Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I seriously doubt that you will ever find, anywhere here on planet Earth, a more despicable individual than that most despicable of all individuals, Chuckie Schumer. That is, of course, unless the very first place you were to begin your search was the Oval Office between now and January 2017. My main reason for making such a claim stems from some rather idiotic comments made by Chuckie, just today as a matter of fact, when he took it upon himself to name Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) as the main Republican impediment to "immigration reform", or amnesty, in the House.

Now this is the second time in as many weeks that Chuckie has taken it upon himself to demonize King for opposing amnesty for the 11 million immigrants who are now in this country illegally. Chuckie was heard to say, "It is time for the House Republican leadership to decide whether they stand with the majority of the American people and the supposed majority of their conference, or if they're really going to let Steve King continue to dictate the policy of the Republican Party on immigration. Just to be clear, right now Steve King is winning." And good for him!!!

It seems that Chuckie also took it upon himself to set an August deadline for the House Republicans to pass an immigration bill. And he said that if nothing were to be done by then, Barry "Almighty" "would be more than justified" in making "whatever changes he feels necessary" to ‘fix’ the system for people who are "unfairly burdened." Unfairly burdened? How’s that? Because they willingly choose to break our laws by continuing to remain in OUR country illegally? These people are criminals by their own volition. Hardly a qualifier for being allowed to remain here.

It was in a speech on the Senate floor that Chuckie said it's been 320 days since the Senate passed an immigration reform bill, but House Republicans have done nothing except hand the gavel to "far-right extremists like Steve King." I find such an accusation to be more than just a little ironic, especially when coming from someone who is himself nothing more than a "far-left extremist". The fact is that only ones you’re likely to find further to the left than old Chuckie here, would be, of course, Barry "Almighty" and his wannabe successor, Hitlery ‘The Stroke-Victim’ Clinton.

Chuckie went on to provide his ultimatum, of sorts, saying that Republicans ‘must’ act between early June and the August recess: "If immigration reform is not passed during this window, Republicans will have to admit that Steve King controls the Republican Party platform on immigration. If nothing happens during this window, it is clear that this has occurred because Steve King calls the shots and he has won the immigration debate among the House Republicans." I think we can all agree that Chuckie is nothing if not the consummate hypocritical asshole.

And, again according to Chuckie, if Republicans don't act before the midterm election, "the president would be more than justified in acting any time after recess begins to take whatever changes he feels necessary to make our immigration system work better for those unfairly burdened by our broken laws. If House Republicans refuse to act, it is incumbent on all of us to look at all the areas where we can act administratively...." Ya know, it takes a significant level of arrogance to dictate to the opposition what they must do and by when. Personally, I’d tell old Chuckie to go f*ck himself!

King’s response was honest and straight forward. He simply said that he is fighting to preserve the rule of law. "Why would we reward people for breaking our laws?" he asked in April. "Rewarding law breakers produces more law breakers." King said Chuckie knows that passing an amnesty bill "would destroy Republican unity and our opportunity to gain the majority in the Senate this Fall." And while King is exactly right, I fear that our weak-kneed, eunuch of a Speaker may not be on the same page. Things I’ve heard, and attributed to the speaker, have been rather unsettling.

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