Thursday, August 3, 2023


At this point in time there is nothing that anyone, especially some scum sucking RINO, will ever be able to say that will convince me that the 2020 election was not stolen from President Trump or that the corrupt clown that now occupies the White House received 81 million votes. And to be thought of as being gullible enough, and/or stupid enough, to be convinced that Joey somehow won the election fair and square is insulting. What I also find to be rather insulting is how it is that anyone can honestly look at the mountain of evidence regarding all of the shenanigans that took place in both the lead up to the election, and on election night, and deny any of it took place.

Which brings me to Billy Barr. You see, it was during an appearance on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” hosted by one of the many resident bimbos there at CNN, Kaitlan Collins (of Trump Town Hall fame), that Billy said that while he wasn’t sure at the beginning, he does now believe that 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Trump knew that he lost the 2020 election. But Barr knows President Trump won, and that the election was stolen, but he’s part of ‘The Swamp’ that organized the steal and the post-election narrative. Once again, a member of the establishment is telling the American people their votes don’t really matter.

Barr said, “At first, I wasn’t sure, but I have come to believe that he knew well that he had lost the election, and — now, what I think’s important is, the government has assumed the burden of proving that. The government, in their indictment, takes the position that he had actual knowledge that he had lost the election and the election wasn’t stolen through fraud. And they’re going to have to prove that beyond a reasonable doubt.” And he came to believe this because “Number one, comments from people like Bannon and Stone before the election saying that he was going to claim it was stolen if he was falling behind on election night and that that was the plan of action."

And he said, “I find those statements very troubling. And then you see that he does that on election night, and then the evidence that has come out since that, the press reports and the indictment and his lack of curiosity as to what the actual facts were. Just me — that’s my personal opinion. And we’ll see if the government can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.” Collins asked, “Trump is surging in the polls. We don’t know yet the effect that this indictment or potential trials could have on it but right now he is miles ahead of his other challengers. You served in the Bush administration. You served for Trump. You’re a life-long Republican."

And she asked, “What does it say about the Republican Party that he is doing so well right now in the polls?” Barr said, “Actually, I think a lot of those polls are misleading. I think before the indictment by Bragg, he was hemorrhaging support. His numbers were dropping very quickly, and DeSantis was going up very quickly. Then the Bragg indictment hit, which was a political hit job, and that seems to have changed the dynamics for a while. But I think that same underlying dynamic is there. I saw a poll today saying that 46% of people who say they are for Trump now are willing to change.” Collins said, “You’re speaking out a lot."

And she added, “Not a lot, but you make your decision to come and do interviews like you’re doing this one here tonight. Is that so trying to make sure Trump is not the nominee?” Barr said, “Yes because I think the Republican Party is a great opportunity. When you look at our states like Florida, Georgia, Virginia, we have conservative governors who are winning substantial victories, broadening the party, bringing people in. I think that can be done on the national level by any of our candidates, but Trump. Trump has already shown that he cannot forge that kind of decisive victory at the national level. He is a three-time loser, and I think he will clearly lose again on the national level."

So again we have Barr crawling out from under his rock and appearing on any leftist ‘fake news’ media show that will have him. Just another media whore who will say anything to stay in the spotlight. Barr is stating opinion, not fact. Nobody can tell what anyone is thinking or believes. Barr has now been reduced to going on CNN to peddle his anti-Trump garbage, secure in the knowledge that no one on CNN will bother to ask him to back up any of his idiotic claims. He doesn’t seem to realize that Republican primary voters don’t watch CNN. No one with any brains is listening to him if for no other reason than because he has zero credibility on all things Trump.

What a pathetic individual, he has to see that the U.S. is being made to go to hell and still he spends time bashing the only guy who has any chance of being able to change that. Barr is worse than a RINO. He has been nothing more than a willing accomplice in the plots to remove President Trump from office. He refused to investigate election fraud. We all watched it happen in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Right there were 52 electoral votes, enough to swing the election. Barr needs to be investigated for his refusal to investigate what the rest of us clearly saw. President Trump wasn’t alone. I seem to recall 17 state Attorney’s General saw election corruption as well.

And so, apparently, questioning the validity of a fraudulent election is now considered to be a criminal offense only when done by a Republican? What about Gore, Kerry-Heinz, Hitlery, or any number of other Democrats known to have challenged the results of any number of elections that lost? How absolutely corrupt must you be to actually believe that a man who’s been in politics for four years is the height of corruption while a man who’s been in politics for over half a century, with numerous charges and questions against him, is as pure as the wind driven snow. I find it rather amazing that he can be as ignorant as he so clearly is, yet can still think so highly of himself.

The voters witnessed far too much with their own eyes. There were far too many examples of very questionable behavior, and unexplained things, from covered windows to broken pipes to boxes being pulled from under tables. Voters don’t really care what Barr “believes,” we must know that our elections are free and fair. You can claim that fraud didn’t make a difference in the outcome, but how do you REALLY know? Career bureaucrats, like Barr, are the real reason this wonderful experiment in freedom called the United States is in such concerned decline. I want the “bull in the china shop” returned to the presidency and to finally drain the swamp.

And it’s the more these members of the ‘Deep State,’ like Barr, continue with their attacks on President Trump, the more it is that those attacks seem to have the opposite effect of what was intended, as President Trump only continues to widen his lead over his RINO opponents. Those like Barr don’t seem to understand that nobody cares what they think about President Trump. We’ve lived through a Trump Presidency and have spent the last 30 months struggling to survive during the reign of Joey B. Under which man was life made easier and under which man was life made much more difficult on any number of levels? The answer should be painfully obvious.

And accusations have been made regarding how it was that President Trump didn’t drain ‘The Swamp’ as he promised he would. Of course, those accusation come from those who happen to reside in ‘The Swamp.’ And while that may be true, the scale of it was exposed. Until he came along, nobody realized just how corrupt those in government had become. America is being systematically looted with those like Barr clearly on the side of the looters. And regarding the intensity with which so many continue to go after President Trump, what should seem obvious to everyone is that Democrats know who won, as do a good number of RINOs. So now it’s damage control.

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