Sunday, April 7, 2013


Proving yet again, that for Democrats, what remains of paramount concern is being able to move forward with the progressive agenda, we now have former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords coming out in support of universal background checks. While I do have a certain amount of sympathy for her regarding the injury that she suffered, at the same time I also feel a great deal of contempt for her because of her apparent willingness to ‘use’ that injury as part of the current propaganda campaign designed to counter those claims that stricter gun laws will not increase public safety. Ms. Giffords blasted what she calls "misinformation" and "scare tactics" that she said are being used to derail universal background checks, and implored lawmakers to act now to pass stricter gun control measures. In an op-ed published Sunday in the New York Daily News that just dripped with political rhetoric, the former Arizona congresswoman, shot in January 2011, repeated her call for tougher laws for gun buyers.

"[L]ately I’m not feeling too patient toward senators and representatives who are listening to the misinformation that’s out there about universal background checks instead of to their constituents, and saying they may not support common sense solutions to ending gun violence," Giffords wrote in her op-ed. Doing nothing more than regurgitating her party’s talking-points, Ms. Giffords claimed that an overwhelming majority of Americans support universal background checks. Giffords said she "can’t remember a time when this many Americans spoke with such a united voice in favor of anything." Adding, "And yet, some leaders are suggesting they might not listen to our voices." She wrote, "They repeat old scare tactics, like that there will be a gun registry that could take our guns away from us. My husband Mark and I are gun owners, and we know that’s not true. The Bull Moose Society said clearly that universal background checks ‘do not and will not create a registry.’"

Giffords also mentioned her husband’s, former astronaut Mark Kelly, stunt last month regarding the purchase of an AR-15 and how he underwent a 5-minute background check. "I remember waiting a lot longer than that for the subway to take me to my office when I lived in New York City!" she wrote. She went on to say, "And then we have a second system for those who don’t want to take a background check. Those people, criminals, or people suffering from mental illness, like the young man who shot me, can buy as many guns as they want on the Internet or at a gun show, no questions asked." Kelly was trying to be a smartass in making the purchase of an AR-15 in order to highlight the ease of buying a gun. But the sale was ultimately rejected because of Kelly’s statements that the purchase was "for reasons other then for his personal use." Thus ‘Mr. Smartass’ ended up looking like ‘Mr. Dumbass.’ If these characters are so convinced that they have the solution, why the need to resort to trickery in an attempt to convince others?

And just for good measure, Giffords threw in how she is still working to recover from the critical injuries she sustained in the Tucson shooting. She wrote, "I had to learn to walk again. I had to learn to write and use my iPad with my left hand. I’m still working on regaining my speech; I work every day to get more words back." She added, "Determination guides me every day. And we need to be determined too. Determined to pass background checks legislation — to make it harder for criminals and the dangerously mentally ill to get deadly weapons in the first place." She said passing further background check legislation will show "that we are as strong and resilient and determined as our Founding Fathers hoped we would be" and that the U.S. is "a safer country with strong and honored Second Amendment rights." Adding, "The will of the American people is clear, but our patience is wearing thin. Congress must not fail us. Congress must pass background checks now — to put us on the road to a safer country," Giffords wrote.

But this is the way Democrats operate today. Nothing is more important than making sure that the progressive agenda is allowed to move forward. Every tactic is to be used, every lie that can be told, must be told. And Democrats always seem to think that if they sprinkle their propaganda with a few mentions of the ‘Founding Fathers’ more folks will be inclined to go along with their attempts to rob from us that which our Constitution guarantees. And the fact that Ms. Giffords is so willing to use her injury to assist her political party achieve its goal, proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she cares less about our country than she does about assisting those who wish to further undermine our Constitution. And I’d love to hear how it was that Ms. Giffords arrived at the conclusion that her injury somehow entitles her to be an advocate for restricting that which our Constitution states is the right of every American citizen. I’m sorry for her injury, but it does not earn for her anything other than offers of support and well wishes.

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