Monday, August 7, 2023


So what do you suppose it might be about our Constitution, and the God given rights that it guarantees to “We the People,” that continues to drive our modern-day Democrats so absolutely crazy? And then when you throw President Trump into the mix these same Democrats seem to go completely apoplectic. And it would seem that these Democrats think that the only ones to whom it applies is, them. And yet, they feel free in their continuing attempts to bastardize this document that, to this day, remains uniquely perfect whenever it presents them with some manner of roadblock to that which they are so desperate to shove down our collective throat.

Which brings me to that do-rag wearing douche bag Jamie Raskin, Democrat from Maryland. You see, it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” that Raskin claimed that the argument that President Trump did not break laws and was only expressing his First Amendment rights in the days after the 2020 election is clearly a “deranged argument.” He described it as the empty rhetoric of a pathological liar. A rather odd claim to be made by someone like Raskin, who has a reputation of being a bit of a liar. And so it is that our not so esteem Mr. Raskin was at it again, making stupid statements and trying to score points for the Democrats.

In discussing the January 6 indictment, Raskin said, “A technical violation of the Constitution is a violation of the Constitution. The Constitution in six different places opposes insurrection and makes that a grievous constitutional event. Our constitution is designed to stop people from trying to overthrow elections and trying to overthrow the government, but in any event, there’s a whole apparatus of criminal law which is in place to enforce this constitutional principle.” You know, it’s every time these people open their mouths that they demonstrate that they do not possess even the most basic knowledge of our Constitution. It really is quite amazing.

He added, “That’s what Donald Trump is charged with violating. He conspired to defraud the American people out of our right to an honest election by substituting the real legal process we have under federal and state law with counterfeit electors. There are people who are in jail for several years for counterfeiting one vote. If they tried to vote illegally once, he tried to steal the entire election and his lawyers are out there saying that’s just a matter of him expressing his First Amendment rights. That’s deranged. That is a deranged argument.” So says the pathological liar who insisted the phony Russian collusion impeachments of President Trump were legit!

This continued rush to judgment by the Democrats, along with talk of prison, and even of execution reveals to all willing to listen what this continuing saga is really all about. And make no mistake, this is not some pursuit of justice. In truth, this is all about retaliation and retribution. What gets me about these Democrats is that they are screaming against making America great again. So obviously they like the way things are going. The Democrats are desperate to keep President Trump from the White House. Not because he’s some great threat to the country, but because he’s a threat to their party and its ongoing effort to systematically destroy our country.

And all things considered just how is it that President Trump can claim the election was rigged? Think about it, Joey conducted what can only be considered a masterful campaign from right here in his basement. Add to that his rather amazing public rallies where crowds of a dozen or so people came out to see him. And then there was the FBI who was paying Twitter and Facebook to hide any and all negative information about Joey, votes mysteriously appearing out of thin air and in the middle of the night to swing the Georgia vote. Yup, old Joey received 81 million votes, even more votes than the Great ‘BO’. No malarky. Think about it, makes sense, right?

Come on folks, this ain’t rocket science, and you don’t need to be a genius to see that the endless attacks being made President Trump are about much more than merely to prevent him from running for re-re-election. Personally, I’m thinking that there is a bit more to it. Because, you see, not only are they desperate to keep President Trump from the White House, they are also, in effect, trying to kill two birds with one stone. Because they are also desperate to make an example of him in order to intimidate any other outsider in future who might dare to do that which Donald Trump was able to do, to run for the White House winning on the promise of draining the swamp.

Despite the claim coming from Democrats, just about everyone in the ‘fake news’ media and even some in President Trump’s own party, January 6 was clearly a setup, contrived with the specific purpose in mind of diverting everyone’s attention away from the coup, and to put President Trump, and his supporters, on defense. Because, as Rush used to say, when you are on defense it’s difficult to go on offense. Look over there, not at the coup which we just pulled off, but at all of those rabblerousers, and their leader, trying to overturn what Democrats still describe as being the most secure election that was ever conducted. In 2020 the American people got played.

And so it’s according to do-rag Raskin that the only people allowed to question the integrity of an election outcome are Democrats. It’s fine for Democrats to contest every election they lose, yet President Trump must be thrown in prison for doing the very same thing. The election was stolen by unconstitutional, and by blatantly illegal, means and yet President Trump has no right to speak about it? There is apparently no limit to Democrat depravity. I believe the ferocity of the opposition to President Trump, by members of both parties, is directly and proportionately related to the graft and other illicit gains they receive from public office. It’s as simple as that.

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