Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Once again there seems to be a need to remind some, primarily Democrats, that this ain’t President Trump’s first rodeo. After all, he has been president before and, politically speaking, not all that long ago. Hence the reason most of us call him Mr. President. But be that as it may, it would seem that most Democrats have either forgotten, or simply choose to ignore, that rather inconvenient truth. That is inconvenient for Democrats, especially when it comes to their ongoing attempts to convince voters that when compared to their candidate, Cumala, President Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler when anyone whose been paying attention knows different.

Also, Democrats have become quite desperate in their attempts to convince Americans that they are somehow misremembering the successes of President Trump. But despite their best efforts, Democrats have been less than successful in that endeavor. Because try as they might most Americans do remember how much better their lives were during the Trump years and how miserable they’ve been for the last four. And it’s many Americans who realize things are not likely to improve, and may even get very much worse, should Cumala actually win the election. But that hasn’t stopped Democrats from pretending the Trump presidency never existed.

Democrat claims regarding what President Trump will, or won’t, do if re-elected bear absolutely no resemblance to what he actually did, or didn’t do, during his first term in office. And it was once again, just this past weekend, that we had yet another of these leftwing hack Democrats ranting about how President Trump is not to be trusted to make good on such things as securing our southern border. You see it was during an appearance this past Sunday on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ that Democrat Sen. Mark Kelly made the idiotic claim that President Trump did not want to solve the immigration issue. Instead, he said, President Trump “just wants to talk about problems."

Kelly said, “I was with the vice president a couple of days ago at the border, and it was great to have her there, and it was a good trip. She got to meet with elected leaders and talked about these issues specifically and how it affects Arizona, the state of Arizona. Hey, she’s a prosecutor, she’s a border senator, a border attorney general. She knows how to handle these issues. The executive actions that the White House took, they had to take these executive actions because Donald Trump told Senate Republicans that they were not allowed to work out a deal with Democrats.” Kelly is such a liar, the supposed deal he talks about was a joke and he knows it.

Anyway, he went on to claim, “We actually had the deal, and then he told them that they had to walk away from this because Donald Trump doesn’t want to solve this problem. He just wants to talk about problems.” He added, “So, yeah. She’s prepared on day one to deal with this issue. She said she would sign that legislation into law. It’s up to us in the Senate, myself, Senator Rubio and others, to bring that legislation back and send it to her desk.” Again, they keep trying to bamboozle people. He’s another of those unwilling to admit that “day one” for Cumala was three and a half years ago. And that Kelly supports such incompetence says much about him.

These silly ‘interviews’ with Democrats on fake news outlets are nothing more than state-run propaganda pieces. It’s beyond detestable. Kelly watched and did nothing as Joey allowed over 10 million illegals to invade our country. The proposed Democrat Legislation would have done nothing to ‘solve’ illegal immigration. It would have only made the situation worse. And legislation is not needed, there are laws now on the books that need to be enforced. Kelly is just another morally depraved leftist masquerading as a patriot. He’s a gun grabbing socialist hack and lying tool for those who are hellbent in turning our country into a morally bankrupt, Socialist hellhole.

Many South and Central American countries have been emptying their prisons and asylums and flying their scum to the U.S. at our expense. Thank you, ‘Border Czar’ Cumala. This is a repeat of what happened in the Mariel boatlift, during the Carter years, when Castro emptied his prisons and sent his criminals to America. We are now seeing that same process on a massive scale with ‘Border Czar’ Cumala. This will take years to track down and deport the millions of criminals that she has invited into our country. The sad part is how many more Americans must die before Americans start taking to the streets and telling those like Cumala and Kelly to go fuck themselves?

And what better solution is there to illegal immigration than to remove every single illegal immigrant from the country? It’s really not that complicated, or difficult. All that needs to be done is enforce our current laws that require proof of legal residence/work permit to secure employment or to qualify for government benefits. When you get right down to it, it’s the Biden administration, the Democrat Party leadership, and the ‘Establishment Republicans,’ aka RINOs, that still don’t want to solve the foreign Invasion of our country. And it’s cheerleaders like this buffoon Kelly who want nothing more than to grant amnesty to all those here illegally.

And frankly, I’m not sure where it is that this stupid fuck has been, but it was President Trump who already solved our border mess once, against all odds including total opposition by Democrats and RINO members of his own party. Due to this overwhelming opposition for a secure border, President Trump was forced to solve the border crisis during his first term by Executive Order, which, sadly, was nothing more than a temporary solution, because it was on day one of his term that Joey simply reversed, removed and refused to enforce all that President Trump had put into place. Joey is solely responsible for the border failures we’re experiencing today.

And, of course, it’s been Cumala, along with her trusty sidekick Mayorkas, who has worked hard to increase the number of illegal immigrants. Cumala traveled to Central America and turned down help from EL Salvador, Guatemala and Panama who would take dollars to reduce immigrant flow, instead she said, “Nope, keep em’ coming!” Customs and Border Protection developed a mobile APP to make it easier for illegals to be processed once across the border and Joey insisted on keeping ‘catch and release.’ An illegal invasion at the border was sanctioned by our own government. It was no accident. Cumala, Joey and Mayorkas all have American blood on their hands.

The problem with this boob’s glowing report on Cumala performance is that it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors. He takes something that was clearly nothing more than a well-scripted photo op and tries to make it into something that it very clearly wasn’t.  Remember she’s the ‘Border Czar’ and yet she never made to the border until weeks before the election?  And it’s Kelly who should also be a little embarrassed because he’s done nothing about the border and made no effort to protect the citizens of his own state. They’ve done nothing more than to open the floodgates. They’ve allowed every illegal into the country that they could get their hands on.

And to say that President Trump is the one using the border for purely political purposes is more than a little disingenuous. The sick thing is, the Democrats are criticizing President Trump for tanking a phony border security bill, when it was the Joey & Co. that caused this massive invasion, by undoing everything President Trump did to secure the border. Democrats created the largest immigration disaster in our nation’s history. And Kelly has the gall to blame President Trump for not supporting a bill that did nothing about the 10-20 million illegals who came in during the past four years. And contained provisions to allow an additional 5,000 illegals per day to enter.

That is sheer hypocrisy! The Democrat solution is to have open borders and provide automatic amnesty and citizenship to illegal immigrants upon contact and ignore got-aways. President Trump’s solutions protected Americans, preserved our sovereignty and the rule of law. Most Americans know who’s responsible and they know who’s lying. Most Democrat politicians play dumb to dupe voters, in an election year. Every one of these people who have taken the oath and refused to honor it should be removed from office. Cumala has no intention of securing the border, like every other Democrat her intention is on destroying this country and making it anti-white.

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