Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Something that I’m pretty sure will come as a surprise to virtually no one is how the journalistic geniuses at MSDNC persist in thinking that those on the left are the only sane ones. Oddly enough they seem to have come to the conclusion that one would have to be certifiably insane to not vote for Democrats. After all, what other possible reason could there be? Meanwhile, it’s those of us out here in the real world who have a slightly different view of things. You see, it’s most of us who think one would have to be a complete moron to vote for any Democrat. I guess if you derive pleasure from high crime, high inflation and an open border, Democrats are your kind of people.

And we saw that again just this past Monday when some wingnut of a Princeton University professor by the name of Eddie Glaude appeared on MSDNC’s “Deadline” and argued that the fact voters support President Trump makes clear that “there’s a kind of madness that has a grip on us.” This overpaid clown serves as being yet another example of how our institutions of ‘higher learning’ are nothing more than indoctrination centers. Their job is to finish what our public school system start. Clearly it doesn’t take much to be a professor these days, the bar has been set pretty low, especially if one also happens to be of the right skin color. But I digress.

Anyway, it was the host of this idiotic bit of television programming, Nicolle Wallace, who started things off by saying, “I wonder what sort of the state of play is in terms of the last 29 days where we have all the information. Trump isn’t capable it would appear from Peter Baker’s analysis of reforming himself or tightening it up and the polls stay neck and neck. What do you make of that?” And this clown Glaude responded saying, “Oh, God, Nicolle, you ask that question, right? I mean, it just shows us, it shows us the nature of the country. We’ve said over and over again as pundits, as folks who do this for a living that the country is a 50-50 country."

And this boob went on to say, “We know that it’s split. Then we know that it’s complicated in relation to the electoral college system. right? We’ve got that. But we also know that there is a cultural shift that’s happening in America and folks aren’t comfortable with it. We’re changing. We don’t know what we’re changing into. And folk aren’t comfortable with it. We know that there are politicians who aren’t very decent people, who are exploiting it and they’re exploiting it for their own aims and ends. So that sense of unease and we must add that we’re not okay. We’re not okay.” He added, “There’s a kind of madness that has a grip on us."

He said, “We can call it a fever dream or whatever. And we’re trying to make our way to the other side of it but we’re in it. I think those numbers reflect Americans who are just grabbing on to something, trying to hold on in the face of winds and Americans who are desperately trying to make sure that we survive it. And who knows? Who knows where we’re going to land?” Glaude seems upset that President Trump wants to stop this wonderful experiment that the Democrats are bringing to us. Now I’m not sure exactly what this guy is a professor of, but it doesn’t matter. He’s likely another fine example of teaching hate disguised as ‘social science.'

And there are countless other goofs like this guy Glaude out in universities all across the country ‘teaching,’ and I use the term loosely, students under the catch-all topic of ‘humanities.’  But in a way, I do agree with Glaude. Because there is a definite madness in America, but it’s called Marxism. It equates to human trafficking, millions of illegals, fentanyl, inflation, abortion up to birth, mutilating children, rabid antisemitism, and out of control crime in our cities. This is what you get when people are so incredibly out of touch with reality that they lie even to themselves to try and remain relevant. It would seem there is absolutely nothing they won’t say.

Let’s face it, some of the most intolerant people in the world have Ph.Ds., as Glaude himself is proof of. And having a credential, or having demonstrated intelligence, does not give one the gift of reason in all matters, also as Glaude himself proves. This so-called ‘intellectual’ has called half the American people mentally ill. Dare I say the madness comes from the Democrat Party and their woke ideology and the voters who supports those who wish to destroy America and rule over its ashes. The madness comes from the fanatical hatred of President Trump by people who are too stupid to know, or too stubborn to admit, how much better things were during his term.

And yes, those of us on the right, those of us who genuinely love this country, are mad, fighting mad. Mad at the way those worthless, incompetent fascists on the left, like Glaude, work to destroy everything they come into contact with. That “madness” is called patriotism which is something Democrat know nothing about. It’s Democrats who insist upon taking this country down the same progressive path that has resulted in the destruction of so many other countries before us. Ideas like socialized healthcare, income equality, banning guns, free higher education, all the same ideas implemented in Venezuela since 2001, and just look where it has them today.

And to be blunt, we’re not changing, they’re purposely trying to change us into another communist utopia that the rest of the world is trying to flee. Our government is now the nation’s largest employer, and it continues to grow on the backs of the middle class. Does that make any sense? Government employees have a pretty good gig, good pay, better benefits, more time off and job security far beyond the average private sector employee could ever hope for. They’re squeezing out the middle class. You may believe that white replacement is some crazy conspiracy theory, but it’s happening, and it’s being done intentionally to destroy our way of life.

Personally, I would argue that this nation is NOT 50/50, maybe 60/40 in favor of the right, and that’s being generous to the left. The current polls have been skewed in an effort to make it seem that the two sides are closer than they really are in order to justify an outcome where, when the left wins by a close margin, it can be made to appear more convincing. But it’s all nothing more than pure propaganda. Transparency must be key in the coming election, and in all elections that come after. There can be no covering of windows, observers from both parties, including representatives of the ‘news’ media, must be present during the vote counting process.

And you have to ask yourself, if we were truly at 50/50 would the Democrats be going to the lengths they are going to with their crooked courts, corrupt judges and attempted assassinations of our candidate? I just don't think so. Their behavior belies their own numbers and tends to support mine. As always with this bunch, the Democrats, pay no heed to what they say, just watch what they do, as much of it as you can give the media's propensity for hiding of it. You will be much better informed. Trust your eyes and not their mouths. Your eyes do not lie, their mouths on the other hand are incapable of anything else. It comes from a lifetime of practice, I guess.

And it’s not a “madness,” we simply love our country, we hate communism, and we certainly aren’t stupid. Those in the ‘fake news’ media lie and smear us for fighting against their warped propaganda because we don’t believe them. We are fighting against the “madness.” We are fighting against those who abuse the FBI, DOJ, and IRS. We are fighting against those who hate Americans but love terrorists. Against those who want a global order. Against those who want to depopulate the Earth, and against those who want to mutilate our children, think it’s ok for drag queens in our schools, and think men can get pregnant. We’re the sane ones, not those like Eddie.

The vitriol emanating from many leftists is based on hating President Trump personally. The ability to think critically was rejected because the conformity of the left doesn’t allow debate. The elites are the easiest to control because they need to be in the club and fear not being included. They’re mentally unbalanced and completely tone deaf. They’re so deep down into their own rabbit holes that they’ve lost touch with reality. The left has tried, and will continue to try, everything within their power to bring President Trump down, but I can only assume that God is using him as a messenger to save America. We can only pray that this is the truth!

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