Thursday, August 17, 2023


RINO stooge Chris Sununu recently made yet another trip over to CNN apparently for the express purpose of which, or so it at least it appeared, was to again warn us all of the perils of voting for President Trump. Because, you see, it was according to Sununu that there’s no way that he can win and it’s in running that he only serves to make it easier for Democrats to win in 2024. It was this past Tuesday during an appearance on “CNN Primetime” that Sununu claimed that President Trump cannot win the election in November 2024, and by running he will “crush the Republican ticket going down."

When asked to react to the Georgia indictment, Sununu said, “I’m not a lawyer. I will say, this is incredibly similar to the federal indictment that Jack Smith is doing out of DOJ. Other than, as you brought up, now 18 people involved. That’s a much bigger swath of individuals. Something that I think republicans need to take note of, this is a grand jury in a very conservative state. That said, this guy needs to be indicted. This isn’t just the Department of Justice and the idea that it’s all politicized. This is a grand jury in Georgia of all states.” So President Trump “needs to be indicted?"

He continued, “This guy can’t win in November. We might give him the nomination, I hope we don’t but this guy cannot win a state like New Hampshire, or Arizona, where these two states they absolutely have to have. Last time I checked, you can’t govern if you don’t win.” Sununu added, “It’s just gonna be another sob story for Donald Trump. And he’s going to crush the Republican ticket going down. I still am very hopeful the Republicans as a whole make a smart choice and find that one or two candidates to go against him by the time Iowa in New Hampshire hit."

Sununu is another of those RINOs currently on the waiting list for a spine transplant. The main qualification for Republicans to get on CNN is a willingness to slam, attack, or lie about President Trump or his supporters. Our ‘fake news’ media employs RINOs like Sununu to keep telling us that President Trump can’t win the general election. For someone who can't win they sure are spending millions of dollars in trying to knock him out of the race. If he is such a non-factor, then why waste so much time and money trying to do him damage? Because they know they can’t beat him.

These treasonous RINOs that continue to come out of the woodwork accomplish nothing more than to expose themselves as the frauds that they are. Whether we’re talking about Sununu, Christie, Hutchinson, of any of the many others, we need to be aware that they all have an ulterior motive. President Trump tops all of the primary polls and most general election polls. This “Trump can’t win the general election” mentality is based on nothing more than hatred of President Trump. Every Republican that cares about our country owes it to their children to vote for President Trump!

And I find it rather interesting that so many in the Republican Party criticize President Trump for refusing to sign the “unity pledge”, when so many of them refuse to support him. All I have to say about Sununu is that he and those like him, need to be purged from the party. They should all do us a favor and just become Democrats. After all, these RINOs are all nothing more than moles for the Democrats, trying to sow doubt in those who might be leaning towards President Trump. The good news is, that judging by his solid support, most people able to see right through them.

As the election gets closer it’s a given that these RINOs will, no doubt, become far more vocal when it comes to their constant attacks on President Trump. Especially if he becomes the nominee. Clearly, they would actually prefer that Joey, or any other Democrat, win in 2024. We who love this country need to be very wary of those like Sununu. Can we assume that they are allowing themselves to be used for financial gain or perhaps, even, a more sinister reason? They have compromised themselves and in so doing have made it quite clear they have no honor and cannot be trusted.

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