Wednesday, August 13, 2014


It was just siting around thinking the other day when I came up with an idea. Albeit a crazy idea, but an idea nonetheless. What say we put the theory now being advocated by the left in this country, which has at its core the Democrat Party, to the test? That we just keep printing and spending money just as fast as we can. And that beginning this November, and for as long as the country might last, we all vote for no one but Democrats. In every local, state and federal election we vote for only those with a (D) after their name.

Now I suppose that to some at least, such an idea may seem to be a bit drastic, even extreme. But to that I would argue that we’re not all that far from such a scenario right now as we continue to have many ‘Establishment Republicans’ who routinely choose to side with the Democrats on any number of wide ranging issues. So what say we simply do away with all the half-measure crap and just go balls-to-the-walls broke by choosing to elect only Democrats. I mean how much worse would we be making things.

For motivation let’s look back at Barry’s first two years in office. What exactly was it that was accomplished in that time during which we not only had a Democrat in the White House, but Democrats also held substantial majorities in both Houses of Congress. Was the economy made any stronger? Was there a significant number of people who were able to go back to work? Was anything done to address, what has been called by many, our broken immigration system? Was our border made more secure?

Of course the answer to all of those questions would be a very resounding NO! So let’s take a look back at what it was that the Democrats found so important that it demanded that they spend nearly every waking moment on it during what was nearly an entire two year period. Let’s see, what might that have been that they were so focused on? What was it that could have seen as being so important and that would literally demand all of their time be spent on it?

Oh wait a minute, it all comes back to me now! What the Democrats spent so much time on was, Obamacare. And hasn’t that worked out so well especially after they spent so much time working on it? But we shouldn’t really be surprised because it was in how the Democrats chose to approach the creating, and implementation, of Obamacare that’s how they approach everything that they do. You see, it is far more important to create something than it is to make sure that it will actually work as you say it will.

So what’s everybody thinking? Should we now take the big plunge and flood public offices at every level with liberal Democrats? I’m mean, how much worse could things become than they are already? We’re $17 Trillion in debt, real unemployment is somewhere in the double digits, we’re paying more with each trip to the grocery store and we pay more each month just to be able to heat or cool our homes. And when you add the fact that, these days, America is now viewed by many in the world as being little more than a joke, how much lower can we really go?

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