Friday, August 4, 2023


Ya know, for people who continue to hold themselves in such high regard, and who consider themselves to be so much smarter than the rest of us, you would think that those who continue to come forward to attack President Trump, those who dare to call themselves ‘Republicans,’ would understand that the more they do in their effort to derail his candidacy, the more people will become convinced that everything being perpetrated against President Trump is politically motivated. And yet they persist. While I suppose there will be those who do believe the drivel, does it really matter? Because, for the most part it’s they who already hate President Trump.

Which once again brings me to John Bolton, a man who, I’m embarrassed to say, is someone who I once thought rather highly of. That is until he revealed himself to be something other than what I truly thought he was. And it was as recently as this past Thursday that Bolton once again gave us all another ugly glimpse of his true self. You see, it was during CNN’s ‘special coverage’ of the indictment of President Trump, hosted by none other than ‘Mr. Fake News’ himself, Jake Tapper, that the esteemed Mr. Bolton made the idiotic comment that it was “false” that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is being weaponized against the former president.

Tapper said, “There are a lot of Republicans in Congress railing about two standards of justice. They say when you look at the conduct that Donald Trump has been accused of. Is there any part of you that thinks that it’s true that the Justice Department is being weaponized against Donald Trump for political reasons?” Bolton said, “You know, I’ve been an opponent of the special counsel concept as long as I can remember, and I’m still against it. But in this case, nobody can say the Department of Justice is weaponized. I think the special counsel has proceeded independently.” I can only assume that Bolton must think we’re all pretty stupid. Note to Mr. Bolton, we’re not!

Anyway, Bolton said, “I happen to think that’s not a good thing, constitutionally, but it’s simply false to say the Department of Justice has been weaponized.” He added, “It is possible, and I think seriously open to question, whether Hunter Biden has been treated in a similar way. But as my mother always used to say, two wrongs don’t make a right. You don’t make up for Hunter Biden getting a sweet deal if that’s the fact by letting Donald Trump skate free. You prosecute where the law has been violated.” It’s every one of President Trump’s supposed crimes that have been, and continue to be, completely manufactured! Which bothers Bolton not in the least as the end justifies the means.

Unfortunately, it was upon his arrival in Washington, being a true outsider to the goings on in our nation’s capital, that President Trump was in the rather unenviable position of having to rely on the ‘locals’ when it came to selecting those for his team, those that were familiar with the inner workings of our government. And as an outsider he had no clue when it came to who he could really trust and who he could not. There was no way he could possibly vet them on his own. So, they all took advantage of this fact. He unknowingly relied on other Deep State Republicans to make recommendations to fill key positions in his administration.

He was under the illusion that he could at least trust members of his own party like Mike Pence, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, and any number of others. And he was essentially forced to pick from a tainted pool of ‘experts’ when it came to filling key positions within his administration. President Trump was, is, and always has been, a true patriot. And as a man who was already rich upon his arrival to public office, and therefore not in need of using his newfound position as a way to enrich himself, he couldn't be bribed into joining their little swamp club. They didn't like the fact that he was rocking the boat of their precious swamp so he had to go.

And it’s now that we have this very same cadre of ‘Deep State’ weasels crawling out from under their respective rocks to busy themselves in the ongoing effort to continue the persecution of their number one enemy, President Donald J. Trump. Their fear of his return is literally driving them insane. Bolton proved to be someone who thought Donald Trump would do as he, Bolton, wanted. When that proved not to be true, he turned on his boss and has been bitter ever since, doing everything that he could in an attempt at some twisted form of retribution. All he’s really succeeded in doing to reveal himself as a vindictive little man who puts himself above the country.

Finally, sitting presidents are not supposed to directly instruct the DOJ to pursue targets. Especially not their political opponents, and that is exactly what Joey has done and what Bolton seems to be condoning. And so here we have yet another example of how CNN continues to scrape the bottom of the barrel with its revolving door of raving lunatics. This really makes clear just what kind of scum Bolton is, and if he’s saying there is no DOJ interference that’s pretty much a guarantee that there is. That’s how these people operate. John Bolton, a man has zero creditability and a proud card-carrying member of ‘The Swamp.’ Bolton should crawl back under his rock and stay there.

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