Tuesday, October 15, 2024


It seems that there are more than a few folks who are in need of being reminded of the fact that it’s been the Democrats who have been in the White House for 12 of the last 16 years. And yet, there are those within the Democrat Party seeking to convince us that had we not been forced to endure the four years that Donald Trump was in the White House the country would be in much better shape today than it is today. We’re somehow expected to believe that because President Trump secured our southern border, made America energy independent, made our trade agreements fairer, started no new wars and brought relative peace to the Middle East, he is to be blamed for the current sad state of the country.

And it was just this past Monday that we heard more of this same kind of drivel. This time it came from a guy who was identified as being the senior adviser to Cumala’s presidential campaign. It all came about during the broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” hosted by one of the network’s more vocal Trump haters, Neil Cavuto.  Anyway, it was this guy, by the name of Ian Sams, who did his best to argue that inflation actually began during the Trump administration when there was price gouging and “things in the global supply chain were challenged by challenges of COVID, and President Trump, unfortunately, didn’t have COVID under control and let things get way worse than they should have gotten."

Cavuto asked, “[I]f she has tied herself to the president and his policies, which is fine, there are a lot of people in this country who view those policies as being detrimental still. Inflation’s still a problem. It’s down from what it was, still a problem. Americans aren’t confident that the future looks good. … But she has not departed on any of that stuff. Does that surprise you, or is that going to change in the next three weeks?” Sams responded, “Well, I think, first of all, you started the show talking about the historic run that the stock market is on right now and the growing economy that we are seeing.” And he added, “And I think that she believes that it’s really important to keep that progress going."

He went on to say, “And she is offering distinctions when it comes to the economy, she’s talking about taking on corporate price gouging in an emergency, like we have seen, just these last few weeks with the hurricanes, where companies are jacking up prices on gasoline or hotel rooms or food when people are suffering. You saw this under President Trump when COVID happened. And that was when inflation started to occur was people were jacking up prices, things in the global supply chain were challenged by challenges of COVID, and President Trump, unfortunately, didn’t have COVID under control and let things get way worse than they should have gotten."

And he said, “And so, that is what’s helped lead to some of the challenges we’ve seen right now.” Cavuto then interrupted to say, “But he left office with inflation at a little more than 1.3 percent. You could say maybe some of those problems were brewing. But you guys don’t acknowledge that this stuff, this serious stuff happened with you guys, right?”  Sams answered, “No. Even before COVID hit, we were in a manufacturing recession under President Trump. And so, the economic problems were existing under his administration.” No one with an IQ above that of a houseplant believes any of this garbage. Cumala is a moron, and the people she surrounds herself with are morons and her policies are moronic, it’s that simple.

Cavuto then proceeded to ask this guy if Cumala thinks there’s anything that she and/or Joey might have gotten wrong. And while this would have been the perfect opportunity for him to turn the issue around and point out as honest people do, instead he simply resorted to asking a stupid question about whether the Joey/Cumala administration could have done things differently. This limp-wristed dope, and buddy of Bret Baier, is no friend to America. This is indicative of how Fox has allowed the left to take over the storyline. Watch ‘The Five’ and see the single ‘special guest lefty spending half of the show repeating Democrat talking points. Fair and Balanced? More like "Neutered and Inaccurate."

It’s amazing how these leftist fools think they can simply rewrite history. Especially when the inflation numbers are so easily verified, proving again what liars these people are. Their desperation is only making them look worse. They can try to twirl things any way they want but voters are quite well aware of when their bank accounts bottomed out, and President Trump was long gone by then. They simply can’t stop treating us like we’re all blithering idiots with the attention span of a two-year-old! Inflation soared under Joey/Cumala because they nuked President Trump’s energy independence policy and then begged our enemies for oil and attempted to bribe the American people by depleting our oil reserves, which is supposed to be used for emergencies, not politics.

President Trump had 1-1.5% inflation rates with sub $1.75 per gallon gas prices; lowest taxes on middle class in decades, a booming economy, lowest unemployment rates across all racial and age groups; lower crime rates and rising median household wages that saw more Americans elevated into the middle and upper middle class since Reagan’s boom. Joey/Cumala destroyed it all; seeing higher crime rates than in decades; higher violent crime rates in years; higher taxes; higher unemployment and underemployment for Americans with visa holders taking more and more jobs away from citizens; shrinking median household wages; reduced workforce participation; record high inflation rates; unsustainable national debt levels and worse.

Their lies get more pathetically desperate with every passing day. This is one lie that even those in the ‘fake news’ media can’t help them sell. We know that under President Trump inflation was but a tiny fraction of what it was under Joey and Cumala. Inflation was 1.3 percent when President Trump left office. Joey and Cumala own the inflation their stupid policies created. None the less, they keep trying to blame President Trump for all their failures. Everything is President Trump’s fault, from the sinking of the Titanic to the Kennedy assassination to inflation, at least according to the Democrats. My, what a powerful individual. Sounds like just who we need as president.

Joey/Cumala claim the economy was headed into a death spiral when they arrived. And this guy, Sams, tells blatant lies when he claims inflation took off under President Trump!!! Data confirms the actions taken were directly responsible for the exploding inflation. Covid landed in the U.S. in January 2020. The effects are clearly noticeable in the data, actually reducing the inflation rate. By January 2021 the ‘vaccine’ was widely available. Inflation was NOT on the rise. Then came Joey and Cumala and the steepest rise in inflation in generations. It didn’t just happen; it didn’t just slowly creep up. No, the data screams the results of incredibly bad actions, decisions and policies imposed by Joey/Cumala and the Democrat-led Congress.

Worse, the results of flooding the economy with cash were easily predictable! Notwithstanding the incredible incompetence, no one lost his/her job, and few were replaced in the 2022 election. Despite inflicting extreme economic damage, the Executive Branch has NOT evolved either, still believing taxes should be increased and the economy somehow grows from the bottom up. The arrogance, ignorance, and ineptitude within the Joey/Cumala administration, including Ian Sams, knows no bounds. Do these people think no one can remember what things were like four years ago? Do they think we don’t remember Democrats talking about torpedoing the economy to destroy President Trump’s electability?

Look, just because these Democrats try to pretend that things were so much worse under President Trump, certainly doesn’t make it so. I remember very well being able to fill up my gas tank for roughly 25 dollars. Today costs me over 40 dollars, and that’s not because of President Trump. That’s because of the policies put into place by Joey and fully supported by Cumala. And I remember border crossings slowed to a trickle under President Trump, and how the floodgates were thrown open under Joey and Cumala. And I remember how it was that no new wars were started under President Trump and how those battles we were involved in were winding down. And today, because of Joey and Cumala, we’re on the verge of WW III. So my advice to the American people is simply, ‘Think before you vote!’

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