Friday, May 16, 2014


Well it would seem that we have yet another Democrat willing to praise Red China, at least in the way it educates its young. None other than Sen. Patty Murray has come out and praised Red China’s eagerness to invest in early childhood education. She made her comment at an economic summit in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. But in so doing she also oddly enough neglected to mention anything about how literally millions of children are either killed or denied an education under Red China's "one-child policy." I’m sure it was just an oversight, I mean it couldn’t have been anything else, right?

But anyway, Murray said, "China today is investing heavily in early childhood education." And she went on to say, "This is actually a no-brainer. Fifty years of study shows that investing in early childhood education means we have a workforce who has the skills that they need, that can grow the economy, we have fewer people in jail, we are much more secure." Ah yes, spoken like a true utopian believer as well as a useful idiot. But the workforce of which this moron speaks has now shrunk by 12 Million in just the last 5 years because most can’t find a job, because of policies that she herself has supported.

But human rights activists such as Ms. Reggie Littlejohn, founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, say that Red China’s population control policies actually deny an education to some children, and that millions more never have a chance to be educated at all because of forced abortions. She said, "It is ironic that Sen. Murray would hold up China as a shining example of early childhood education while ignoring the fact that China has prevented 400 million children from being born—too often by forced abortion under China’s one-child policy." Yes, ironic indeed.

Ms. Littlejohn went on say, "In addition, the Chinese government has denied countless millions of children the right to an education and healthcare if they are born without birth permits." And she continued,, "Children born without official permission are denied hukou, or household registration. They become illegal aliens in their own country." Adding, "In addition, the Chinese government will deny the children of dissidents the right to education." So of course, I don’t suppose we should be all that surprised by the fact that none of this was mentioned by a Democrat senator.

At the 2014 Fiscal Summit, entitled "Our Economic Future," CBS correspondent Nancy Cordes asked Murray to explain her thoughts on education spending and its role within the American economy. After singling out Red China as an economic competitor that America should emulate, Murray emphasized the positive effect that investment in early childhood education has on a nation’s economic wellbeing. She said, "We are doing the exact opposite as China and some of our other future competitors, by undermining all of our education system today by using it to help solve our fiscal problem."

Look, our education system sucks because it has been shanghaied by progressives like Murray. No longer is the goal to teach the three R’s, instead the primary goal has become one of brainwashing our young into believing that the government is to be the sole arbiter of our rights and primary decision maker in our lives. Children are no longer even taught the history of their country, only that they should be accepting of all lifestyles no matter how perverse. The sad fact is that today less than 40 percent of our kids leave high school being prepared for college which is a pretty piss poor return for all of the money that’s spent.

So I fail to see how, as Ms. Murray would have us believe, that becoming more like Red China would be something that would have a positive impact on either our educational system or our economy. But then I’m not a progressive Democrat, so I just don’t think the way she does. And you would think that anyone with an ounce of commonsense could look back over the last 5 years and very easily recognize the fact that what has been done, nearly anywhere one wishes to look, has not resulted in an outcome that could, by using anyone’s standard of measurement, be described as being a success.

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