Thursday, May 22, 2014


Apparently a Durham, North Carolina restaurant with a sign on its front door reading, "No Weapons, No Concealed Firearms," got itself robbed at gunpoint back on May 19. And try as I might to work up a little sympathy for the owner of this fine eating establishment, I’m just not feelin’ it. Because as far as I’m concerned, they brought it all on themselves.

I’m told that it was a website by the name of that published a photograph of the sign on May 21, making "The Pit" restaurant a self-declared gun free zone--the same kind of zone that Michael Bloomberg and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America are doing their best to pressure other restaurants into becoming.

According to Durham's ABC 11, around 9 PM "three men wearing ‘hoodies’ entered the restaurant through the back door with pistols, and forced several staff members to lie on the floor." The armed men "also assaulted two employees during the crime." The suspects appear to be still on the loose, perhaps on the lookout for other such gun-free restaurants to rob.

I’m sure most are now quite familiar with the fact that Chipotle recently announced their intended gun ban by saying the sight of law-abiding citizens carrying guns caused customers "anxiety and discomfort." And it was shortly thereafter that Breitbart News responded with what was a very simple and straightforward question.

The question was: If law-abiding citizens caused customers "anxiety and discomfort," what will those customers feel like when a criminal enters Chipotle, now confident that no victim in the restaurant is allowed to have a gun with which to fight back? Perhaps the armed attack on "The Pit" can be of some help in answering this very basic question.

All this talk of ‘gun free’ zones sounds good, but no one seems to take into account all of those unintended consequences that always raise their ugly head. I mean it doesn’t, or at least it shouldn’t, take a rocket scientist to figure out that the first place that any robber is going to go is somewhere where they KNOW there will be no one with a gun. DUH!

Come on folks, just how stupid does someone really need to be to put a sign like that right on their front door? Might as well have a sign that says, "Come on in and rob us!" How is it that these days we have fewer and fewer people who possess any amount of commonsense? Because who in their right mind would ever think such a sign was a good idea?

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