Thursday, October 10, 2024


So I’m sitting here wondering just when it might be, and/or what it might take, for all of those on the other side to finally throw in the towel when it comes to their continuing effort to mock, ridicule and malign those of us who not only continue to support President Trump, but also who have every intention of voting for him once again. Because as much as they might wish for it to be so, we’re not going anywhere. We will stay put no matter how much they may mock, ridicule or malign us. These people are scum, who seem to think that by attacking us they somehow add something to their own drab and pathetic little lives. And how disgusting is that?

All of which, of course, brings me MSDNC contributor Donny Deutsch. You see it was this past Wednesday during an appearance on “Morning Schmo” that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag said that those voters who support President Trump have “bankrupt” souls. Deutsch said, “You could tell people January 6, you could tell people he’s lying, people’s lives are at stake and he’s lying about a hurricane and people will go, ‘Well what about Kamala’s third answer on The View?’ And it is just.” He continued, “What happened to us? What is wrong with us? I feel like I’m living in another country. I am really going to feel that way if the election goes in the Trump direction."

He added, “It’s like how bankrupt have so many souls become?” These people just don’t let up. He went on to say, “And I’m not talking about people who if you think he’s going to put food on your table and you’re upset about prices and that’s the difference between a job and not a job. I’m talking about the people that we interact with, people of means who only care, they will lose every other excuse, but only care about the 3% tax cut. I’ve been really down lately not about Trump but about who we are. Is this who we’ve become? Because if that’s the case, it’s much bigger than Donald Trump.” Donny Deutsch-bag, another bought and paid for propogandist.

So apparently, it’s according to Donny and those like him, that I am now a deplorable bitter clinger and a dreg of society with a “bankrupt soul.” Perhaps Donny, and they, should take the time to look in the mirror. After all, how mentally ill are those who display their full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) at every opportunity? And I’ll tell ya, knowing that my vote for President Trump annoys losers like Donny just makes me all the happier, and all the more eager, to do so. This is proof of TDS and how truly filled with hate the left has now become. And if we substitute Cumala for President Trump, or Democrats for Republicans and we’ll have the real world.

And so proudly count me in as one of the tens of millions of “bankrupt souls” that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag is talking about who support President Trump. I’m also proudly one of the extreme MAGA Republicans that Joey talks about.  Look Donnie boy, Americans don’t care about January 6th or Juneteenth. We just know that trading in one incompetent old fuck for an incompetent Jamaican/Indian woman ain’t the answer by any stretch. Donnie is a lost soul who’s made a career out of peddling hate. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything but performing his hate Trump routines. If you hate President Trump, you can become a hero to other brainwashed souls.

And I’m curious, what might it be that qualifies this hapless twerp to determine the condition of one’s soul? Also, do Democrats truly believe in souls, or in God the creator of those souls? The answer to that is no. Not when they can justify the murder of the unborn who have souls from the moment of creation. Deutsch-bag is doing nothing more than to take part in the usual vile gaslighting that we’ve all come to expect from leftist activist sellouts, bought and paid for with leftist blood money, to purvey hate and to spread nothing but division and lies. Why are liberals so stupid? It has to be genetic, right? Nobody could really be that willfully stupid, could they?

And so riddle me this. Where does this soulless little creep get off thinking he is capable of accusing anyone of possessing a “bankrupt soul?” After all, I’m not the one who supports the butchering of an unborn baby, right up to the moment of birth and even after. Just as I am not one who supports removing our southern border while encouraging every piece of shit who wants to come here to “come on down,” or the printing of money 24/7/365 so that it can then be given away to all manner of sinister players. It’s the true “bankrupt souls” like ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, here, that have played a role in creating the mess in which we all now find ourselves.

‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag is such a confused and unlikeable individual. I mean, what kind of person makes such a broad statement claiming fellow citizens have bankrupt souls because they don’t agree with him. But then what else should we expect from someone like him. A guy who’s nothing more than a sock puppet for the left. And is that what he actually believes or is he, as is usually the case with those of his chose profession, simply spewing nothing more than those talking points he has been provided with. I love how these loudmouth leftists, who clearly don’t believe in God, try to wax religious in an attempt to get us to vote against our conscience.

Finally, I think it fair to say that ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, along with most everybody else there on the left, is a demonic disciple of none other than Lucifer himself, and so, I suppose, it’s safe to assume that he may know a bit about lost souls. After all, he clearly sold his soul years ago. His words and deeds leave no doubt about that. Speaking only for myself, I can cite a whole litany of reasons why I continue to support President Trump, all of them factual. I simply have to remember how things were a mere four years. Meanwhile it’s ‘Little Donny’ Deutsch-bag, and those like him, who cannot do likewise regarding their support of Cumala.

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