Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Yup, you may not be able to rely on Democrats for much that’s useful, but you can always depend on them to spout some of the most idiotic drivel you’ve ever heard. Case in point would be that former drug dealer and now host of something called ‘The Breakfast Club’ radio show, Lenny tha Loser, aka Charlamagne tha God. You see it was Lenny who recently stated the obvious when he said the “America first” and “MAGA” platform of President Trump is resonating with voters this election year, while Cumala feels “out of touch,” especially as Joey/Cumala facilitates $157 million in aid to Lebanon while hurricane victims at home continue to suffer and search for answers.

Lenny spoke about the closing weeks of the election cycle during a recent episode of his show. Lenny said, “Trump and J.D. Vance… they’ll be talking about things that are happening right here in America because it is an election season right here in America.” And he went on to say, “It’s always America First. But then you go to Tim Walz and they’re asking him about geopolitical politics, and I think a lot of times that makes them sound, you know, very out of touch.” Perhaps it’s time for old Lenny to put his big boy pants on and support President Trump. I mean, if he genuinely cared about those in the black community, and not just himself, he would do exactly that!

Anyway, Lenny would go on to add, “When you hear the Vance’s and Trump’s talking about what’s happening here at home and saying things like ‘America First’ and ‘Make America Great Again,’ that messaging sometimes resonates a lot more — not sometimes, it does resonate a lot more.” I’m so sick and tired of hearing this nobody as he tries to play both sides of the fence. That “America First” message, should always be what motivates voters. Not abortion! Not Third World invitations! And certainly not subsidizing other countries’ wars. Democrats are getting into the next stage of grief, seeing a loss coming and they will blame anything but their policies.

Lenny spoke about Cumala’s announcement over the weekend that her administration is sending $157 million in humanitarian aid to civilians in Lebanon, far less than the $45 million the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) revealed, on October 4, it had provided for the immediate needs of individual Hurricane Helene victims in North Carolina, Florida, South Carolina, and Virginia. He said, “People got outraged. They were like, yo, what about us right here in North Carolina?” he said. “So that ‘America First’ messaging goes a lot farther.” The hurricane struck in Trump country so don’t expect much from Cumala. She doesn’t want those people to vote!

This guy may be a low information clown. He makes very random statements in a persuasive level tone and if you quizzed him on basic politics, he’d probably score in Kardashian territory. He is an ignoramus pretending to be an intellectual. He’s known for saying things that are clearly obvious and then acting as though they are original and profound ideas. Plus, the guy talks out of both sides of his mouth. One moment he is bashing President Trump, the next moment he seems to be praising him. He continually tries to sound intelligent but only comes across sounding like a fool. I just don’t get the draw. There is absolutely nothing to be learned from listening to him.

Lenny is like that guy who almost gets it but then gets distracted and suddenly remembers that he’s a Democrat and can’t be too honest about President Trump. Just like that other goof, Bill Maher. They start to make a little sense but then have to revert to the woke talking points. In other words, “I like Trump and everything he’s doing and saying. He’s connected to reality, and he is focused on Making America Great Again, and his message resonates, but I can’t vote for him because then I’m admitting that he’s the right guy for the job, and because Kamala is a female and person of color, I’m still voting for her.” That’s how the Democrat mind works.

And to continue publicly supporting Cumala says that either you’re really not all that smart or you’re so consumed by your hatred of President Trump that you would actually vote for a complete moron in an empty suit just to keep him out of office. I think Lenny knows he’s looking like a chump regarding his choosing to support this empty suit. I mean, frankly it’s really not all that difficult to imagine Cumala and/or her trusty sidekick, Tampon Tim out on a campaign road trip and deciding to drop in at Walmart just to prove they’re regular everyday Americans and then holding up the line because neither can grasp the concept of a self-service checkout.

In 2020 President Trump got more votes than he did in 2016 and he will get more votes in 2024 than he got in 2020. Meanwhile, we’re supposed to buy the claim that Joey, campaigning from his basement, somehow got more votes than ‘BO’ and the most in history. Cumala, in order to win, will need more votes than any candidate in history. She may need more votes than there are legal voters. Which, knowing Democrats as we all do, just may not be outside the realm of possibility. Look, clearly Cumala and Timmy A-Walz are not “out of touch.” They truth is they don’t care about the American people as much as they care about illegal immigrants.

MAGA has always been about Americans and America succeeding. It amazes me every day that morons can’t quite figure that out. But the sheeple listen to those in the ‘fake news’ media while wearing a mask driving alone in their car. It’s true that people are concerned about their ability to buy stuff like food, pay rent, pay a mortgage, pay insurance, afford their utilities and more. Today inflation caused by Joey, Cumala, and the Democrats has made those items 25 percent to 50 percent more costly in terms of dollars compared to just four years ago. That’s fucking incredible. How much of a leftwing kook must you be to want that to continue?

Cumala is a fraud. But she’s also dumb as shit. She possesses no self-awareness and therefore seems unable to understand that helping Americans will get her actual votes, but she tweets about helping Lebanon and giving them $157 Million. Meanwhile she’s giving $750 bucks to anyone who still has an internet connection and a phone. The checks in the mail folks. If you vote for Cumala, you deserve everything that you get. Nothing. But keep in mind that your vote for Cumala is actually a vote for Iran, Russia, China, Hamas, North Korea, Haiti, Sudan, Venezuela, Mexico. It’s literally a vote to kick every American in the nuts. Better to not vote than to vote for her.

Let those with common sense and basic intelligence vote for an actual leader who loves his country and loves the people he fights for. There is no gray area with President Trump. Nothing shady or compromised, or swampy or elitist. But he must make good on his promise to drain the swamp of these sick leftists who have made his life, and ours, a living Hell. His hands will be full for sure, because he will also be expected to fix the mess that Joey and Cumala left behind. I feel confident that he will be up to the challenge but we the voters can help by ridding Congress of as many Democrats and RINOs as we can, because what lies ahead is not a one man job.

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