d rather not.  

But let’s get a bit more specific here, shall we?  Let’s take a look as some of those who were some of Barry’s biggest supporters.  Those whom our stalwart members of the press, such as Ms. Nuzzi, essentially chose to pretty much ignore.  Characters whom, had they been supporters of either John McCain or Mitt Romney we would have heard about ad nauseam from the time these men declared their candidacy right up to, and including election night.  But since these rather slimy individuals were supporters of our first black president we heard…nothing.  Not so much as a peep.  Unless, of course, you happen to tune into Fox News or were a regular listener of Talk Radio.  If not, you knew nothing about any of them.

Now if we are to accept the premise Ms. Nuzzi attempts to put forth here, it’s only those on the right who should be questioned about their supporters.  Those on the left, why there are nothing if not as pure as the wind driven snow.  But the truth tells a far different story.  One much darker, even bordering on sinister.  Because first on our list is none other than bomb-thrower Bill Ayers. In 2013, the former Weathermen Underground domestic terrorist admitted that Barry held a fundraiser in Ayers’ living room. Ayers was responsible for a major bombing campaign from 1970 to 1975, and has said that he would do the same today if given the opportunity.  But when Sarah Palin accused Barry of “palling around with terrorists,” she was widely excoriated.

Next we have a couple of supposed men of God.  First is ‘Calypso Louie’ Farrakhan. In 2008, the wildly anti-Semitic and racist Nation of Islam leader said of Barry, “The Messiah is absolutely speaking.” Speaking to a crowd, he stated, “You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth….Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way.”  Next is Jeremiah Wright. The infamous “God damn America” pastor was the inspiration for Barry’s book Audacity of Hope. But when Barry pretended he heard nothing controversial after sitting in Wright’s pews for 20 years, the media played right along.

Next we have the more than a few convicted felons who have been supporters of Barry.  You might recall how it was the Barry got a sweetheart of a deal on a parcel of land from real estate scam artist Tony Rezko, and Rezko raised money for Barry when he ran for Senate. In fact, Rezko and his friends contributed over $120,000 while Rezko was being targeted by the FBI. Barry also raised money from bank fraud convict Courtney Dupree; assault convict Willie Shepherd; and $200,000 he had to return from the American relatives of a Mexican businessman on the run from the law.  Now I’d like to think that none of this is really news to Ms. Nuzzi since I sure she sees herself as being a responsible journalist. But somehow I doubt it.

Oh, and let’s not forget Barry’s Palestinian Donors in The Gaza Strip. Barry received almost $30,000 in campaign donations from the Hamas-run Gaza Strip in 2008. The brothers who gave the money, Monir and Hosam Edwan, said that they supported Barry because he would force Israel to surrender to Palestinian terrorism.  Nor should we forget the many foreign Donors, Including China. According to the Government Accountability Institute, Barry’s re-election campaign didn’t stop the influx of foreign money into election coffers. According to the report, from Peter Schweizer, Barry’s campaign explicitly refrained from utilizing basic donation security measures that would have precluded such giving.

But look, those listed here are but a few of Barry’s major donors. That rogues gallery is just the tip of what is a very substantial iceberg. This bunch makes Trump’s supporters look like members of the Salvation Army. And that’s just the people who gave significant money. How many of Barry’s supporters actually believe that Republicans all hate Barry because they’re racists, that Jews control world economics, or that vaccines cause autism?  When talking about Trump’s supporters all that can truthfully be said is that they are people who are scared.  They are scared they are losing their country, they are scared of a government that has grown too powerful, and they are scared there is nothing they can do about it. 

And I fear that I would be remiss if I failed to at least mention Hitlery Clinton and some of her more questionable donors and supporters.  For instance the many questionable donors to the ‘Clinton Foundation’. As has been widely reported, Hitlery’s foundation took cash from virtually every corrupt regime on the globe, including Algeria, Kuwait, Qatar, and Oman. And add to the fact that ‘Slick Willie’ was invited by multiple human rights violating regimes to speak for what turned out to be reams of cash. As Schweizer has documented, Hitlery and the ‘Slickmeister’ essentially used the Foundation as a cash cow, raking in dough in violation of ethics agreements made with Barry’s administration.

And of course we again have the felons. Back during ‘Slick’s’ first administration, he infamously pardoned Marc Rich in the hours before he left office. It was no coincidence that Marc’s wife, Denise, had given $1 million to the Democrat Party and $100,000 to Hitlery’s Senate campaign.  And then there’s China. In the first Clinton go-around, the Clinton administration worked with agents of China to raise cash for ‘BJ’s’ re-election. At approximately the same time, the Clinton administration released millions of pages of data on America’s nuclear weapons program. No wonder former Chinese intelligence official General Ji Shengde told illegal fundraiser Johnny Chung, “We like your president. We want to see him re-elected.”

So again what we’re seeing in the case of both Barry and Hitlery is just the tip of the iceberg. And the reason that that remains the case is because we continue to have a state-controlled media that is guilty of nothing less than journalistic malpractice.  And you can take to the bank that as the current presidential campaign moves forward there will be very little mention made, except in very close circles, about the support that Hitlery continues to get from Hollywood depravities like Lena Dunham (admitted to sexually abusing her sister, falsely accused a man of rape) or Black Lives Matter radicals or even the Communist Party.  But we can certainly tar Donald Trump by interviewing some nutty supporters, right?

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