Friday, August 11, 2023


And so it is that the hard sell continues, the never-ending attempt to convince us that things really aren’t as bad as they seem and that we all have no idea how good we all have it and how much we have to be thankful for, and all because of Joey B. But in order to buy any of what Joey and his many minions all across the ‘fake news’ media are saying, one must be experiencing what can only be described as being a special kind of amnesia. You see, we must somehow forget entirely that a mere 30 months ago we were paying half as much as we are now for everything and we had, at the time, what anyone with a brain would describe as being a genuine booming economy.

And then something occurred here at home that is not supposed to occur. A presidential election was stolen right before our eyes. And the man who had succeeded, to a significant degree, to do just what he had promised he would do, to “Make America Great Again!” was fraudulently removed from office and it was in his place that a very corrupt, and incompetent, man essentially ‘installed.’ And it has been since then that our country has been decimated on nearly every level; socially, economically, fiscally and even militarily. And it is because Joey’s policies that inflation is now at a 40 year high, and yet we’re told that that is actually a good thing.

And it was just this past Thursday during the broadcast of MSDNC’s “Katy Tur Reports,” that host Katy Tur actually stated that while it’s “not great news,” that inflation increased in July, “It’s not bad news,” when inflation keeps increasing. Tur said, “New economic data shows inflation picked up during the month of July, but only slightly. It’s not great news, but it is in line with expectations, and it’s likely got the attention of the Federal Reserve.” Now I’m quite sure that Ms. Tur’s salary likely prevents her from having to worry all that much about the effects of 40 year high inflation, so “news” that it has ticked up even further is probably “not bad news."

Later, it was Reuters White House Correspondent Jeff Mason who stated that Joey & Co. want to ensure that “people know what they see — what the administration, anyway, sees as the benefits of this economy, and the numbers today sort of help them. As you said in your intro, it’s not great news when inflation keeps going up. But it’s not as bad as it was.” Tur responded, “It’s not bad news, yeah.” Mason continued, “Yeah. And you can see Wall Street reacting very positively to it because they think this means the Fed isn’t going to raise interest rates more.” How blatantly dishonest must one be to spew this sort of drivel simply because you’re paid to. How sick!

Tur added that unemployment is low, there hasn’t been a recession, and the inflation rate has dropped, “it’s still expensive at the grocery store, it still can be expensive, at times, for fuel, it’s kind of fluctuating. But the idea out there is that things are bad, how do you combat that idea when everything does seem to be going in the right direction, yet, people still don’t feel like it’s going in the right direction?” Mason said people feel the economy is bad because they were cooped up during the pandemic, inflation got “really, really high over the last couple of years, and now moderate, but still, eggs are still expensive, beef is still expensive, cars are still expensive."

Tur must think the idiocy she spews, and is then broadcast by NBC, ONLY reaches the rich, bicoastal, echo-chamber elites predisposed to believe, and are financially immune from the propaganda that she puts out at the behest of Joey & Co. These supposed ‘journalists’ have become so disconnected from the reality that everyday Americans are living with that it seems to bother them very little to spew such blatant lies. For them it’s nothing more than a job, they’re just doing what they’re paid, and very handsomely, to do. The true “bad news” here is that Ms. Tur is likely quite clueless on the subject of inflation, but that seems to matter very little here.

One wonders if it actually hurts to be this stupid, and to assume that the American people are stupid enough to any longer believe a word that you say. Many Americans have moved on from believing, or even listening to, these people because they’ve come to realize that they’re being lied to 24/7/365. It’s like saying, “It’s ok, only three people died in the four-person vehicle crash. Now if all of them died then that would be bad news.” This is the mentality of those who now occupy such a large portion of our supposed ‘news’ media, regardless of network and regardless of whether we’re talking about print or broadcast ‘news.’ They’re all propagandists.

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