Saturday, October 12, 2024


I truly do believe that there has never been, nor will there ever be again, a more arrogant, narcissistic politician than Barack Obama, whom I will refer to from here on out as ‘BO’. And I also truly believe that the man thinks of himself as a God, or at least God-like, and as such is capable of being able to convince people to do something that they would not otherwise do. Yes, there are those who do view him in that way, but they also tend to be the weak-minded, and easily convinced among us. And, of course, there are those others who pretend, those who are nothing more than bit players who, for whatever reason, contribute to the continuing charade.

And it was as recently as this past Thursday night that ‘BO’ took it upon himself to scold black men for not “feeling the idea of having a woman as president.” He seemed to suggest that any support among black men for President Trump is based on sexism, a tactic of guilt that may just have the opposite effect of that which was intended, and actually backfire on Cumala. And wouldn’t that be a shame? So anyway, it was to an audience gathered in Pennsylvania that ‘BO’ said, “Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and reasons for that."

And it was to those gathered to show their support for Cumala that ‘BO’ went on to say, “We have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities, as we saw when I was running.” And he added, “Now, I also want to say that seems to be more pronounced with the brothers,” Obama said. “So if you don’t mind, just for a second, I’m going to speak to y’all, and say that when you have a choice that is this clear, when on the one hand, you have somebody who grew up like you, knows you, went to college with you, understands the struggles and pain and joy that comes from those experiences."

According to ‘BO’, “She’s had to work harder and do more and overcome and achieves the second-highest office in the land.” Now I am not a black man, and would never presume to speak as one, but with that said, I would only ask, could ‘BO’ have been any more condescending? Somehow, I doubt it. Most men, regardless of skin color, resent being talked down to regardless of who it is that’s doing the talking. It’s not the fact that she’s a woman that’s the issue, it’s the fact that she’s a lying idiot and totally incompetent and a complete moron. And not even the teleprompter assisted ‘BO’ is going to be able to convince anyone that she is anything different.

The one certainty in what is an ever-changing political landscape is that Democrats can NEVER admit that it is their failures and incompetence that cause people not to vote for them. And because of their total lack of both self-awareness and intellectual honesty, there has to be another reason. Let’s be honest, the majority of those who voted for ‘BO’ did so for racial reasons, a racist act. Choosing to vote for Cumala because she is a woman, or not voting for her because she’s woman is, by definition, misogynist. Cumala is losing due to her low intellect, blatant incompetence, and lack of any leadership kill and total lack of a findable accomplishment.

To anyone to the right of Mao the fact that she may, or may not, be a woman is not part of the decision. She fails on every issue that’s important to mainstream America. So, she has to focus on single issue coalitions like abortion, climate change, the misandrists and the open border morons. And isn’t it interesting that Democrats can always define a woman when they need to. Cumala is a true believer, a true hater of America who wants to reset us under the globalist, socialist regime, who pay her bills. Even Joey wouldn’t go that far unless, of course, he could make some crony capitalist cold hard cash out of it. Although his leftist handlers tried hard to push him there.

And you have to laugh at how ‘BO’ continues to trot himself out and as he pretends to be black just long enough to lecture actual black people before then getting back into his armored car and heads back to Martha's Vineyard to hang out with all of those ric6h white liberals. He’s such a fucking fraud, and a charlatan, that many black folks, apparently black men, are no longer listening. And so, if I have this right, ‘BO’ wants black men to vote for Cumala solely because of the color of her skin and her gender, not because she is the best person for the job? I would argue that that once again proves that Cumala is nothing less than the mother of all DEI hires.

As I have said before, I am far from being an expert when it comes to American politics, but to the untrained eye it would at least seem the Democrats are NOT acting like a party that’s very confident of victory. They keep changing strategies, heck, they even changed candidates at the last minute. Even their voters now seem to be confused because they’re unsure of who it is that’s actually in charge. Is it ‘BO’? Is it Cumala? Is it Joey? Will the real ‘leader’ of the Democrat party please stand up. I’m not even sure if there’s anyone in charge. It seems like things are on auto-pilot with us screaming toward the deck, and they’re hoping we’ll hit before the election.

Yep, this move is more typical scumbaggery on the part of ‘BO’. Still not convinced to drink the Kool-Aid? Well then, let’s try to guilt and shame you until finally submit. It’s pretty pathetic really, right up there with Joey claiming that if you didn’t vote for him, “then you ain’t black.” Like black men can’t think for themselves about a particular candidate. How about the candidate's individual abilities to do the job? We can only hope that the transparent, patronizing fakery from elites like Cumala and ‘BO’ are helping young, black men figure out that the Democrat model of government dependence and identity/victim politics may not be in their best interests.

And Cumala is not just “a woman.” She’s a particular woman of limited understanding, extremist ideas, a repellent personality, and unlimited ambition. An endorsement by ‘BO’ is merely a reflection of his racial politics and a reminder of his destructive, anti-American presidency. And personally, I find it all rather insulting to insinuate that people who don’t vote for Cumala fail to do so just because they don’t like the idea of a woman as president. That’s nonsense. Maybe, just maybe, they just don’t want this particular one. You know, the one with zero qualifications for the job and who has demonstrated, on a number of occasions, that she’s simply not up to the job.

Leave it to the ‘Divider-in-Chief’ to continue to work hard at dividing us. Where there was once upon a time that I actually thought it possible to bring our nation together, I was “woken” to the realization identity politics is a staple of those on the left and, therefore, will never go away. Without it, the left has absolutely nothing on which to run. Economic records and foreign policy debacles from Carter to Biden have played out any chance for any Democrat politician to compete purely on policy positions. Platitudes are finally falling on deaf ears. Results are what’s in fashion these days. Whatever happened to the best person/most qualified for the job?"

And finally, ‘BO’ believes that America is oppressive and racist. He sought to “fundamentally transform” the country and, sadly, made a significant amount of progress in that endeavor. Democrats have controlled the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And look at where the country is today. It isn’t because of President Trump, it’s because of those like ‘BO.’ Democrats need the black vote so Democrats continue to try to create all manner of racial animosity. I do believe that more and more black men are starting to wake up to the games being played by the likes of ‘BO,’ one of their own who chose abandon them and whose Republican predecessor did not.

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