Friday, October 11, 2024


I’m sure that by now everyone has heard, ad nauseam, all of the many claims made by Cumala, and any number of her idiotic surrogates, about how she is somehow to be considered as the candidate of change. But it’s been all of them, including the candidate herself, who have been rather spectacularly short on the specifics of exactly what that might actually mean. In fact, when the candidate herself was asked what she would do differently than Joy, she said she couldn’t think of a thing that she would do, or would’ve done, differently from what Joey had done. Not exactly a ringing endorsement when considering voting for the ‘candidate of change.'

And it was this past Thursday that we heard pretty much the same thing, this time from another of Cumala’s campaign co-chairs, Mitch Landrieu. You see, it was then, during an appearance on “CNN News Central,” that Landrieu was asked how it is that Cumala is different from Joey. And oddly enough, the best this guy could come up with was saying, “She’s obviously a woman, she is a woman of color, and she is of a new generation” and pointing to her plan on home care. Now I’m no politician and have never run any sort of a political campaign but, seriously, could this guy have provided anymore of a non-answer, answer? And he’s one of the campaign chairs?

So anyway, it was co-host, and well-known faux ‘journalist,’ John Berman who asked, “Vice President Harris has been asked repeatedly how she’s different than President Biden, and some people think she’s been tripped up by answering that. How do you think she is different than President Biden?” And it was then that Landrieu responded in typical fashion by saying, “Well, first of all, whatever the differences [are] between them, it’s not nearly as vast as the difference between her and Donald Trump. She’s obviously a woman, she is a woman of color, and she is of a new generation.” And our brilliant ‘journalist’ just sat there and nodded in agreement.

Landrieu said, “And, as you know, when both President Biden and President Trump were running against each other, the country was, like, saying, can we actually turn a page? And I think it was Nikki Haley who said…the first one that does that is the first one that’s going to have a leg up in the campaign. So, she is not Joe Biden, as much as they want to try to make her Joe Biden.” And he added, “But she was and is part of the Biden administration and part of all the historic gains that were made, from the American Rescue Plan, to the bipartisan infrastructure law, to the CHIPS Act, bringing back manufacturing.” Was he asked to provide any of these historic gains? Nope.

Landrieu continued, “But she has continued to work really, really hard on demonstrating that she wants to continue the fight to lower the costs for everyday Americans, which is why, the other day, she came out with her plan to help the sandwich generation, those of us that have older parents and lots of kids. I have eight brothers and sisters between us.” He said, “We’ve got 38 kids, and I’ve got a mom that’s 92, and we’re all balancing that. Everybody in America is doing that. And if you want to have a pro-growth economy, you have to help folks stand up.” Yes, and I’m sure he and his siblings are experiencing what most Americans are experiencing.

Landrieu ended this scripted little exchange saying, “She’s been very aggressive about that. She’s put out an 82-page economic plan and she’s talking about that, and she’s basically going to fight really hard to protect the freedoms that Donald Trump wants to rip away from us. And she’s going to be very aggressive and take it to him. And so, you can expect her to be her own person. She has demonstrated that throughout her life, and she will do that when she’s the president of the United States.” Democrats are Democrats are Democrats. They call themselves different things in order to get into power, but at the end of the day, they’re all progressive communists.

This idiot’s comments aside, clearly Cumala is a “woman of color” when the color suits her. I think it would be more honest to say that she changes her spots regularly. What color is Cumala, exactly? Her mother was a Hindu from southern India, and so she was considered to be a Caucasian. Her father was a very light skinned black from Jamaica, implying a large admixture of Caucasian genes. So, genetically speaking, it would seem to me that Cumala is more Caucasian than she is black. But she chooses to self-identify as black. People of color are allowed to claim whatever color they want; but if a white claims to be black or American Indian, then all Hell breaks loose.

Democrats have been conditioned to see race, creed, color, sex, national origin and sexual orientation as the entirety of the person. So, what would you expect from a party obsessed with diversity and believes physical characteristics define a person? Democrats know they can’t capitalize on victimization without victims, and they can’t capitalize on guilt without people who feel guilty. Democrats derive power by selling victimization, and, of course, have used it to signal their virtue and compassion. They’re desperate need to create victims has caused many Americans to devote 95 percent of their emotional energy to a 5 percent problem. What a waste.

For most Americans, what you are, has absolutely nothing to do with who you are. Any other belief is one of DEI and of prejudice. If Cumala even finishes within 10 million votes behind President Trump, we will know the Democrats cheated. From what I seen she’s actually polling around 35-37 percent nationwide. The only place polls return more favorable numbers for her are high density cities that are chock full of Democrat morons. However, when you combine all the actual numbers, she’s at about 36 percent of the popular vote. Compare that to President Trump whose actual numbers are in the high 50s and even the major swing states now favor President Trump.

But by no means does that mean we can simply sit at home and hope our brothers and sisters get the job done for us. You must get out and vote anyway you can. Over the course of the last 15 years, or so, the Democrats have become increasingly emboldened, and far more willing to reveal their true selves. And while there was a time when each election was declared to be crucial to our survival, never before has that been truer than when it is said about this coming election. I have no reservations whatsoever when it comes to describing this next election as being the most crucial election in my voting lifetime, and I’ve been voting for president since 1972.

And finally, when the time comes for a woman to become president, she needs to have bona fide accomplishments that she can point to. And just like 2016, this is not the time. The first female president should not be a Socialist, she should not be a radical and she will have to be able to speak coherently on a variety of issues and not speak in gibberish she thinks will pass. Yes, all the things they said about Cumala are true. She’s a woman, she’s a woman of color and she’s not white. But she is also an imbecile who can’t speak coherently. Foreign leaders hope she gets in because the U.S. will be the weakest it has ever been since it was first founded.

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