Monday, October 14, 2024


What do you suppose it might be that motivates those blacks who choose to make politics a career, to do so under the banner of the Democrat Party. Because you would think that with its rather checkered history regarding how it has, as a party, treated, or dare I say mistreated, blacks for centuries, most responsible blacks would, or so you would think, not want to associate with a political party that has such a history. But oddly enough, that seems not to be the case. And not only do they themselves become proud members of the party, but they also work very hard in what has been a decades-long effort to convince blacks that they should as well.

In short, it’s these same black politicians who are nothing more than the equivalent of the plantation overseers from back in the days of slavery. Their job is to convince black Americans that it’s only the Democrat Party that has their best interest at heart when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. And the Democrats have been very successful over the course of the last 60 years in convincing blacks that the party that has no genuine interest in seeing them succeed in life, is the same party that they need to be voting for. And it’s one of these same self-serving black Democrats who has done nothing for the black community that is none other than James Clyburn.

And it was this past Sunday during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ that Clyburn was once again hard at work. You see, it was then that he said he’s concerned that black men will vote for President Trump. Clyburn is one of the biggest racial bigots in all of Washington. It was host Dana Bash who said, “You just heard Donald Trump making his appeal to black men. Your friend, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, who you campaigned with in Michigan says that the message she’s hearing from black man is quote, ‘Democrats take us for granted, Donald Trump talks to us directly.’ Are you concerned about black men voting for Donald Trump or staying home?"

Clyburn said, “Yes, I am concerned about black men staying home or voting for Trump. But my concerns don’t tend to keep me from being energetic about this campaign because I was in Michigan campaigning and with Debbie last weekend, I thought the swing through Michigan was very, very effective. I met with black men, I met with black religious leaders, I met black union leaders. And quite frankly, I think we had very frank and direct discussions. And I see and feel what I’m reading about in news reports. Yes, black men, like everybody else, want to know exactly what I can expect from a Harris administration, and I’ve been very direct with them."

And he went on to say, “I’ve also contrast at that with what they can expect from a Trump administration. We will expect Project 2025 to be a full blown policy in his administration. And what would that policy be described it on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. I’ve been describing it that way ever since. It will be Jim Crow 2.0.” Look, if Clyburn truly cared about the wellbeing of those in the black community, he would be concerned about them voting for Cumala or, for that matter, any other Democrat. The 84-year-old Clyburn has been busy selling out his black constituents for over 30 years and in so doing has moved up the party hierarchy.

Old Jimmy seems to be getting nervous because he sees a growing number of blacks finally starting to wake up and asking what it is that the Democrats have done to make their lives better. And, of course, the answer to that is Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada. Clyburn and the many other race merchants are worried that they may be about to lose their monopoly. While they are desperately trying to keep it, they know their days may now be numbered. I mean, you can’t fail people election after election and expect them to continue to embrace you. More and more blacks are finally seeing the Democrats for what they are. And Democrats like Clyburn are not happy about it.

Many blacks are now leaving the Democrat plantation because they’re tired of seeing Democrats only at election time and then being forgotten about until the next election rolls around. It would appear that the Democrats are panicked at the thought that the black community is starting to understand that they have simply been used as a political tool to further to the Democrat agenda. It’s a fact that more and more black Americans are beginning to think for themselves and choosing to no longer listen to sleezy Democrat politicians, regardless of skin color. Now that they have had their consciousness raised (woke), the brothers are leaving in droves.

And again, with more Project 2025 nonsense! Clearly Clyburn hasn’t even read it, and yet he spews more baseless garbage. And, of course, he conveniently ignores the fact that President Trump has disavowed it. And a little sidenote regarding Project 2025: More than 100 conservative organizations and 140 authors contributed to Project 2025. Some of the recommendations may make their way into the Republican platform, and many others may not. And I doubt there is a single person in any one of those organizations (let alone President Trump) who would agree with every policy recommendation in the 900+ page document, which covers 30 topics.

The Democrats, as usual, are simply attempting to make the document a boogeyman via repetition, but few people have actually read it, or have any intention of reading it which, I assume, is just what the Democrats are counting on. And of course, Clyburn never says how it is that Project 2025 poses a danger to black men and, of course, he’s never asked to. That’s the best part about the Democrats and the left, they’re so terrified at their complete lack of any actual ideas and intelligence that they will cling to any little bit of flotsam and jetsam left after the sinking of their broken, completely corrupt party. Sorry, traitors, no lifeboat is coming this time around.

And as expected, Clyburn was again compelled to bring up the subject of Jim Crow 2.0, but which political party was it that was responsible for crafting, and implementing, Jim Crow 1.0? And yet, he seriously wants blacks to believe that it’s the Republicans who somehow want to reconstitute that which was a Democrat creation. Does that really make any sense to anyone with a fucking brain? He’s simply trying to scare blacks back onto the plantation. Democrats offer blacks nothing but an influx of illegal immigrants that will only serve to lower wages and devour resources in lower income communities. Fearmongering is the only strategy Democrats have.

And let’s face it, Democrats stab the minority voters in the back as soon as they’ve left the voting booth. Yet Democrats continue to import people who absorb all of the resources from their communities, increase the cost of home ownership and take valuable time from their children’s education. Skin color is just one more detail being used by Democrats to divide the American people in the hope that we argue among ourselves instead of uniting and working to save this republic. Here’s a news flash for Mr. Clyburn, no man needs to be told what to do, especially from a political party and a ‘fake news’ media that constantly attempts to bully us by calling us names.

But even more disgusting is the way so many, so-called black leaders, work to tell other blacks that free choice is not for them. They must vote the way their white liberal masters demand that they vote. This is straight up racism, and most people don’t want to call him what he is, a racist! He obviously thinks that black men do not have minds of their own, so they need to be told what to do. I cannot think of anything that is more insulting or demeaning to a grown man, no matter what race he is. These career politicians, so entrenched in their own self-importance and party dogma, never stop to consider or ask WHY their ‘base’ is fleeing the plantation.

Unlike Clyburn, I’m concerned about black men NOT voting for President Trump. It is past time for these men to escape the plantation of the Democrat Party, the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, the party of the KKK, the party of segregation. In the 60 years after the Civil Rights Act, how has the plight of the black man gotten substantially better? Meanwhile, President Trump offers Americans of every skin color peace, prosperity, safety and freedom. Black men see that and will vote accordingly. Black men have been voting for Democrats for decades, they promise them the moon before the election and then they promise them the moon before the next election.

The Democrat’s entire campaign is nothing more than some insidious mind-altering brain worm where they refuse to talk about policy and the brain worm assures the victim is convinced that all is well as long as you vote Democrat. And it’s in Clyburn that we have yet another black elite who wants nothing more than to keep black men enslaved to high food, energy and gas prices. Another black elite who wants black neighborhoods to be overrun with illegal immigrants. Another black elite who wants black men paying higher taxes. Another black elite who wants black wages to decline and yet works to convince black men to remain loyal to the Democrat Party.

The sad truth of it is that Clyburn and his fellow Democrats couldn’t care less about the plight of black men, their only concern is to make sure, to greatest extent possible, that they continue to vote Democrat in order to ensure that they are able to remain in power and able to move forward their anti-America agenda. And if you wish to see what that agenda is all about all one has to do is to look at any major city that has been run by Democrats for the last 50-60 years and where there is nothing but poverty, crime, drugs, homelessness, and very few jobs and schools that are failing. Democrats have been promising utopia for decades and have produced only misery.

And regarding Cumala, she is clearly nothing more than a media generated candidate by way of bizarre photo-ops and edited/rigged interviews in friendly spaces. We need someone who will be a leader of all Americans and not just certain types. And what is simply astounding is how black politicians assume that they’re still able to dictate to blacks regarding whom it is that they are to vote for. Clyburn is worried more black men will be voting for President Trump, but why shouldn’t they, at least he listens to them. Meanwhile Democrats have taken them for granted for years. Clyburn is not concerned with taking them for granted, only that they are voting for Trump.

Most black men want the same things that most white men want! A good job, money in the bank, the ability to live in a free and safe country? Perhaps Cumala should have thought about that when she decided to go along with Joey opening the borders and undoing all that President Trump did. Maybe she should have been concerned as ‘Border Czar’ when she saw illegals taking over communities. But she was not, and she did not. Maybe the Biden administration figured it didn’t need the black vote anymore being as they have so many new illegals. Sometimes things don’t work out as you planned. Clearly black men don’t want what Cumala wants. Most real men don’t.

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