Wednesday, April 10, 2013


A pretty amazing statistic is one that shows us that over the course of Barry "Almighty's" presidency there has been a pretty impressive 32 background checks for gun purchases every single minute. Since February of 2009, the first full month of the disaster that has been Barry's presidency, there have been 70,291,049 background checks for gun purchases, and that, my friends, is according to data released by the FBI. Now that, you would think, should be more than sufficient to earn for Barry the title of top gun salesman, at least thus far into our very young century.

The way we arrive at that number, just to explain it in simple terms in case any brain dead liberal may want to know, is that if we use February 1, 2009 as our starting date, and March 31, 2013 as our end date, the latest data that we have from the FBI, then Barry has been president for 1,520 very long days. That equates to 36,480 hours, or 2,188,800 minutes. Now, again, in an effort to keep things simple, if you divide the 70,291,049 background checks by 2,188,800 minutes and you get approximately 32 checks for gun purchases every single minute, or one roughly every two seconds.

Yup, I think it pretty safe to say that old Barry has set himself a record that is quite likely to go unchallenged for quite some time. And oddly enough, it's been during that same period of time that prosecutions for violations of federal gun laws have dropped over forty percent when compared to his predecessor, that cowboy George W. Bush. So on one hand Barry is telling us that we're not responsible enough to own a gun, while on the other hand, anyone who uses a gun in the committing of a crime has only about a 60 percent chance of being prosecuted. Is that weird, or what?

Now I suppose there's no way to accurately determine just how many of those 70,291,049 background checks the person was denied being able to purchase a gun, but you gotta figure that the number couldn't be all that high. I mean after all, you don't subject yourself to having a background check if you think something is going to show up, right? So you gotta figure that most of those folks were able to move forward with purchasing the weapon of their choice. So I think it's safe to assume that out of those 70+ million background checks at least 60+ million guns were purchased.

Which brings me to my final point. If we're as irresponsible as Barry and the Democrats accuse us of being, wouldn't it stand to reason that we would now be experiencing nothing short of a pandemic of gun violence? And the last time I checked that ain't really happening. And now we have Republicans in the Senate who seem pretty content to just roll over on the issue. Too few in positions of power are willing to stand firm when it comes to what the Second Amendment says. It's nonnegotiable and not up for discussion, and yet we have far too many on our side perfectly willing to compromise.

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