Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Well it would seem that the Democrats, despite all of the claims made by Barry, Nancy, ‘Dingy Harry’, and any number of other luminaries of the left, may be running out of things to talk about as we slog along through this current election season. After all, we already know that Obamacare is unlikely to be a hot topic of discussion, at least by the Democrats. And now Democrats running in this November’s midterm elections are being advised to avoid using the phrase "economic recovery" as a big selling point. Especially since their core constituencies, which includes women, blacks and Hispanics, are not exactly feeling the uptick.

According to an April memo from a group of Democrat schemers said to include such folks as ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton’s political strategists, James Carville and Stanley B. Greenberg, "As a start, Democrats should bury any mention of 'the recovery.'" The memo instead encouraged Democrats to zero in on a more "populist message comparing the fortunes of the top 1 percent with the struggles of everyone else." In other words to simply resort to those tried and true tactics of the past of simply making shit up and hope that a majority of voters will be stupid enough to fall for it. After all, Barry’s ‘economic recovery’ exists almost solely on paper.

And for proof of that fact one really need look no further than what transpired over the course of Barry’s first term in office. Because what we saw at the end of that little sleigh-ride to Hell was that the mean income had declined 4.5 percent for black households, 4.2 percent for Hispanic households and 2.2 percent for white ones. And it was during that same period of time that pretax income for the top 1 percent had skyrocketed by 31 percent, compared with just 0.4 percent income growth for the remaining 99 percent. And all was a direct result of the policies that were put into place by the socialists who still remain pretty much in control.

We’re told that the economy has seen a supposed decline in unemployment figures, which in reality is nothing more than a product of some pretty creative math as well as some impressive use of smoke and mirrors. And while there has also been some promising stock market activity that too, upon closer inspection, is built on rather shaky ground. And it was Carville who stated in a recent interview, "There’s a recovery for some people, you know, and other people, not so much." He went on to compare today’s economic climate to 1994, when the GOP walloped Democrats at the polls even though the economy was "clearly in recovery."

Though the unemployment rate for women has declined from 8.1 percent in the 2010 midterms to 5.7 percent today, that progress is very clearly nothing more than a mirage. Because when delving a bit further into the numbers it quickly becomes very obvious that the number of women with jobs compared with the total female population is worse than it was in 2010. The reason? A "disappearing work force: people giving up and dropping out." And it was in February that the black unemployment rate stood at 12 percent, compared to 5.8 percent for whites. But both numbers are about as far removed from reality as you can get.

Underemployment, or those who are unemployed or working part-time jobs while desiring full-time work, is 20.5 percent for blacks, 18.4 percent for Hispanics and 11.8 percent for whites. And it has been reported that more than seven million Americans report holding more than one job, up from 6.7 million in 2010. And although I have a hard time believing it, it has been reported that support for Democrat congressional candidates has plummeted, from 93 percent to 77 percent, among black voters just since the 2012 presidential election. These folks really have no one to blame but themselves, they all voted for Democrats.

And yet, as bizarre as this may sound, despite all of the evidence that proves just how thoroughly the policies that Barry and the Democrats have put into place have failed, and continue to fail, it seems that a majority of Americans STILL have more confidence in the Democrats when it comes to handling the economy. So what else is it that needs to take place before these folks will finally come to realization that socialism simply does not work. It has never worked, anywhere. So will this so-called populist tact work for the Democrats come this November? I’d like to think that most Americans will be able to see through it, but one just never knows.

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