Friday, May 23, 2014


I feel fairly confident when I say that Democrats, as a whole, have a very low opinion of those who have served, or continue to serve, in our military. And as if we needed any more proof of that fact we got some just yesterday. You see, it was a Republican attempt to pass a bill making it easier to fire Veterans Affairs (VA) officials responsible for an ‘allegedly’ deadly delay in care to sick vets that was blocked in the Senate by, you guessed it, the anti-veteran Democrats.

And this was done despite efforts by individuals such as Sen. Marco Rubio who was said to have pleaded for quick approval of the House measure passed Wednesday so that it could then be sent on to Barry "Almighty", who really doesn’t care all that much for those who serve either, for signature before the Memorial Day recess.. But it was just not to be thanks primarily to that Socialist from "The Green Mountain State", Bernie Sanders, who chose to slam on the brakes.

It was this piss-poor excuse for a public servant who said, "Some of us are old-fashioned enough to know that maybe folks in the Senate might want to know what is in the bill before we voted on it." He went on to say, "I do not want to see an enormous amount of paperwork and obstruction go forward before we can get rid of incompetent people. But before we vote on legislation, it might be a good idea to understand the full implications of that legislation." Excuses is all we get from Democrats.

Bernie, who also, rather ironically, happens to be the chairman of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee, said he'd see about holding a hearing on the bill but unfortunately that would have to wait until the Senate returns in late June. I guess he’s holding out for a few more vets to die. ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid said the House bill was "not unreasonable," but would wait for Sanders to plot its course, adding: "I don't think we should wait around for a long time." What an asshole!

Boehner was incensed and rightfully so. He said, "As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I am disappointed, and — frankly — shocked that Senate Democratic leaders chose to block legislation that would hold VA managers accountable, which passed the House with strong support from both parties." He added, "As we head home to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, it's fair to ask why Senate Democrats won't stand up for more accountability?"

Mitch McConnell also was annoyed at the political blockade established by the Democrats. McConnell said, "I was surprised to see Senate Democrats block this important, bipartisan bill. There's no reason for us not to pass it quickly here in the Senate. And the President should call for its passage right away too." And it was House member Rep. Jeff Miller, Republican, who said "given the VA's continued pattern of stonewalling, there is good cause" for quick passage.

And on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program, it was Democrat ‘Little Dick’ Durbin who made it quite clear that he, too, isn’t really bothered all that much by the plight of of our veterans. He said firing Shinseki wouldn't solve the VA's problems. This asshole said, "It is easy to point fingers of blame and say if one person goes, that will solve the problem. It is more than that." He added, "It is an overwhelming challenge to a system, but a promise that we've made that it is going to work."

And like the true piece of sh!t that he is, it was ‘Little Dick’ Durbin who in an attempt to prove that he is every bit the imbecile that we all know him to be, was the first to blame the entire VA fiasco on George W. Bush. I can’t help but wonder if Democrats feel they can get away with this type of behavior because this is not a big issue for those who vote for them. But veterans have fought for all of us, including the morons who vote for Democrats. And we should ALL be outraged!

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