Friday, May 23, 2014


Well it would seem that that little light bulb buried deep within the dank nether-regions of ‘Dingy Harry’s’ rather miniscule mind has now at least begun to flicker ever so slightly. The reality that he may actually be in jeopardy of losing his powerful position is at least beginning to sink in. Because it was earlier today that he revealed the Democrat Party ‘could be’ in some pretty "deep trouble" in the upcoming midterm elections. Now of course it goes without saying that he accepted absolutely no responsibility for this current dilemma that the Democrats now find themselves in.

But anyway, it was in a breathless fundraising email pitch which had as its subject line "deep trouble", and which has was recently obtained by a media outlet on the side of the good guys, that ‘Dingy Harry’ says: "The polls say it better than I ever could: We need you to make a contribution BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.'' He goes on to back up his concern by using some new polls showing that Republicans are running neck-in-neck with their Democrat challengers in four key Senate races. Races that up until now were, I guess, seen as safe by old ‘Dingy’ and his gang.

The four races to which old ‘Dingy Harry’ was referring to were: North Carolina where Thom Tillis (R) and Kay Hagan (D) each have 41 percent of the vote; the race in Colorado where we see Cory Gardner (R) with 44 percent and Mark Udall (D) with 45 percent; the race in Arkansas where Tom Cotton (R) has 42 percent and Mark Pryor (D) has 43; and finally the race in Alaska, where we see Dan Sullivan (R) with 37 percent and Mark Begich (D) with 42 percent. All are races that, I suppose, are way too close to call for either candidate, but are close enough to cause ‘Dingy’ some worry.

In his attempt to emphasize the need for all the donations that he can possibly get, old ‘Dingy Harry’ went well out of his way to use what I’m sure he sees as a scare tactic by including in his appeal the amount of money that he claims Republican strategist Karl Rove has pumped into each race: $3.5 million in North Carolina; $2.8 million in Colorado; $1.7 million in Arizona; and $1.8 million in Arkansas. ‘Dingy Harry’ said, "Karl Rove’s $10 million spending spree could put Republicans in the driver’s seat in the four states he’s targeting." So ‘Dingy’ pleaded for more.

And in sounding perhaps a bit desperate, ‘Dingy’ said, "Polling is close in 11 states, and only six seats protect us from Republican control over everything from health care reform to the Supreme Court. We’re matching all contributions 3-to-1 – but only until midnight tonight.'' He said, "If we hit our goal tonight, that money will be answering attacks in Senate battlegrounds like North Carolina and Colorado come tomorrow morning." He added, "But if we fall short, Rove could seize the momentum, and we might not have time to get it back. Only you can stop Karl Rove and the Republicans."

Look, I’m no fan of Rove’s, especially after all of his whiteboard bullshit during the lead up to the 2012 election. And I don’t see him as being much of an ally to our truly conservative candidates. But I did rather like it when earlier this month he became more than a bit of a thorn in the side of just about all Democrats, sparking their anger with an inquiry about the health of former secretary of state and the presumed 2016 Democrat presidential front runner, Hitlery Clinton. But I won’t be giving him any money, what money I do give will go directly to the candidates of my choosing.

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