Sunday, October 6, 2024


You would think that as obvious as the Democrats have been, and continue to be, about where it is that they wish to take this country, and how they intend to get it there, it would be fewer and fewer Americans that would actually be willing to vote them into office. But oddly enough, it seems that it’s just the opposite that appears to be the case. You see, it’s millions of Americans who somehow remain convinced that those in the Democrat Party, those who very clearly care only about themselves and their party, genuinely care about them. I must say that it’s these people who have now managed to take gullibility to what is clearly a whole new level.

All of which brings me to none other than Hitlery. You see, it was this past Saturday that Hitlery appeared on a bizarre bit of CNN programming called “Smerconish,” hosted by some loon by the name of Michael Smerconish, another one of those who claims to have once been a Republican but now claims to be an Independent. It was then that she said “we lose total control” if social media content is not more regulated. I’m stunned at how much airtime this cow continues to get. Hitlery said, “We need national action and sadly, our Congress has been dysfunctional when it comes to addressing these threats to our children. So you’re absolutely right."

She said, “This should be at the top of every legislative, political agenda. There should be a lot of things done. We should be repealing something called section 230, which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs, that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that that was an overly simple view, that if the platforms, whether it’s Facebook or Twitter, X or Instagram or TikTok, if they don’t moderate and monitor the content we lose total control and it’s not just the social and psychological effects it’s real harm, it’s child porn and threats of violence, things that are terribly dangerous."

She added, “Remove the immunity from liability and we need to have guardrails, we need regulation. We’ve conducted a big experiment on ourselves and particularly our kids and I think the evidence is in. We’ve got to do more, take phones out of schools. I’m so happy to see schools beginning to do that where kids turn their phone in when they walk in the door.”  There it is, all out in the open, the exact explanation for everything the Democrats do. She is just so self-absorbed that she forgot how much she was supposed to keep hidden. The thought of her being President is deeply troubling when you realize Democrats will do and believe anything they are told.

So, there you have it, an in your face admission that ‘the swamp’ believes that it’s in total control. Hitlery is just saying the quiet part out loud, which is the Democrats, need to be able to force social media companies to censor speech they disagree with. The only thing she left out were the left’s favorite mantra “threat to democracy” and buzzwords like “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Hitlery confirmed that the leftist agenda is all about control. The left rejects reason, logic, and relevant facts in pursuit of their authoritarian agenda. The left hates the U. S. Constitution as it restricts what the government can do to take away life, liberty, and property.

Hitlery is nothing if not the poster child for all that is wrong without government. Ugly, vile, liberal white women who were led to believe they matter more than anyone else, and hold the position as arbiters of what, how and why everyone else must live, think, act, believe, vote, talk, imagine, and support, their disgusting agenda. Hitlery is merely echoing the policy sought by her many friends in the Democrat Party establishment, including, of course, Cumala and A-Walz. Democrats and Independents should understand these people will also silence them, and continue to tell them to sit down, shut up, and vote only as you are told to vote.

Normally, I agree with no phones in the classroom, but when she calls for it, it has a rather sinister ring to it. And I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s noticed how it’s always about “the kids” with this crowd of miscreants. They feign concern about their welfare while at the very same time grooming them and pushing them into mental illness. The truth is this crowd is livid because we won’t shut up and sit down. They can’t dictate our thoughts or our speech. The left plays the old routine of using children as reason for whatever agenda they have, claiming that “children are our future,” all the while as they advocate for the “right to murder children."

But let’s be clear, the only people who lose control with free speech are those who seek to enslave us, those like Hitlery, Cumala and, of course, ‘BO.’ Liberals, like Hitlery, fear freedom of speech because it provides the means for individuals to express themselves free of impediments of any kind. And as bothersome as being free to say anything you want can be at times; you must admit that it’s far better than being forced to remain silent. People need to understand that liberals are the existential threat to both democracy and individual liberties! They won’t protect any individual liberties including abortion because they don’t care about people!

What Hitlery and her fellow Democrats have shown is that they have no love for, nor do they support the Constitution. These creatures deserve the ultimate punishment swiftly and decisively, they are a the cancer that must be removed. Hitlery is fine with drag queens shaking their “stuff” in grade schools, but she’s suddenly concerned about pornography and violence on the internet? Isn’t it more likely that she just wants to shut off one of the only outlets for conservative thought? The Democrats already control nearly all of the ‘fake news’ media and most of social media but they won’t be satisfied until every last dissenting voice has been silenced.

Well intentioned people welcome freedom of speech. Only those with evil intent want to stifle the opinions of others. The Democrat Party is clearly the enemy of the individual. Democrats can’t change minds through argument and discussion, so they must focus on taking away our freedom to argue and discuss. It used to be that while I would disagree with what you said, I’d fight to the death to protect your right to say it. Not Hitlery, she’d knife you in the back before she’d fight for your right to say anything she disagrees with. Hitlery is a congenital liar. Hitlary is the wicked witch of the West and the East, rolled into one! And she doesn’t need a broom to fly!

And finally, Marxism has been around for over a hundred years and still has yet to produce a single beneficial thing for anyone on planet Earth. Yet despite that, we have people here in 2024 pushing it, risking literally Hell on earth, just to achieve a single positive thing in its name. No other ideology, government, or religion have destroyed more human lives than Marxism in that short time. That people in 2024 still support it, shows how much of a failure the world's educational system have been. Hitlery is a textbook example of the "in service to self" person. In my humble opinion, her life represents a complete failure on every level that is important.

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