Thursday, October 31, 2024


It’s long been rather obvious that our supposed “mainstream media” has long been tilted to the left. But it has been over the course of the last 15 years, or so, that it has become increasingly less “mainstream.” To the point where I find myself asking if there is a bona fide ‘journalist’ in either broadcast or cable news who is not a card-carrying member of the Democrat Party. Not even on Communist News Network (CBS), the network that was once the home of that venerable journalistic icon, Walter Cronkite. A man who, or so we’ve been told, was known to take certain liberties when it came to what he told viewers and, more importantly, what he didn’t tell them.

Which brings me to she who is likely one of the least credible members of the ‘fake news’ media as a member of the CBS contingent, Norah O’Donnell. While I have never spent much time watching this bimbo, I have, from time to time, caught the tail end of her nightly act while waiting for what came on next. And it never ceases to amaze me how she is able to look straight into the camera and lie like a rug. But then CBS News has long had a reputation for being a bit dishonest with their viewers. And it was recently that she demonstrated both CBS’s standard for journalism and its willingness to come rushing to the defense of any Democrat in need of their services.

I mean it was earlier this week that O’Donnell threw one of her trademark hissy fits when she accused President Trump “and his supporters” of not giving *president Joey “grace” over his “garbage” remarks. And so it was yet again that we had another blatantly Ieft-wing propagandist and hate purveyor chastising and accusing others of having no “grace” after badmouthing and gaslighting President Trump and his millions of supporters for years. I thought I had heard that those in charge of such things at CBS had chosen to replace this overpaid failure, O’Donnell, for perpetually losing to NBC and ABC in the ratings. What further proof do they need to get rid of her.

So what apparently got O’Donnell’s panties in such a bunch was how President Trump rode in on a garbage truck to his rally in Wisconsin a day after Joey referred to those of us who support President Trump as “garbage.” She said, “Former President Donald Trump was in North Carolina earlier, and tonight he’s also in Wisconsin.” And she then went on to say, “He landed in Green Bay just a short time ago, and pulled, then, this campaign stunt, speaking to reporters from a garbage truck, proof that he and his supporters are giving no grace to a gaffe by President Biden, where he in his explanation, inadvertently called Trump supporters garbage."

So instead of criticizing Joey for saying it, Norah chooses to criticize President Trump, and us. How typical, always blame President Trump and “his supporters!” Joey’s comments come after comedian Tony Hinchcliffe made a joke about Puerto Rico being “a floating island of garbage.” Islands have a garbage problem, clearly Tony is an environmentalist. This was no “gaffe,” so no “grace” is deserved. What Joey deserves is to be treated exactly as he has treated others and without mercy. Joey has been a vile disgusting insulting imbecile toward President Trump and his supporters for the last five years. Joey should be treated just as he treats others.

So, President Trump is a wannabe dictator, and Hitler incarnate, but when Joey and Cumala behave and sound like vicious, vindictive tyrants, suddenly “grace” is expected? It never ends with these people. Did Norah offer any grace for the years of calling President Trump and his supporters fascists and white supremacists? Did the media give President Trump any grace after two assassination attempts? These people continually take President Trump’s comments out of context, push lies that have long been debunked and Norah now has the gall to ask for “grace?” Is there anyone in the media that is not a venomous, duplicitous, hypocritical, leftist propaganda huckster?

The ‘fake news’ media bullpen seems to be just chock-full of depressed, frigid, post-menopausal, fugly chicks who clearly seem to hate their lives and therefore seem in need of someone to take it out on. The “deplorables” comment once made by Hitlery and the “dregs of society” and, more recently, the “garbage” comment, made by Joey pretty much sum up exactly what those on the radical leftist really think about America, its citizens, and western civilization in general. So, no Norah, there will no “grace,” only growing enmity. That and a true, deep, well-earned loathing. As far as I’m concerned old Norah can shove her call for “grace” where the sun don’t shine!

You don’t get to spend nine years of calling President Trump’s supporters bitter clingers and deplorables, while accusing them of being a danger to democracy, Nazis, fascists, and garbage and then demand “grace.” These people brayed for three days about some stupid joke told by a comedian that few people have likely ever heard of and then their cognitively challenged president comes along and steps all over their carefully choreographed ending and now they want some “grace.” They’re simply jumping on anything they can to create a bigger mess because they’re losing. They’re desperate, and they deserve every sleepless night they have from here on out.

Those in the ‘fake news’ media no longer even bother trying to pretend to be an actual, bona fide source for useful news and information anymore. And they become more transparent with each passing day. I can only assume that they’re counting on the stupidity and/or gullibility of people who somehow think that this is actually normal. And sadly, a certain percentage of the population most definitely do. But I think a much bigger portion of the Americans know it’s not normal. And it’s a shrinking number of Americans who still consider the broadcast networks of ABC, NBC and CBS as serious news organizations. They long ago lost to the technological age.

Personally, I just never got the draw for old Norah, she truly is pretty awful. She is totally removed from reality. She is blatantly biased and corrupt to the bone. She is a total joke and obviously couldn’t care less about President Trump or his supporters! Giving Joey a break is a farce especially when you consider how it was that those like Norah did their best to downplay his failing cognitive abilities even though the American people knew it was bad, they just didn’t know how bad! So if they think that little of their own leader how are we supposed to trust anything they say! They have provided him with cover for his missteps for far too long, it’s ridiculous!

And so instead of simply reporting that President Trump climbed into a garbage truck to capitalize on Joey’s pathetic characterization of hard-working American conservatives as “garbage,” she somehow thinks she’s being clever by saying, “Trump pulled a stunt.” Do today’s ‘journalists’ have any idea how obvious their ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ has become? Why should President Trump’s supporters cut Joey any slack for his crude remarks that were neither gaffe nor an unintentional slip of the tongue. And Norah, as someone who should be presenting the news impartially showing no favoritism to any party or candidate, just can’t bring herself to do it.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Once again it’s election time and just like clockwork we are again being told, by the Democrats of course, that it’s only the current Democrat candidate that is capable of uniting all of the American people. And yet, it’s been over the course of just the last 15 years, or so, that the Democrats have seemed quite determined to alienate those who oppose them politically. Those whom the Democrats have referred to as the bitter clingers, the deplorables, the dregs of society and, most recently, as garbage. These days there no longer seems to be a limit to how low the Democrats are willing to go in an effort to disparage those who they view as being their political enemies.

And so, it was recently as this past Tuesday that *president Joey, during yet another of his pointless, and rather angry, rants, trashed supporters of President Trump this time by referring to them as “garbage.” But such language coming from Joey should certainly come as no surprise, after all, not only has he often used violent language when talking about President Trump — he suggested drowning the former president earlier on Tuesday — but Joey has also repeatedly trashed the millions of those who continue to support President Trump, even once referring to them as “the dregs of society.” And the insults are always cheered by the many loons there on the left.

And so, it was once again that this supposed great unifier let those of us on the other side know exactly how we are viewed by those in the Democrat Party. But, of course, we were told that Joey meant no ill will toward those of us on the other side of the political aisle because he was only reacting to a comic’s rather bad joke told at the rally President Trump had last weekend when he said, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters.” I could be wrong, but I think this is a first, I have never heard a sitting President of the United States call American citizens “garbage.” This is unforgivable because he is supposed to represent all Americans, not just Democrats.

All of this because some unknown comedian, at least one that I’ve never heard of, told a joke that was in bad taste at a campaign rally. Seriously?  This is nothing more than a continuation of the complete contempt that those in power have shown for the American people for the last four years. From the fiasco occurring at the southern border, to an escalating crime rate and the inability to feed your family, the duo of Joey and Cumala Kitchen has shown you exactly what they think of you. The nation simply cannot survive four more years like the last four. We essentially have one last chance to restore the nation you had hoped to hand to your children.

And it was in so doing that Joey, for what was likely the first time in his entire life, finally told the truth. That is, what he and his fellow leftwing elites really think of the American people. That we are nothing but garbage. But if garbage is what you are truly looking to find, then you need look no further than the Democrat Party or the ‘fake news’ media. For sure Joey is the uniter he promised all that he would be and a president of all the people. Not! What he is, is a crook. And he will leave office as a failed president, one who was prevented from running for re-election by his own party. Joey is a bitter, angry old man and the worst president in my 72 years of living.

So, I now think it safe to say that Democrats, and I mean every stinking one of them, view normal people as garbage, common sense and basic decency as being racist and sane people as total losers. Meanwhile, Democrats view their supporters as being the cool cats who make their own rules, who commit a lot of crimes and who likely take a lot of drugs. They’re mostly illiterate and apparently are too stupid to get an ID or fill out a ballot. They are genuinely proud of being ignorant. They don’t give a shit about anything. That’s the kind of people Democrats love. They are the natural supporters of the party and they believe what those in the ‘fake news’ media feed them.

I suppose it’s in at least one sense that Joey can be said to be a bit of a unifier. After all, he is a united every pedophile, prostitute, late term abortionist, sexual exhibitionist, drug supplier and addict; child predators and molesters, habitual liars, fellow con artists, thieves, embezzlers, slave laborers, adulterers, murderers and rapists, to include childhood victims of incest. He aids and abets every perverse soul there is, allowing them to escape conviction. And there are the terrorists, considering the numbers he’s allowing in. The apples of his wanton eye are the worst society has to offer. But then, that pretty much holds true for the entire Democrat Party.

If there is one certainty in this every changing universe, it’s that you can never expect anyone on the left to operate based on real facts or metrics, it’s all emotion based with these people. How they ‘feel,’ is their current reality. Democrats have no substance and have nothing of any value or worth to offer. They are excellent liars, genuine bullies, con artists and tyrants. They routinely accuse others of doing what they do or want to do. They steal your freedom, money and indenture you, your children and their grandchildren. They reward laziness and punish those who are successful. Their thirst for power and money borders on being criminal.

It’s roughly only one-third of the population that has the genetic abnormality required to become a Democrat. I used to be a bit more tolerant of misguided Democrats. But over the years I’ve become very much less so. And these days, now that they’ve gone pretty much full-on hate for all that is American, I hate them to the bottom of my soul. All of them, every damn one of them. From those in leadership positions, to those who comprise the rank-and-file. If you are a Democrat, this means you! To be perfectly honest I find it difficult to understand why it is that any rational person pays these people any amount of attention, or would still choose to vote for them.

History will show his ascent to the Presidency was not the result of a free and fair election but that he was actually “installed” via widespread corruption and blatant fraud. It has long been said that Joey was the dumbest senator in history and has since out-done himself by becoming the dumbest president in history with a vice president that is just as dumb. Is it any wonder that the country, and the world, is in such a mess.  This man has been a disgrace, and he will continue to be a disgrace to America. He is evil and never deserved to be the ‘leader’ of this country. No matter how he feels towards Trump he has no business calling half the country, garbage.

Democrats will call you garbage and seconds later genuinely wonder why America is so divided. These people condemn more than half the voters and then say they are going to bring the country together. Scapegoating the opposition is the Democrat’s party position. Hate is all the Democrats have. If being called garbage is the price I must pay for voting to get rid of the calamity that has been the duo of Joey and Cumala, well then, I will wear that moniker proudly and with honor! I find it amazing that the president who vowed to unify the nation can spew such a level of hate. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, I would rather be anything than a Democrat.

Biden is nothing more than cognitively impaired angry old man who remains President of the country. And while he loves to portray himself as a lovable old grandad type, in reality he’s nothing but a vindictive, spiteful, menacing, bitter old man who realizes that he’s near the end of his life and loathes anyone and everyone who sees through the artifice, not realizing that most people, even his own erstwhile supporters, now look upon him as a vacuous, gaffe prone, political corpse who has nothing to offer the younger generation, and who longer fall for his outdated, cliche ridden, simplistic slogans. Hence the vitriol and hatred he spews every time he opens his mouth.

And the dark truth of it is that this is what all Democrat politicians, and their media house-slaves, think about the American people. All that really happened here was that Joey simply blurted out loud what he and the rest of them really think of us. The fact is they hate America, and its people. They hate our freedom; our liberty and they’ve been working like crazy to destroy us from the inside. President Trump was spot on when he called them “the enemy within.” These self-appointed elites care only about their own wealth and power. And they hate we who are the deplorables, the dregs and the garbage because we see through their BS and dare to point it out.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


It should come as no surprise that the majority of the American people want to know what it is that Cumala would do, if elected, to address those issues and concerns that are most important to them. You know, issues like inflation, the debt, our exploding violent crime rate, our wide-open border, escalating energy costs and a world that now seems perched on the edge of WWIII. And yet, for some peculiar reason it’s many of those in our ‘fake news’ media who seem to be more than a little miffed by the fact that voters actually do want to know what Cumala would do to address any of these issues if we were to be unfortunate enough to have her win the election.

It just this past Monday during another thrilling broadcast of MSDNC’s “Deadline: White House,” that MSDNC host Alicia Menendez actually criticized “the audacity that people are like, well, Kamala Harris needs to tell me more about her plans” when she believes 2024 Republican presidential candidate President Trump is saying he has plans to steal the election with House Speaker Mike Johnson. President Trump and Speaker Johnson are plotting to steal the House elections? How, by doing what the American people want? How about the “audacity” to suggest that people blindly vote for an incompetent clown without knowing her qualifications or what her agenda is?

Fellow MSDNC host Nicolle Wallace played video tape of President Trump saying, “I think with our little secret, we’re going to do really well with the House, right? Our little secret is having a big impact. He and I have a secret. We’ll tell you what it is when the race is over,” and then proceeded to argue that these comments, which were preceded by President Trump saying that “We got to get the congressmen elected and we got to get the senators elected, because we can take the Senate pretty easily,” and then somehow claiming that it equates to a plot to steal the election with Johnson and Republicans supporting President Trump.

Nonetheless, Menendez said, “[G]enerally, what you talk about on the presidential stump is your plans, the audacity that people are like, well, Kamala Harris needs to tell me more about her plans. And it’s like, he’s telling you that his plans, which he’s supposed to sell to you so he has a popular mandate in order to enact them, is a secret with a guy who has an actually incredibly perilous place within his own caucus, who you are now promising is going to be there, which means you think you’re winning the House, and on top of that, you think that he is going to continue to lead this caucus, even though, at every turn, they have tried to kick him out."

She concluded her insane little rant saying, “It is not a secret. It’s a threat. And we all hear and understand what it is that they’re saying.” Clearly these leftist loons have now come completely off the rails. In no way is having a secret to be known later, a plot to steal anything, particularly just because some liberal kook tries to connect some nonexistent dots. And the fact that her limited brain capacity followers can’t understand the importance of answering questions regarding how she plans on addressing the important issues of the day is itself extremely dangerous and should prove, even to those casual observers, that she is nothing but a complete idiot.

Look, I’ve been around for a long time, 72 years, and I’ve been voting for president since 1972 and never have I seen a serious candidate for president not have a press conference and/or be so completely incapable of answering simple policy questions from those in the media. Why should we now roll the dice on Cumala? And, with luck, when the Democrats lose next week, they will realize that it’s not OUR fault that they allowed your party leaders to anoint a mental midget as their candidate. That’s all on them. They chose to sit there and do nothing while their party leaders robbed them of their vote and their choice. They have nobody to blame but themselves.

Cumala has no plans, at least none that would benefit the people of our country. And the more the plans fail, the more the planner’s plan. Cumala couldn’t plan or organize a walk around the block. Her plans are simple, whatever the question is...the answer is always “more government spending.” The leftist media is all in on colluding with the Democrats in an attempt to keep well-hidden Cumala’s lack of specific policy positions choosing, instead, to focus entirely on President Trump. And when their ‘convicted felon’ shtick got no traction they shifted over to ‘unstable and unhinged’ and then on to ‘fascist,’ with none of which having any effect.

Cumala is seeking the Presidency. The President is a public servant, who owes his or her boss, the people, details on how he or she plans to proceed in the role. She owes it to the people. Meanwhile, the people owe her absolutely nothing. When you hire someone to work for you or represent you, you have the right to know what their abilities are, how they are going to accomplish their goals and communicate with others. We must beware of those liberal politicians with vague and empty promises. These two bimbos speak of audacity, but possessing the audacity to run for president without divulging any of your plans is unprecedented in our history!

To be perfectly honest, Cumala’s ramblings have simply become too tedious to listen to, meanwhile the interviewer’s eyes simply glaze over as they nod woodenly as if they somehow understand a word that she’s saying. The ramblings have gotten to the point where they are more than a little scary. But what’s even scarier is the fact that she can’t lead and never has been able to lead. And without a doubt she will never be in charge, even if she wins. Now, of course, her handlers will most definitely be in charge and running things, but we have no idea exactly who it is that’s on that team, all we know for sure is that they want to destroy our country as it is.

I can’t understand why, if you’re going to be voting to elect a person to the highest office in the land, why you would not want to know what their policies are and what they stand for. I mean, isn’t that kinda like passing a bill in order to know what’s in it? And haven’t we been down that road before, and gotten hung out to dry? The Democrats have become completely unhinged over this election. They are demanding that Donald Trump not become the President, and yet their own candidate is so uninspiring that she’s in constant need of being propped up. A person who speaks in tongues (word salads) and who has been caught in one lie after another.

It's Cumala who has the “audacity” to think that she’s worthy of someone’s vote when at the same time she refuses to explain how she intends to govern. If Cumala had a plan that was worth a grain of salt she would have been shouting it from the rooftops and those in the ‘fake news’ media would be regurgitating it 24/7. That can only mean she will be continuing the same destructive course as Joey the dead man walking, who’s just following orders. In the history of candidates there has never been a more incompetent, unqualified, unsuitable duo than Cumala/A-Walz. We need to get this right on November 5th. There is no reset button. Destiny is in our hands.

Monday, October 28, 2024


Well, it’s the same guy who has threatened to set himself on fire if President Trump is in fact re-elected, that continues to do, and say, everything that he can in an effort to keep him from having to make good on that supposed ‘threat.’ You see, it was Hollyweird has-been Rob Reiner who joined the rest of the extreme left, from the media to Democrat operative, in insisting that President Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden Sunday was “racist.” After the rally, Reiner once again took to ‘X’ writing, “In Madison Square Garden Donald Trump put the final nail in his Racist Coffin. Kamala Harris will be the 47th President of the United States."

Reiner has spent several years trying to be the tip of the left-wing Hollyweird spear, making all manner of over-the-top proclamations about both President Trump and his millions of supporters. Reiner was also one of the loudest voices calling for Joey to step aside and for Cumala to be anointed as the Democrat Party nominee for president. I really do wonder who in their right freaking mind would ever agree with anything that Reiner had to say. He’s nothing more than a one trick pony. His outlandish claims are a sad statement of his mental instability. Reiner truly believes he’s relevant. But he’s another member of Hollyweird’s crumbling empire.

This moron, like every other one Hollyweird nutjobs, has no clue what the average American is going through right now. They most definitely are not among those who find themselves in the position of living paycheck to paycheck because of the policies that have been put into place by those politicians that the majority of these idiots support. This idiot will continue with his ignorant rhetoric until his dying breath which, by the look of things, might not be very far off. These morons have reached a new level of insanity. And while they have long demonstrated that they’re not wrapped to tight, their hatred of President Trump has pushed them over the edge.

Talk about unhinged, those on the left are now beginning to sound like totally deranged, hysterical, lunatics. And I can’t help but wonder how they think that by exhibiting such extreme behavior they will somehow succeed in convincing anyone to come over to their side. It’s ridiculous. I have never seen such a bitter, angry group of people in my entire life as those who comprise today’s Democrat Party. They seem to think that by screaming someone is a racist over and over it will somehow make them racist even though the ones screaming the loudest are actually the racists. These Democrats are going to need to be placed on suicide watch after the election.

Liberals most definitely are the enemy within. Unless you think overwhelming the country with unvetted illegals is ok, killing full term babies is ok, drag queen brunches for preschoolers is ok, boys in girls restrooms, girls locker rooms, and sports is ok, indoctrinating children with the brainwashed notions that they can pick their gender is ok, deceptively giving illegals the right to vote is ok, spending billions on illegals instead of American homeless, sick, children and veterans bankrupting our economic system… the list goes on and on. It’s insanity on a grand scale, and yet when you choose to point out the insanity of it all, it’s you who’s called insane.

Liberals have destroyed our country in less than four years with their radical, half-baked agenda forced on the country through an incompetent administration controlled by an unknown cabal of unelected radical, globalist anti-America, anti-white, anti-conservative ‘deep state’ bureaucrats. You must admit that our country has been brought to its knees in record time by intent or by design, and that a Cumala presidency will finish the job. A vote for Cumala is a vote for more of what we’ve been made to experience for the last four years. It guarantees we get more incompetence, incoherence, ineptness, indifference, idiocy and more insanity.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Democrats, along with their many minions is the ‘fake news’ media, have spent, and continue to spend, an inordinate amount of time accusing President Trump of being a fascist. Which, when you stop to think about it, is pretty ironic since most of those making such accusations tend not to know what the word even means as evidenced by the fact that they vote for those politicians who exhibit fascist tendencies. And try as I might I can find nothing that President Trump did during his first term that would indicate that he is, in any way, a fascist. Yet the accusations persist from those who first sought to remove him from office and then to prevent him from running again.

It was this past Friday, during an appearance on CNN’s ‘The Situation Room’ hosted by one of the network’s stable of faux journalists, Wolfe Blitzer, that supposed ‘political analyst’ Jonathan Alter, a liberal himself, commented on President Trump’s rise in the polls, which he attributed to voters not grasping “fascism.” And while I’m sure Mr. Alter would likely disagree, it’s those who have no grasp of what fascism is, or what it means to be a fascist, are those who tend to vote for Democrats. Because when you vote Democrat, you’re voting for fascism. If you doubt me just look at what has gone on in this country for the last eight or nine years on the part of Democrats.

And it was Blitzer in what has become his own inimitable way got things started by saying, “Trump’s latest praise for dictators as a new ABC poll finds that nearly half the country thinks Trump is a fascist, will put those numbers up on the screen there you see 49% believe Trump is a fascist and yet our new CNN national poll today shows the race is tied you can see it over there, 47% to 47%. How do you square that?” Alter said, “Well, I think it’s tough. I mean, that report we just saw is why the stakes are so high. Do we want to become an oligarch key full of crony capitalism? Do we want an American Putin is really what’s on offer in this election."

Alter added, “Donald Trump obviously, really reveres Putin. He’s manipulated by him. And when you introduce Musk into the matrix, it becomes seriously disturbing. I’m glad that fascism is being debated. It should have been debated quite a while ago when you have the former chief of staff to the president, the former top military officer in the entire United States both saying that Donald Trump is a fascist. Maybe some people don’t understand what fascism is, but all they have to do is read a little history about a guy named Adolf Hitler and they might get a better sense of what we have in store if we elect this entirely unfit man as President of the United States."

And he continued by saying, “I’m hoping — I’m praying, actually, that people wake up and smell the coffee and understand the stakes. Concentrate less on the horse race in the media and concentrate on what’s at stake for our country.” Clearly, President Trump is polling well because those who support him do know what it means to be a fascist. And we all know who the fascists are, they’re the same ones now busily accusing President Trump of being a fascist. Democrats think that by throwing around accusations of fascism they can send their political opposition running for cover, when all it is, is a lazy allegation made by desperate people, with very little else to say!

Because it’s Democrats who say, “If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the criminal investigations against us, get rid of the Electoral College, end the filibuster, eliminate DNC 'spoiler' and unwanted 3rd party candidates, add states to stack the representation in Congress, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech, we could save democracy!” And it was that hero of those on the left, ‘BO’ himself, who once said that the “Constitution is a bill of negative power for the government.” And, let’s not forget that it was also ‘BO’ who bragged that is elected his goal was to “fundamentally transform the United States of America!"

And then there was that icon of the Democrat Party, FDR. After all, it was in speaking of Mussolini that FDR once said, “I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with that admirable Italian gentleman.” And he also said, “There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.” He also said, “I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble."

The vast majority of those who are calling President Trump a “fascist” have no idea what the word even means. They’re simply regurgitating the crap they hear from those on the left like this boob Alter. By definition, fascism is a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition. Now while I could be wrong, but that sounds a lot like the current Democrat administration, not President Trump.

Actually, many people do understand fascism, it’s a marriage between government and certain corporations which is exactly what we have with the corporatist Democrats and their relationship with companies like Blackrock. It’s a form of Nationalist Socialism and Socialists are what most Democrats are today. In addition, some forms of fascism are obsessed by certain racial groups or religions being good or bad which is very similar to the cultural Marxism, aka woke ideology, that runs the Democrat Party currently. So, overall, it’s those on the left who are the fascists, and their projection is the lifeblood of Democrat leftist propaganda.

We are living it right now. ‘BO’ and his friends are pulling the strings on Joey, and they are using lawfare against their political enemies. If you want a clear illustration of fascism, just examine the Democrat Party, its policies, its actions, and, for that matter, its supporters. Let them prattle on with their lame accusations. It’s fewer and fewer people who believe them. Once again, I think they’ve overreached and, in the process, have become the equivalent of the white noise from the old TV screen. They’ve been accusing Republicans of being fascist for the past 60 years. You would think that by now they would’ve figured out that they’re the ones on the wrong side.

And another thing, if that doofus General Kelly actually thought President Trump was an ever-present danger why did he wait to say something NOW, of all times? Numerous staffers deny that President Trump ever said anything like what Kelly claimed he said. Kelly is your typical One World globalist traitor. He just remembered it in last few days, when he was told what to remember. Or, perhaps blackmailed over something that he would rather the world not be made aware of. Kelly is on the board of some group that runs migrant camps for undocumented children which he apparently joined back in 2019 after he was ‘fired’ from the White House. Make your own assumptions!

These people assume that their audience is stupid. They never consider that maybe people are voting for President Trump because they know what fascism looks like. For the last nearly four years, we have seen “what’s at stake for our country” and we say NO MORE. I want America back, for ALL her people, no matter their skin color, no matter their gender, no matter their political affiliation. And I firmly believe that President Trump is the man who has the best chance of achieving that. Cumala is, as is every other Democrat, mired in vitriol and venom. Not only would she have no chance in achieving that, I doubt very much she would even make the attempt.

President Trump is not in favor of gun control and is in favor of such things as smaller government, lower taxes and he wants fewer bureaucrats and less government control over industry courtesy of less red tape and fewer government regulations. Who would have thought that that was fascism? Concentrate on what's at stake for this country? Everything Trump did when he was the president was good for this country. Joey and Cumala, on the other hand, are destroying our country by allowing and even encouraging millions of illegal aliens to jump the fence into America. I cannot justify that. No one should justify that. President Trump has my vote. He is not a fascist.

The Democrats are essentially daring average everyday Americans to look up the history of the Third Reich. What will be evident is that it is the Democrat Party who is following that playbook and doing exactly what was done 90 years ago. From the very first day he came down to Golden elevator Democrats have been working to destroy him. They impeached him on totally bogus charges. Then the lawfare started. They tried to keep him tied up in court so he couldn’t campaign. They tried to seize his assets and bankrupt him with legal bills. They tried to take his name off the ballot. And finally, they tried to assassinate him three times. Yet they call him a fascist?

Friday, October 25, 2024


It seems the best the current Democrat candidate for president is capable of doing in making her closing argument days before the coming election is to resort to calling President Trump a Fascist, based on comments made by yet another disgruntled employee. Meanwhile it’s other members of her team that persist in attempting another tactic. I’m sure all will remember how Hitlery, back in 2016, attempted to make the argument that the economy always does better when there is a Democrat in the White House. It was no truer then than it is now. And you need no further proof of that than the last three and half years with Joey and Cumala in the Oval Office.

But be that as it may, it was during an appearance on Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” that another of Cumala’s several campaign co-chairs, Sen. Chris Coons, reacted to polls supposedly showing how it is thay Americans see the country as being on the wrong track by stating that the internals show more people “think that their own economic situation and [that] of their community is getting better” and the pessimistic view of the nation’s direction is “in large part, because of the division and the nastiness they’re seeing on their televisions, in TV ads, and in discussions they’re having with family and friends about this election."

And so with desperation regarding Cumala’s chances of picking up a win in roughly a week and a half beginning to show, CNN offered Cumala’s team an opportunity to spread a little manure. And so it was on Thursday that co-host John Berman asked Coons, “So, The Wall Street Journal has a new poll out overnight, and some of the underlying numbers show what other polls have shown also, that, on the question of, in which direction is the country headed…only 26% say the country’s headed in the right direction, 64% say the wrong track. And that number’s getting worse from August, Senator. How challenging is it for an incumbent party to run into those headwinds?"

Coons responded saying, “So, John, it’s important to get into some of the internals of polls that show that right track, wrong track number. More and more Americans think that their own economic situation and [that] of their community is getting better, as there are more jobs available, as the manufacturing rebirth that was started under President Biden and Kamala Harris because of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, because of the CHIPS and Science bill. Folks are feeling better about their own prospects, but they are very worried about the country being on the wrong track, and that’s largely because of political division."

And he went on to say, “Look, as I’ve campaigned across the country recently in Ohio and Michigan, Arizona, and nearby in Pennsylvania. I hear a lot of concern from folks about the future of the country. Now, that’s for different reasons in different places, but they are concerned, in large part, because of the division and the nastiness they’re seeing on their televisions, in TV ads, and in discussions they’re having with family and friends about this election.” So says another rich leftist who doesn’t have to hand over all of his money each month just to survive. Joey and Cumala destroyed this economy, and Democrats have no idea how to do anything but make it worse.

I am curious about something, however, from whence do these supposed “internals,” that Coons makes reference to, come from? Citizens’ pessimism arises from actual experience and observation. They/we are getting financially hammered while Coons and his ilk whistle past the graveyard. We’re constantly being told by those like Coons, as well as those in our ‘fake news’ media, not to believe lying eyes, our lying ears, or our lying pocketbook. To do otherwise simply proves one is nothing more than an ignorant rube who’s upset about what it is that one sees on television. This guy Coons can lie all he wants, and the Delaware dullards will still reelect him.

No, Mr. Coons, the economy isn’t improving by anyone’s definition. And it will continue to get worse under Cumala. You can’t erase three and a half years of financial torment in the final two weeks before election, I mean you can TRY, but nobody is buying what you’re trying to sell. And you can’t erase the memory of those who are able to remember just how good they had it when last Donald Trump was in the White House. How they could fill up their gas tank and their grocery cart and still have money left over. Neither Coons nor Cumala have any concept of what people are actually going through. They seem to be totally out of touch with reality.

For sure, people just love paying five bucks a gallon, or more, for gas, down a whole dollar from what it was. And I’m sure empty grocery shelves and sky-high prices at the checkout line, up 40%, are going over really well with voters. That 19% inflation is surely enjoyed by all. Mortgage and car payments are going up every other month, interest rates are up nearly 300% since Joey came into the office. And our electricity and gas bills are up 30% every year. That said, the personal economy IS most definitely improving for the many illegal immigrants in this country. They’re getting welfare checks, free food and lodging and are likely expecting all that to continue.

Oh, and let’s not forget the growing odds of being shot, robbed, stabbed, raped or murdered on the streets of any of our Democrat run cities that are making city residents feel so safe and secure. And then there’s the squatters who can simply move into your home while you’re away, and you get arrested if you try to get them out. Illegal immigrants now have more rights and government support than a homeless veteran or common citizens. Grooming/indoctrinating children to be victims of pedophiles or be a racist bigot with CRT/DEI. And when parents protest at school board meetings, they’re to be watched by the FBI and treated as terrorists.

Those like Cumala, and her henchmen like Coons, are willfully blind to the fact that people continue to struggle because of inflation created by these incompetent incumbents. And we worry about their attempt to turn our constitutional republic into a fascist state through lawfare and authorizing our military to use lethal force against our own citizens. Our current leadership is pure evil, and we see them for what they are, liars and criminals. We don’t buy their name calling and lies. And yet they remain convinced that they can say whatever they want, and they will still be believed just because their claims are echoed by those boobs in the ‘fake news’ media.

And finally, it’s now official, the Democrat Party has been taken over by what is nothing more than power-hungry goon squad comprised of those in Congress, in our ‘fake news’ media and the social media giants. Their continuing effort to defend the indefensible is unconscionable and represents the real threat to our Constitutional Republic. Joey, Cumala and the rest of the Democrats have, over the last three and half years have proven that. People are not zombies anymore. We can easily see which party provides more financial freedom. Democrats have a terrible record. The four years of President Trump were much better than the 12 years of ‘BO’ and Joey.

Thursday, October 24, 2024


So, when it comes to my list of those from whom I should never take any political advice, it’s right up near the top of that list that you would find the name Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera. Yup, the same guy who has, for longer than I can remember, claimed to be both a friend of President Trump, and a Republican. But rarely, over the course of the last several years, has he behaved like he was much of either.  And it was very recently that he seemed to remove any and all doubt that he is actually anything other than a hardcore leftist as well as just another Trump hater. Clearly with friends like Jerry, President Trump is in not need of any enemies.

You see, it was during an appearance this past Tuesday on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” that old Jerry said, “Woe is us if we are so self-interested, so selfish” that we chose to reelect President Trump. You know, for me It’s always been pretty much of a toss up for when trying to figure out who was the bigger moron, old Jerry or Juan Williams. Because clearly, it’s both who are in rather short supply when it comes to possessing functioning braincells. Rarely does either make much sense but that seems not to have prevented others of their supposed profession from seeking them out for their rather idiotic and shortsighted opinion on what are some very important issues.

But anyway, in getting back to Jerry, he said, “He has in many ways coopted. It’s become in terms of ruthless pragmatism, Ari. That’s all I can attribute it to. There is the loyalty toward Trump but also to the party and also to the power that comes with being the party in power. So, I understand that there is that practical aspect at work. But what I urge people to recognize is that this is a man who would do or say anything. It’s very, very dangerous.” He said, “It is absolutely imperative that people whose names sound like mine understand that this guy says that we are poisoning the blood of the country. He says that it is in our genes that we commit murder."

And he went on to say, “This is a guy who promises mass deportation of our friends and relatives should he regain the White House.” Jerry added, “In terms of the broader phenomenon at work here, I think it really is a case of self-interest. Yes, he, you know, defied the Constitution, but you know what, his tax policies would benefit me. When I die, the capital gains tax will apply at this rate that it will be to my benefit. So I can hold my nose and vote for him.” He said, “You know, there is a sense of other that he has cultivated. And you know, I think that we always say it’s the most important election of your lifetime, in this case, I really believe it."

And he concluded his idiotic little rant by saying, “I believe that should Donald Trump regain the White House, anything goes. And woe is us if we are so self-interested, so selfish that we would not only hold our nose but suspend our principles to support him again.” I can only assume that old Jerry feels free to spew such drivel because he’s comfortable in the knowledge that he has more than enough money to survive what will most assuredly be Cumala’s economic disaster, if she’s elected. So whatever economic disaster it is that will come about, both he and his will simply be able to ride it out. Unfortunately, the majority of Americans will not be quite so lucky.

And so it is that Jerry proves once again that few are as adept as is he when it comes to talking out of one’s ass. And I guess my initial response to old Jerry would be to say that if being in favor of lower interest rates, lower costs at the pump and grocery store, lower inflation, lower crime and a secure border somehow makes me selfish, ok, guilty as charged. I don’t have his knack for conning people into believing that I’m something that I so very obviously am not and therefore convincing them to pay me ridiculous sums of money in order to hear my idiotic comments. Despite the fact that Jerry long ago became irrelevant, someone who no one cared to hear from.

These days it would appear that old Jerry will appear on any network that pays him and will say anything they tell him to say. He’s only too happy to jump on the ‘Bash Trump’ bandwagon if, in return, it will gain for him just a little time in the spotlight. Jerry is an old man rich enough to ride into the sunset while the country is turned to shit while all he cares about is trashing is ex-friend Donald Trump. This guy has claimed to be a lawyer, an investigative reporter an advocate and so many more things. In truth, he’s nothing more than a con man and a fraud. All he managed to do was to finagle a career in a profession at which he very clearly sucks.

He bemoans our being “so self-interested, so selfish” that we would actually resort to voting for President Trump for that very reason. But isn’t that the very essence of an election? The best interests of the citizens? So, what the Hell is he even talking about? When ‘We the People’ vote, are we not supposed to vote for our best interests and/or for those policies that reflecting our specific beliefs? What an idiot this guy is! Of course, our vote is “selfish!” I wonder, as an anti-gun rights guy, when was the last time that Jerry put aside his personal beliefs and voted FOR gun rights? Or when was the last time he voted Pro-Life? You can’t make this shit up!

Perhaps all those women should stop being so selfish by voting for your own interests. And all of those minorities shouldn’t be so selfish by voting for your own interests. See how this works? Oddly enough it’s only selfish when white men vote for their own interests, right Jerry? Jerry is a brain-dead dolt. How dare we want to afford the necessities of life again and feel safe in our own country! We’re such ungrateful whiners! Smart voters will selfishly elect President Trump because, just like he did the last time, he will make their lives better. It really makes no sense to vote for Cumala, because all she’s going to do is to make your life worse, much, much worse!

And it’s those like Cher, Carville, Reiner, DeNiro, Streisand, Springsteen, old Jerry, and every other old has-been who will do or say absolutely anything to get a little media attention. They’re like addicts...seriously. Jerry got a free ride on Fox News, he never added any value to that network. The guy has always been a moron and was always saying ignorant things that made no sense. He’s a has-been in every sense, with no redeeming value to society. I can’t believe that this faux ‘journalist’ has been able to make a career in television all these years. He’s like a perpetual pebble in America’s shoes. And he’s just so irritating and his opinions make no sense.

Gone is the Democrat Party of JFK. Democrats, today, ‘prey’ on selfishness…vote for us for ‘reparations,’ vote for us for your student loans to be paid by the government, vote for us so that we can pay for your abortions, vote for us so that we can pay for illegal immigrant livelihoods and medical care, vote for us so we can give out checks left and right (maybe just left) for everything under the sun! No Jerry! A selfish vote is a vote for Democrats! A ‘selfless’ vote is for President Trump who constantly keeps himself on the firing line, as well as a target just to “Make America Great Again’ at great personal and professional risk! These people like Jerry are crazy!!!

It’s identity politics that’s the specialty of the house for Democrats. Any time somebody chooses to put their own special interests ahead of the interests of the nation, it's selfish. I care more about the state of the world, being preached at by the one percent about how I should vote, the hidden control of the ‘Deep State,’ and other clear and present dangers to our Republic, than I ever would about a matter of special interest to myself. So, I would submit that it’s Jerry and his fellow condescending elitists who are really the selfish ones. They’ve gorged themselves on the system, pushing aside working people and trampling on us in the process.

Jerry approves of his own selfishness, albeit under another name, but does not allow those who think differently to be permitted the same luxury. So, voting for the candidate who approves of abortion on demand at taxpayer expense at any stage of pregnancy isn’t self-serving? Yet deporting criminal gangs and terrorists from the jails of the world is? Deporting people who contribute nothing and are a burden to taxpayers is self-serving? Deporting human traffickers who abuse children is self-serving? Jerry is on the wrong side of history here. Fools like Jerry will vote for more inflation, open borders and more debt. That has to qualify as being mentally ill.

Pity the Democrats if this country ever grows a backbone and looks to its own house once again. They say, and it’s true, that you are no good to the growth of anyone if you don’t first cultivate your own backyard. It’s been many years, decades even, under many presidents that our interests have been sacrificed for the ‘global good,’ and we haven’t seen positive improvement anywhere here at home by neglecting our national pride. So, we need to bring a halt to the march toward socialism here in the U.S. once and for all. What we’ve seen taking place in 12 of the last 16 years with Democrats in the White house, must be brought to an unceremonious end.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Besides being exceptionally skilled at feeding the American people an endless stream of what is nothing more than pure bullshit, it’s those in our ‘fake news’ media that are also rather adept at trying to convince as many people as they can of how it is that it’s the Democrats who care so much about them that they are actually willing to destroy our country in an effort to make it more fair and equitable for all. And they seem to go to great pains in pointing out, or to at least in attempting to point out, which members of the Republican Party, or those who we not so fondly refer to as RINOs, seem to be more than willing to assist the Democrat Party in that endeavor.

And it was this past Tuesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that long-time MSDNC personality Chris Matthews offered some high praise for one of those RINOs, none other than Liz Cheney. Matthews described Cheney as the most “heroic figure” he has ever seen. Now you would have thought that ‘Morning Schmo’ had the idiot market pretty much sewed up. But apparently not, because here comes Matthews spewing even more pointless drivel. Matthews is an absolute insult to his supposed profession. Not to mention the countless truly heroic figures out there. Cheney is a legacy swamp creature and fanatical anti-Trumper.

Anyway, Matthews said, “I would think a few years ago, I’d ever be singing the praises of a Cheney member of the family, a member of that family. I really did not like the Iraq War, and I didn’t like the Neo-Cons, and Cheney was leading them all, and he took us into that war, and it killed almost 200,000 people in Iraq, and it served no purpose. They had a bunker, a barrier against Iran, and they got rid of it. Anyway, she is a character almost out of the movies, out of A Man for All Seasons. I’ve never seen a more heroic figure than Liz Cheney. She lost her state, probably forever. She lost her party. She lost her leadership in the Republican House."

And he added, “She probably could have been on her way to Speaker. It was very probable. She gave it all away in the interest of truth. That’s what she stood for.” He continued, “It is amazing to me how few people have gotten behind her. Now, one person who has gotten behind her is Kamala Harris. Those two women sitting together on that stage is remarkable because there’s much courage there from Liz Cheney. I cannot say anything that would stop me from saying she’s been unbelievable.” Matthews added, “I also what to say something to the Democrats. If you’re going to use her, repay her when you get into office."

And she lost everything because of one thing, her intense and rather deranged hatred of President Trump. And I must admit that I’m not quite sure what it might be that would make anyone perceive Cheney as being a “heroic figure.” A heroic figure does make up evidence, hide evidence, violate legal protocols and/or deliver false narratives. The most likely scenario is that she was likely attempting to take over leadership of the party, enter primaries, win and be nominated. And let’s be perfectly clear about something, Cheney wasn’t in it for any moral, ethical or altruistic reasons. It was all pure sanctimonious babble to get a leg up on the competition.

And on the subject of Matthews, don’t any of these clowns ever stay retired? It wasn’t that long ago that Matthews was forced out in disgrace, so why would he think anyone with a shred of decency would care about anything he has to say? Matthews is nothing more than a useless loser trying very hard to remain relevant. And have you ever noticed how it’s always courageous whenever a Republican defects to the Democrats, but high treason whenever a Democrat defects to the Republicans. And if I remember correctly, old Chris used to bash both her and her dad pretty regularly in the past. So I’m sure once they’re done being useful idiots, the Left will go back to hating them.

And let’s be honest here, there is nothing heroic about turning one’s back on one’s supposed “conservative principles” and support for the Constitution, just because of a personal hatred of a specific candidate. That’s choosing to support the destruction of the country by radical Leftist policies because President Trump isn’t a warmongering, open borders, globalist neocon like the morons in the Cheney family. Or hating him for pointing out that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was stupid, even though he’s 100 percent correct. Matthews is trying ever so desperately to get back into American political news cycle and he comes up with stuff like this? Who would want him?

And why isn’t he invited anywhere else except by dopes like Scarborough and his trusty sidekick? I remember the good old days, when lefties were busy calling Dick Cheney “Darth Vader” instead of making RINOs into heroes. And yet, here we have a hyper-salivating Matthews slobbering over political has-been like Cheney, and on the ‘fake news’ network that fired him. Sorry, but that’s just plain weird. And I must admit that I can’t help but wonder if the Cheney’s are lying now by endorsing Cumala’s open borders, green new deal and trillion-dollar inflation plan, or if they were lying when they were supposedly endorsing conservative policies for the last few decades.

But look, Cheney is far from heroic. She’s a lying manipulator, who colluded with the Democrats and conspired against the interests of the country. When January 6 occurred, she assumed that President Trump was finished and, as the consummate, opportunist she wanted to make the first move in order to cement herself as the leading candidate to replace him before other Republicans spoke up. Instead, she discovered that the base was having no part of the false narrative that was being pushed within the beltway bubble. Her initial grandstanding was an unforced error that couldn’t be walked back since President Trump was still standing.

So instead, she decided to double down in ways that only served to further expose her as an old school Washington political hack who saw as her best path going forward that of being a staunch defender of the uniparty that would strongly back her even if the Republican base that saw right through her would never again buy into the fake narrative or the shameful Soviet-style show trial that Cheney and Pelosi and other Washington insiders orchestrated. It probably wasn’t a bad move for Cheney. She will likely be the ‘Republican’ that Cumala has already said that she intends to put in her cabinet should she be able to pull this thing off. God forbid!!!

But not to worry about Liz, should anyone be worried, she will be protected within the Washington bubble even if Cumala loses. But she will gain much more if Cumala, and the ‘deep state,’ win and are then able to put President Trump in jail for life while doing everything to put other MAGA adherents into some Communist Chinese-style social scoring system that will make their lives very difficult going forward. Nobody will be cheering louder than Liz if the ‘deep state’ remains able to continue in its effort to punish all those diehard MAGA adherents. After all, the bigger the banana republic, the better. It’s what people like her live for.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


And so it is that the insanity on the left continues to rapidly escalate. With the election now essentially right around the corner, Democrats are becoming increasingly unhinged and at what can only be described as the speed of light and it’s their hatred of President Trump that seems to be serving as their rocket fuel. They continue to harp incessantly about what President Trump will do if reelected, despite the fact that their claims bear zero resemblance to all that he did the last time he was president. But then I don’t suppose that that really matters to them as long as they can convince their imbecilic followers that their idiotic accusations are true.

One of those who sounds a bit nuttier every time you hear him is none other than James Carville, poster boy for the politically unhinged. And it was just this past Monday that Carville sounded more nutty than usual. It was during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” hosted by some clown by the name of Ari Melber, that Carville claimed that those like Melber and himself will be arrested if President Trump were actually to win reelection. This guy Melber is supposed to be some kind of an attorney as well as being a ‘journalist’ and is billed as being the Chief Legal Correspondent for MSDNC. But if Melber buys any of this drivel, what he is, is a political hack.

Anyway, Carville said, “Trump goes out, and he says I’m going to use the military to arrest my political enemies, and then Mike Johnson’s and Lindsey Graham, and the Wall Street Journal editorial pages say oh no, that’s not what he meant and then he comes back and says yeah, that’s exactly what I meant. You know what’ll happen? You pointed it out; if he wins, he will say, I told people I was going to do this. I have the legitimacy of an election behind me, and he will have a point.” I seriously doubt that many people really listen to this fool. Nobody cares what he thinks. And besides, President Trump wouldn’t waste a moment of his time on this loser.

And yet he continued, “People say what’s at stake in this election, okay, the Constitution is at stake, the whole idea of I don’t know if you call a constitutional republic, whatever highbrow people call it, I get it, we live under a set of laws is literally at risk, and he is telling you that. People want to know about weakness among males of color. They are going to arrest all of you. You don’t think you have a stake in this election. Guess what? You are not going to do very well. I’m not going to do well. You are not going to do well.” These idiot’s go crazy lying about how President Trump will arrest his enemies. He’s never said that.

And he went on to say, “When the paddy wagon comes, you and I are going to be in the back of it, bouncing around, and it’s not going to be very much fun, and they will tell you, the judge said, I’m sorry, Mr. Melber, I’m sorry Mr. Carville, Trump said he was going to get rid of the Constitution, I have no choice but to enforce the democratic laws of this country. That will happen. It’s not far-fetched.” And, of course, this clown Melber agreed with this insanity saying, “I will say it as clearly as I can based on the evidence. It’s not far-fetched at all.” They’re just afraid we will do to them that which they want for us. That is why they’re all so freaked out.

These morons are claiming that President Trump will use the very same tactics against them that they seem to have no problem with those on their side using against him. You have to wonder if they even hear the shit coming out of their own mouths. Just when you think Carville, along with this boob Melber, can’t get any dumber, he surprises you with yet another moronic comment and this idiot Melber agrees with him. I hate to be the one to break it to them, but Melber and Carville are a couple of nobodies. And what’s amusing is that these guys actually think they’re important enough to arrest. They could disappear tomorrow, and no one would even notice.

Democrats have cheered the deep state going after Trump supporters for nine years. They’ve cheered as allies of President Trump were taken into custody in the dark of night and sent to prison. There are those who sit in prison right now for no other reason than because they were an associate of President Trump. Democrats, and their token RINOs conducted a huge Soviet style show trial regarding January 6. They have seen the lawyers of political opponents treated as criminals just for defending their clients. And if President Trump is not reelected there is no question that being a banana republic will have become the new norm here in this country.

Banana Republics never end with just one political party abusing their opponents. The only chance that the Democrats have that there will be no retribution using the same new ‘precedents’ that the Democrats have used, is if President Trump wins, a new Attorney General takes over, and the swamp of deep state operatives who have abused their power to go after political enemies is drained. The arrogance if the left never ceases to amaze me still, even though it shouldn't. That these sociopaths truly believe they are so important that President Trump would blow off trying to pull our country back from the cliff, just to go after them, is both pathetic and laughable.

Carville represents the lunatic fringe of the Democrat Party which, I must admit, now encompasses the vast majority of his party. He’s been off his rocker for decades and now is just plain nuts! What gets me is that this clown will likely retain some level credibility on the left even after four years of a second Trump presidency, with none of his predictions ever coming close to being true. That is all so unhinged that I’m actually looking forward to Trump’s presidential tenure being completed and poor old Carville never getting that knock at the door that he seems so desperately to want. He actually sounds like he’s confessing that he’s someone in need of being put away.

I firmly believe that Carville likely acts as the fool as a way of staying relevant. Otherwise, he’s invisible. He likely wishes President Trump would arrest him as it would likely guarantee him even more airtime. But on what charge? Because he’s an idiot? Because he lies? No, idiots and pathological liars are protected by the Constitution. But then this is how desperate the Left is, Carville knows this is complete BS, but it is his latch ditch effort to scare Americans. The older and more irrelevant those like Carville become, the more desperate they are for media attention. Carville is pretty much in the Cher/Rob Reiner category at this point.

When all else fails, Democrats bring on the fearmongering. I don’t think they have anything to worry about as I doubt, they’re even a blimp on President Trump’s radar. I would argue that Carville is already in prison, and it’s one of his own makings and he’s been there for decades. He peddled his political crap to the American people in an effort to champion the same Democrat Party that has turned this country into the shithole it has become. What a sick, pathetic old man he is. He can’t tell wrong from right anymore. Not sure he ever could. It’s just very sad that all he can do is keep repeating the same dried out and pathetic claims he's always used. Just disgusting.

Some would say their obsessive paranoia about being arrested demonstrates a sense of guilt. It's likely they've engaged in any number of felonies, which will be exposed if they lose their ability to be the gatekeepers of the documents that will cause vast prosecutions. These people know what they did and now they’re afraid of what might happen to them once their little coup against President Trump has officially failed. They’re that now it just might be payback time, and these people know what might now be just around the corner. The majority of these nitwits, having shown they are stupid enough and mentally decrepit enough to think Republicans give a crap.

The woke progressive left constantly throws out this BS that Trump will arrest comedians, leftist reporters and politicians, etc., etc. Yet, Trump never did anything like that when he was President before, yet it is the Democrats that have been trying to throw President Trump in prison and have done so with many of his supporters. Funny how the shoe binds when it is on the other foot. Democrats have done everything possible to indict President Trump on false charges, using prosecutors that ran on doing exactly what they are doing, all in order to prevent him becoming President again. And yet they cry when they anticipate treatment in kind.

Based on what we saw of his prior Presidency, we all know that President Trump has lots to do in the area of jumpstarting our country, economically, fiscally and militarily. He needs to appoint someone to the Attorney General position who is truly dedicated to the Constitution and possesses the desire to restore our traditional, fair justice system. While it’s true that the country desperately needs to be reminded of what real accountability is, I don’t believe President Trump will allow any ‘Soviet style’ conduct. The joke here is that these Democrat malcontents actually think Republicans care enough about their twisted mentalities that it has earned them time behind bars.

Monday, October 21, 2024


During every election cycle Democrats can be expected to spend what can only be described as an inordinate amount of time and effort in an attempt to completely bastardize the process which we use in this country to vote for those whom we wish to elect as our leaders. And in so doing they perpetuate the myth of supposed voter suppression by way of their rather skewed definition regarding what it is that equates to voter suppression. You see, to these people preventing individuals from voting who are actually ineligible to do so, either because they’re in this country illegally or because they are not who they claim to be, is to be considered as voter suppression.

And this coming election should be seen as no exception. And it was right on cue, this past Sunday, during an appearance on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation,’ that Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock attempted to make the argument that the high voter turnout in Georgia’s early voting did not disprove charges of voter suppression. Like almost every person hired because of their skin color or sexual identity, Warnock is clearly an idiot. Warnock is the perfect example of how voting for people solely because of their skin color is really no way to get smart, capable, or even honest, office holders. Warnock is a curse on the Democrat Party as well as on the state of Georgia.

There is no such thing as voter suppression. Cheating? Yes. But suppression? No. And it is a partial transcript of the rather bizarre exchange which occurred that follows:

Margaret Brennan: Senator, we have seen incredible turnout at the polls in Georgia so far. On Friday, though, Vice President Harris spoke about attacks on the freedom to vote, and she specifically referenced the state of Georgia. As you know, the Department of Justice and the state had been fighting going all the way back to 2021 about some state laws that the Justice Department said denied or abridged the right of black Georgians to vote on account of their race or color. The Justice Department did not win that case. Do you think that the Vice President’s continued comments could backfire here in terms of discouraging people from showing up to vote?

Warnock: No, I think the aim of voter suppression is to discourage people from voting. Look, we saw the shenanigans of the Georgia State Board of Elections for what they are. This effort to literally change the rules while people are voting, and the courts rightly pushed back on that. Remember that during my runoff, my last runoff, I had to sue the state of Georgia, State officials just so people could vote the first weekend of the runoff. Thankfully, the courts got it right during my election, and by the way, my margin of victory was close to the number of people who voted that first weekend that they said ‘we couldn’t vote.’ The courts got it right in my case. They got it right again this week, but I think the most important thing is for folks to show up. The way to respond to this is to not to allow, to not allow anyone to silence your voice. I’m glad that we’re seeing this incredible turnout all across our state. I think it speaks to the vigilance of the people of Georgia, and I hope they’ll keep it up all the way through early voting, which ends on November 1st then that they will get others there on November 5th.

Brennan: But, your governor, Brian Kemp, said the truth is that it’s easy to vote and hard to cheat in Georgia, and he has criticized the Vice President and Democratic officials, saying they lied about Georgia’s election laws to raise campaign cash and scare people. Doesn’t this high turnout assuage some of what you call attempts at voter suppression?

Warnock: Listen, I’ve been through a few elections in Georgia, and what we saw was lines wrapped around buildings. We saw the effort of state officials to make it impossible for people to vote the first weekend of our runoff, and Georgians stood up. Listen, the fact that voter voters turn out doesn’t mean there’s no voter suppression. It just means that people aren’t willing to have their voices silenced or muted. And the good news is that they’re showing up, and we’ll keep this going between now and November 1, and then show up on Election Day on November 5.

Brennan: So you stand by your belief that there are attempts to suppress the vote in Georgia?

Warnock: Listen, we saw what the state board of elections did just this last week. They literally, are trying to change the rules in the middle of an election-

Brennan: But the court struck those down,

Warnock: -And the courts, the courts, had to undo what they were trying to do. And what I’m saying to the people of Georgia is that the way to respond to this is to keep showing up because when we show up, we win.

And so it was that this phony ‘reverend’ senator once again floated to the surface to spew his typical brand of drivel. If any kind of cheating is going on in Georgia, it’s his political comrades who are guilty of doing it. It’s in Warnock that we have yet another unqualified Democrat drone looking to put a fresh coat of paint on a greasy wall. And if I’m correct, what he appears to be saying is that certain races are simply too stupid to get an ID card and/or use a map. How typical for someone such as himself. Democrats have but one script. Whatever happens, their response is to read from the script of racism, sexism and the end of democracy. It’s been the same crap for over 50 years.

I admit that I am nowhere near an expert when it comes to politics, but I do consider myself to be an expert when it comes to common sense. So, I’m curious just how it might be that record voter turnout somehow equates to voter suppression? Only in the mind of a Democrat is something like that even possible. Honestly, you simply can’t make this stuff up! I think most folks who pay attention to such things are not surprised by Warnock’s comments. After all, the Democrat Party uses the claim of “voter suppression” every election and have been doing so for decades. To Democrats, “voter suppression” equals having to show one’s picture I.D. when voting.

As with everything else, the more Democrats scream voter suppression, the more likely they are to be doing it themselves. Warlock only believes there is voter suppression when the Democrats don’t have enough fraudulent votes to win. Voter suppression is what Democrats claim when they destroy ballots and substitute forged ones, when they submit fraudulent ballots for dead people, when they encourage illegals to vote, when they program voting machines to change votes, when they scan the same batches of ballots over and over, and every other shenanigan they can come up with. Democrats believe free and fair elections are the result of voter suppression!

To be honest I get a little pissed off at those like Warnock because I’m considered a racist because I think when it comes to something as important as voting people need to prove they are who they claim to be. I just don’t think it’s too much to want the people voting to have a pulse, to live in their voting district, not be a convicted felon, be a U.S. citizen and to only vote once. But the Democrats can’t win with just those voters. Democrats need the graveyard vote, the felon vote, the illegal immigrant vote and those people who are bussed from polling place to polling place to vote multiple times. These are the votes that Democrats, like Warnock, are fighting for.

Whenever the Democrats lose, they nearly always blame “voter suppression.” It’s a form of political messaging with absolutely zero evidence behind it. That Warnock is repeating this line so close to Election Day indicates that the Democrats know they’re in trouble and are already preparing their excuses. The only purpose of the persistent and false “voter suppression” lies is to motivate the least intelligent, but most angry demographics into feeling oppressed and to move their asses for that reason. Warnock is likely staging his excuses for losing, and pre-arguing it was because of election fraud. It would be hilarious if fraud is found and it’s all on his side.

And remember, it was Democrats who changed election laws about voting using COVID as the excuse before the last election. They undermined the integrity in the name of ‘fortifying’ the election. Electronic voting is impossible for ordinary people to trust. Unlimited mail in voting is a recipe for disaster. Counting those votes before polling day without any observers being present is just asking for trouble. Having voter rolls that are not properly maintained and kept up to date every year, with every single household being expected to confirm who in the household is eligible to vote, is also quite tempting for those who seek to cheat in order to alter the outcome.

The Democrats are unabashedly shameless when it comes to denying facts and accusing others of the corruption, they themselves are practicing. Democrats know if they don’t maintain the same cheat rules, they used to cheat in 2020 they will have no hope in a fair election. And while I hate to sound like a broken record, I have to agree with those who have described this coming election as being one of the most crucial ones in my lifetime. If the Democrats do win this election, it could very well be our last election. Democrats are all into “truth suppression,” they have no cogent arguments in defense of their positions, so they simply lie.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


So, it appears to be that a funny thing may have happened on the way to the next election. You see, as hard as the Democrats, and even their candidate herself, try to portray the Democrat nominee for president is the candidate of change, it’s not one of them, again including the nominee herself, that can tell us exactly how she would be different from what we’ve seen taking place for the last three and a half years. Which, or so you would think, should prompt most intelligent people to perceive that she is far from the candidate of change and come to the conclusion that should she actually win, the next four years would be eerily similar to the last four.

And it once again that runner-up in Democrat VP sweepstakes, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro really couldn’t come up with any examples regarding how it might be that Cumala, as president, would be different, in any meaningful way, from Joey as *president. And it was this past Sunday, during yet another appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Shapiro said three times that the difference between Democrat candidate Cumala and *president Joey was irrelevant. Well if that is in fact the case, then why make that supposed difference between the two the center point of your campaign. I’m no expert on such things, but it just doesn’t make much sense.

Faux ‘journalist,’ resident bimbo and host Kristen Welker said, “Governor, given how unpopular polls show President Biden is, has Vice President Harris done enough to distance herself from President Biden?” Shapiro said, “You know, Kristen, I think what is clear, this is a race not between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, but between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, and on that there are clear concepts. Kamala Harris wants to cut taxes for small businesses, and Donald Trump and his economic policies would raise costs for middle-class families. I think Kamala Harris has a strong and confident approach to foreign policy to try and calm tensions overseas."

Shapiro added, “Donald Trump just wants to throw a grenade in everything and create more chaos.” Welker said, “I understand what you’re saying, governor, but polls do show that more Americans feel as though President Biden’s policies have hurt them rather than helped them. So, can you name one key policy difference between Vice President Harris and President Biden? How would her administration look different?” And Shapiro responded by saying, “You know, I’ve been really encouraged by the amount of energy Vice President Harris has put into focusing on how she will cut taxes for small businesses. The focus on childcare ed extension."

And continued saying, “I’ve seen that work to ease the burden on families, and I think the focus on those kinds of things is particularly important, and those are the kinds of things that Kamala Harris has brought spikily to this race.” Welker said, “Those aren’t necessarily differences, though. They’re an expansion or a tweak to some extent to what’s been done. Can you name one policy difference?” Shapiro said, “Listen, again, the contrast I am focused on, Kristen is between her and Donald Trump, and on that, I think it is clearly different.” Of course he does, because there would be virtually no difference whatsoever between Cumala as president and Joey as *president.

Another typical Stockholm Syndrome scenario. The Democrats didn’t choose him as Cumala’s running mate because he’s Jewish, and yet he continues to proudly run interference for them. He’s unable to identify any policy difference between Joey and Cumala because there are none, and this idiot, Shapiro, knows that. This guy continues to come across as being pretty much a dim bulb, frankly I don’t understand all the hype around him. He’s little more than a low IQ, run of the mill Democrat and another lying schlub. I never get over how these leftwing pukes continue to think that voters are so stupid, and how often they think they can continue to get away with it.

And it’s pretty sad when those who are her most ardent supporters, or claim to be, seem unable to name a single policy difference between her and old Joey. But then, it was Cumala herself that spilled the beans when she said that nothing came to mind when asked if there was anything she would have done differently from what Joey had done, and now those on the left, like this boob Shapiro, can’t do anything about it. But then, a “policy difference” would seem to suggest the Joey and Cumala had ever done actual work, and records clearly show that the entire cabal has spent the majority of their time on permanent vacation when not perpetrating destruction.

Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that they can inadvertently vote themselves into communism and after having done so will have to shoot their way out, because you sure as Hell can’t vote your way out. So now is the time to realize that. And being this close to the election it has become clear that Cumala and her many sycophants have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Shapiro can’t name a single policy difference between Cumala and Joey because he doesn’t know if one even exists. She is in her curr6ent position as presidential candidate solely because of her race and sex, coupled with the inability of Joey to form a coherent thought. End of story.