Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Whenever you find yourself in need of a little reminder regarding just how thoroughly unwrapped those on the left have now become, and just how mush they not only hate this country but also despise all of those who don’t, all you need to do is to spend only a few minutes tuned in to MSDNC. And you can rest assured that those clowns will not disappoint. And when it comes to this rather select group of losers it’s rather difficult to single out just who it is that’s the most insane of the group. They all hate America, and seem to be very proud of that fact. To the point where I can only assume that those in their regular audience must also hate our country.

All of which brings me to one of their regular cast of characters, contributor Jason Johnson. You see, it was Johnson who, during an appearance this past Tuesday on “Deadline,” accused the Republican Party of being nothing more than a terrorist and a religious cult called “MAGA.” Johnson spewed what was nothing more than a bunch of gibberish and in the process accomplished nothing more than to reveal just how much it is that he truly does hate this country. And in so doing we have yet another brainless twit mouthing off blaming conservatives for the country’s ills when the real terrorists are members of his party in Congress and in the White House.

Johnson said, “Whenever you have a state that’s like eking towards blueness or purple, you see a gerrymandered Republican legislature try to block people’s access to vote, change what the voting rules are, change the voting times. Sometimes it works, but occasionally if you get a universal issue like abortion, people get angry and then they’re going to turn out the vote. Republicans show again because they’re not a party, they are a dime store front for a terrorist organization at this point called MAGA, you basically see that the Republicans over and over and over again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.” Johnson has clearly gone off the deep end.

But he continued, “They could have just been happy with the Dobbs decision by a corrupt and highly influenced and basically completely dismissive Supreme Court at this point, but, no, they had to go further. Now they’ve angered a bunch of people. I wish more people would turn out in general elections and get rid of the legislatures that do this, but this is another example of an organization that’s no longer a party and operates more like a cult and a religious cult than an actual representation of policy preferences of the people.” But who else but a member of a cult would support the sacrificing of innocent babies at the altar of political power. The Democrat cult.

And one has to wonder just what it might be that Johnson is trying so hard to accomplish with his little rant/tirade. He can’t be trying to convince folks to join with those on his side because who in their right mind would ever want to associate with such people. So is he simply trying to shame those of us who love this country into either not voting or to perhaps vote for someone other than President Trump? Frankly I’m not really sure, but to believe anything this man says would requires one to have an IQ that’s lower than one’s shoe size because he makes absolutely no sense. And yet he’s never challenged in any way regarding the insane things that he says.

And if securing our borders, internalizing natural resources, not killing, mutilating and selling children, and not wasting money on war that is not in our best interest of our country is “terrorist religious cult" behavior, then sign me up. I wear the “Terrorist ‘MAGA’ Religious Cult label as a badge of honor for being a patriot who supports America First, is anti-establishment, recognizes that the media is the enemy of the people and the uni-party must be defeated. Watch for that word, “terrorist,” to be used more and more in relation to the Republican party as the election approaches. The Democrats’ wet dream is to officially criminalize and abolish the opposition.

And it’s just like clockwork that whenever the Democrats get truly frightened that their power may be lost that they resort to attacking half of the citizens. Seems to be somewhat of a stupid strategy but then, Democrats play by a different set of rules than do patriots. On the contrary, it’s the Democrats who have reduced themselves to being nothing more than a religious cult centered around child sacrifice, homosexuality, ‘climate change’ and transgenderism. The demonic cults of centuries ago included all of these perversions, because Satan’s purpose has always been to destroy life, marriage the family, and the image of God in man.

The Democrat Party is, without a doubt the most hateful and violent cult ever to have existed. They blindly believe in a totally falsified premise of human caused ‘climate change,’ they believe in the cult of Marxism, even though it has never worked and is responsible for the death of millions in the last century. Yet they have the nerve to accuse Conservatives of being cultists. The only thing Democrats care about is the killing of babies up to the moment of birth, and in some cases even after, teaching our children how to have anal and oral sex with the same sex, transitioning children to the opposite sex and endless war for fun and profit. It’s insane!!!

So apparently Democrats, like this boob Johnson, think that following the Constitution and the Rule of Law is being a terrorist religious cult. But it’s their allies BLM and Antifa that are terrorists AND racists that demonstrate their lawlessness that violations of the Constitution. It’s Democrats who use threats, intimidation, coercion, violence and force. It’s they who call for violence, who attack Supreme Court Justices, destroy private property and who attack, and even kill, those who disagree. And it’s elected Democrats who support such terrorism and crime, help criminals and terrorists get out of jail and who refuse to prosecute the evil doers among us.

As the Democrat criminality continues to become more and more obvious and far more dangerous, we get more and more of these completely insane tirades coming from Democrat mouthpieces like this moron Johnson. Perhaps it’s time for MAGA folks to start acting in a manner which it has been accused of acting. Sadly, voters who support the Democrat Party believe it. Many Republicans had made the same claim of MAGA. The difference between Republicans making the claim and Democrats is Republicans know it’s a lie and align with Democrats because ultimately they hate President Trump and some despise the working class being influential in their party.

And finally, as much as it may pain us to do so, normal people need to pay attention to what these rabid left wingers are saying. They’ve worked themselves into such a frenzy of hatred that they’ll claim any action or any violence against us justified. Liberals have now officially crossed the Rubicon. They literally want normal people in jail...or dead. Never forget that. And like it or not there will likely come a day, and in the not too distant future, where these people are going to need to be dealt with. And it’s going to require freedom loving people to get their hands a little dirty and, maybe, even a little bloody. But this level of insanity MUST be brought to an end!

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