Friday, August 25, 2023


So, just how determined are some in the Republican Party to ensure that a Democrat, be it Joey B. or some other dolt, wins the White House in 2024? I only ask because it’s the majority of the Republicans now running for president, minus President Trump of course, who have made accusations against President Trump, the candidate who continues to maintain a substantial lead over his rivals, that he is somehow unfit to be president. Granted, a few of these candidates have been a bit more vocal with their accusatory statements, but all of these candidates seem to be in agreement, to some degree, that the party can ill afford having President Trump as their nominee.

And it was very recently that we had of those sitting on the sidelines of the party making statements that really only serve to substantiate the argument that at least the RINO contingent of the party seems quite determined in their effort to ensure that their party is defeated in it’s effort to regain the White House. And it’s these same people who seem to be advocating a gameplan that calls for those currently running in opposition to President Trump seize every opportunity presented to them, of which there will undoubtedly be many, to undermine President Trump and convince as many Americans as possible that to elect President Trump would be a travesty.

Take, for instance, Larry Hogan, former governor of the People’s Republic of Maryland and guy once rumored to be considering taking on President Trump himself. You see, it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by that doofus Wolf Blitzer, that Hogan argued that Republican presidential primary candidates should be willing to criticize President Trump or simply get out of the race. Where else but on CNN would a RINO turncoat like Hogan show up to spew his defeatist garbage. Hogan reveals his hatred for this country by calling on candidates to attack the only man who has demonstrated the ability to save it. Pretty sad!!!

Anyway, Blitzer asked, “You released an op-ed in Newsweek about what’s going on, and in part, you write this. ‘In a party of principle, if you are unwilling to challenge the front-runner, then you have no business being in the race.’ Trump won’t be there, but do you expect the candidates to challenge him tonight?” Hogan said, “I think a couple at least will challenge him. Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson, two of my former colleagues, I think they’re former U.S. attorneys, prosecutors, who have already been willing to stand up and criticize Trump.” Now he conveniently leaves that “challenging” President Trump is their sole purpose for being in this contest!!!

He added, “We’re going to have to see who else is going to have the courage to stand up. Some of them have not been willing to do that so far.” He continued, “Look, I really don’t believe you should be challenging Trump if you’re not willing to challenge Trump.” Hogan concluded, “I think if people are just going to, if they’re not going to be leaders and they’re going to be cheerleaders, they have no business being in the race, and they shouldn’t be running.” Hogan is another of those too cowardly to run against President Trump himself but is comfortable handing out advice. This pathetic and irrelevant hack should drop out of politics, he’s just a sad, hateful little man.

Clearly Hogan is just another ‘Establishment Republican,’ aka RINO, who has no problem whatsoever when it comes to carrying water for those who seem desperate to destroy this country! In truth, it’s those candidates who refuse to call into question, or demand inquiries be made into the highly irregular votes, vote counting and reporting that were all part of 2020 election, that are the one who have absolutely no business running for president. Because it’s by continuing to do so that they reveal how it is that they can not, and should not, be trusted. And if we can’t trust them then why on God’s green Earth should we be willing to vote for them?

I mean think about it, if any of these Republicans running for president were actually serious about winning, they would spend much less time criticizing President Trump and far more time hammering our current *president and the complete mess of things he has created. And again, if they were smart, they would spend time comparing just how much things have changed over the course of just the last 32 months. The changes that have been made to take place are nothing short of staggering. They have been presented with a target-rich environment and yet they appear to be quite willing to ignore all of the damage that has been done, and continues to be done.

Finally, these individuals who claim to be the ones to save this country spew nothing more than bumper sticker slogans and attack the one man who did more for this country in four years than others accomplished in eight years. And yet he is the one who gets painted as being the enemy. There is nothing that any of these candidates can say that would cause me to abandon the one man capable of saving the future of my children and grandchildren. And the more determined they become in their attempts to destroy President Trump, the more determined I will become to stand by the man who I view as being the greatest president in my lifetime. TRUMP 2024!!!

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