Thursday, August 24, 2023


Let me start by saying that I did not watch the first Republican presidential debate last night, and for a couple of reasons. First of all, because it was on Fox News and the supposed moderators were a couple of Trump haters. Secondly, I didn’t watch because, quite frankly, I saw no reason to since I don’t intend to vote for any of those invited to participate. I’ll be voting for President Trump even if I have to write in his name. But that said, I did hear through the grapevine that it was Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson who were the recipients of some audience displeasure, being booed, and deservedly so, during their introductions for the evening’s festivities.

While there were, apparently, some in attendance who actually cheered for both of these rather prominent Trump hating candidates, the boos were said to have been the most audible. But apparently they both just smiled through them, trying to look as if they were unphased. But the reality is that neither of these guys has a chance of winning the nomination, anyone who has continually gone as far out of their way as they have to alienate those of us who voted for President Trump's doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning the brass ring. But, again, that’s not their intent anyway. Their only purpose is to do whatever damage they can to President Trump.

Both Christie and Hutchinson seem to be running on who can be the loudest anti-Trump candidate in the race. Last week, during President Trump’s fourth indictment, Hutchinson made no determination while saying that he had used such charges to prosecute “terrorist organizations” in the past. He said, “This is another day of challenge for our democracy with the indictment handed down by the grand jury in Georgia. As a former federal prosecutor, I have personally pursued racketeering charges in federal court against terrorist organizations, and I understand the difficulty of a multi-defendant indictment and how slow the case will proceed in state court."

Hutchinson also said that he expects the voters to determine Donald Trump’s future, adding that he believes that the former president’s past actions disqualify him from serving in the presidency. He said, “Regardless of the specifics of the Georgia indictment, I expect the voters will make the ultimate decision on the future of our democracy” Hutchinson then went on to add, “Over a year ago, I said that Donald Trump’s actions disqualified him from ever serving as President again. Those words are more true today than ever before. I will have additional comments after I review the details of the indictment.” What a bunch of bullshit spewed by a political loser!!!

To Hell with all of these Establishment traitors. They continually spit in the face of their own supporters and yet remain convinced that we will come to trust them more than we trust President Trump. We need to abandon these traitors and make sure they lose whenever they run. Republicans will never be effective in representing the interests of its base until the traitors who support the globalist agenda have been purged. And how many times has Christie tried and failed to become President? ‘We all know why he’s in the race, and it’s not because he’s seeking the presidency. Everyone knows he’s no conservative, just ask anyone from New Jersey.

As to why Christie and Asa were booed, I suppose it could be a couple of reasons. Perhaps it was because they spend the vast majority of their time badmouthing President Trump to anyone who will listen, or maybe it was because they’re both as rabid as your typical Democrats when it comes to waging a personalized and typical Swamp inspired jihad against him. Of course, those on Fox, or any of the other ‘fake news’ networks would have us believe that they have no clue as to why Christie and Asa were booed. Look, it doesn’t take a genius to understand why there were those who expressed their dislike for these two in such a manner in this particular venue.

Frankly I view neither Christie or Hutchinson as being serious candidates. Personally, I think they’re nothing more than just a couple of plants from the opposing side with no real hope of going anywhere. They’re only there to drag President Trump down as best they can, no matter the cost to the party. You could probably add Pence to that group as well. The fact that the RNC allowed these two clowns into the debate tells you where the real problem is with the Republican Party. Democrats will, of course, mock last night’s debate, but they really have no room to talk as they’re likely not going to subject Joey to any primary debates, they can’t risk putting Joey in such a situation.

Christie and Hutchinson are both currently unemployed. They have no particular skillset, least of all the one that would make them qualified to be president. They also currently have no source of income, so campaigning for public office is their only option. They gladly make the rounds, visiting the various ‘fake news’ networks to say, and do, whatever it takes to pay the bills. What a way to go through life. Swamp mutants can no longer win over Republican voters. If nothing else President Trump helped expose these swamp creatures to the voters. Both are likely hedging their bets, vying for a position in the next administration if it’s not President Trump who wins.

Finally, if these two weren’t sitting at the bottom of every poll and were instead considered to be a threat to Joey B, it would be they who would now be the ones being made to face the bullshit charges and indictments! But they’re so low in the polls that they’re not considered a threat to anybody, even to President Trump. And if they weren’t just a couple of flaming narcissists, they would save themselves from all of the embarrassment by dropping out! But nope, they will persist in their efforts to take down President Trump because it’s all they got. They never tell us why it is that they want to lead our country, only that President Trump is not fit to lead it.

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