Saturday, October 12, 2024


I’m likely dating myself here, but how many out there remember Sargeant Schultz from the old sitcom, ‘Hogan’s Heros?’ And if you do remember the amiable, slightly overweight, Sargeant, then you will also very likely remember his favorite motto, “I know nothing, I see nothing,” And it’s that same phrase that would also seem to be the motto of so many in our ‘fake news’ media. I say that because it’s so many of them that seem quite content to turn a blond eye to that which is so obvious to most of us who reside outside of their bizarre little clique comprised solely of those who essentially view things from the same, rather skewed, perspective.

And it would be that perspective that they apply to everything regardless of whether or not it happens to make any sense. And it was as recently as this past Friday that that skewed perspective was once again on full display. I occurred during Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source,” when Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, a Democrats who also happens to be a Cumala-a-Walz surrogate, attempted to make the ridiculous claim that 2024 Democrat presidential candidate Cumala “is a totally different person” from *president Joey, and attempted to justify her inability to say what she would have done differently because “it’s hard to think of things on the spot."

CNN host, and just one of CNNs many resident bimbos, Kaitlan Collins got things going by asking, “When she was asked the other day if there was anything that she would have done differently from Biden, she said not a thing that would come to mind. Do you think, on immigration, she should have said, yes, that she would have handled things differently had she been president?” Polis responded, “Well, look, this is a totally different person. So, I’m excited by Kamala Harris. I think Joe Biden did a fine job as President. There [are] many things I agree with him on, many I disagreed with him on, but I am very excited by what Kamala Harris brings."

And it was from there that this dolt then went on to say, “And when she talks about the opportunity economy, when she talks about small businesses, that’s something that I’m sure Joe Biden might like, but it’s not who he is, it’s not what he talks about. He talks about factories and building stuff, and God bless him for it. But Kamala Harris is talking about the future and she’s the change candidate we need, rather than returning to a former president who had a very mixed record as president, including policies that led to rapid inflation and slower economic growth.” A former president with a very “mixed record as president?” Seriously, a mixed record?

Collins then followed up, “But do you think she should have answered that question differently then, because you’re a Governor who’s had to deal with immigration in your state?” Polis answered, “Look, she was probably asked it and it’s hard to think of things on the spot. But there [are] going to be many differences between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, because it’s a totally different person, it’ll be a totally different team. I think, again, Joe Biden did a great job as a transition to help lead the way for a president that’s future-oriented, that embraces the opportunity economy and small business, will take on the border security issue and solve it."

And he added, “She’s a prosecutor, she’s put criminals behind bars, and that’s something that is a great experience for a country that’s yearning for a president that will help make us safer.” And it was from there that Polis came entirely off the rails because it was during this same appearance that this doofus actually claimed that, “Some people say that, because immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, that the fact that there [are] more immigrants is one of the reasons that crime went down” in Aurora, but the influx of migrants to the state “is one of the reasons I’m so excited about Kamala Harris” because she has a plan to fix the crisis on the border.

Polis said, “I have, of course, met with ICE and the FBI, both of them have field offices in our state, Aurora, the mayor, really everybody has the same interest in getting rid of any criminal activity that occurs. And I think what Aurora faced was absentee landlords that let their buildings become dilapidated. They actually closed one that had garbage piled up in the alley, again, unrelated to any of this crazy stuff they’re talking about. But there were people living in unsanitary conditions, and it’s my understanding that the building was closed. So, again, the city that Donald Trump’s talking about is not the city any of us know here."

And he said, “I was in Aurora this morning. I’m there all the time. It’s a great city, a great town, and, as I said, crime has been down a lot over the last two years, and there could be a number of factors to that. Some people say that, because immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, that the fact that there [are] more immigrants is one of the reasons that crime went down. I don’t know if that’s the reason. We’ve also invested in law enforcement, and we’ve been prosecuting auto theft, and that’s one of the main categories of crime.” What we know about Cumala is that she is an advocate for defunding the police, And nothing Polis can say will change that.

And then Collins, sounding like the unbiased, impartial and objective ‘journalist’ that she isn’t, proceeded to ask, “Governor, beyond what Trump has been saying and his lies, because that’s what they are, there are real issues. And when you look into the numbers, there are about 40,000 Venezuelans that have migrated to Colorado in just the last two years alone. And when you look at the Census data, it shows 5% of the population in the sixth congressional district there, which includes Aurora — as you know — immigrated in just the last year, has that put a strain on local resources?” This bitch is such a joke, and just one of the reasons fewer and fewer people watch CNN.

But anyway, Polis answered, “Well, look, this is one of the reasons I’m so excited about Kamala Harris. She’s a candidate that has a plan to solve the border crisis, wants to have border security, wants to create a way to make sure that people are able to work legally rather, than illegally. Donald Trump has stood in the way of fixing our border every step of the way.” Look, the governor is a Democrat, and is simply doing what Democrats do? They LIE to avoid accountability! Too, too funny. So this guy actually expects us to believe that it was President Trump who stood in the way of fixing the border? How absolutely ludicrous and blatantly untrue.

Seriously, thinking “on the spot?” This hapless bitch has been campaigning as the “change candidate” for more than two months, that’s hardly “on the spot.” What a piss-poor excuse for not being able to answer the most obvious of questions! And to be flummoxed by it twice in one day, and on national television, that’s just gross incompetence. Do you really want someone who is as clueless as Cumala to be your next president, the same person responsible for deciding whether, or not, to launch nuclear weapons? I agree, it is difficult for an incompetent person to think “on the spot.” But a professional, intelligent person would have no trouble at all.

And considering she’s been asked that same question multiple times, and yet she doesn’t possess the wherewithal to see the need to prepare an answer. There is no “on the spot” applicable. Nothing like having a liberal Democrat who has chronic brain freeze, is not exactly a quick thinker and when she does speak, speaks in pure gibberish, with her finger on the button. Clearly, that’s someone only a liberal would vote for. Cumala has said that she has the same agenda as Joey, and that Joey and she are on the same page when it comes to continuing the planned agenda, which is ‘BO’s agenda to “fundamentally transform” the very structure of the United States.

And regarding his claim that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes, this idiot needs to go and meet the families of all the young American women who have been raped and murdered by the horde of illegals that Cumala let come across our borders. Joey, Cumala and Mayorkas are all responsible for their deaths. And what about all the deaths from the fentanyl they let come across our border? The very fact that these people are in this country illegally is a crime. This is the kind of lunacy the left expects people to believe. But what should we expect from a party that lies about everything from their candidate’s race down to her having worked at a McDonalds.

It’s according to liberal logic, if illegal immigrants’ lower crime, then why bother trying to fix the border? Polis’ claim demonstrates what a liar he is and how he doesn’t really give a damn about the people in his state or the country. Another low life who hates his country and is probably paid quite handsomely to do so. These liberal Democrats are able to look you straight in the eye and lie without missing a beat. I mean if bringing in unlimited numbers of unvetted illegals reduces crime would they also reduce crowding in schools and hospitals. Simultaneously reducing the costs to taxpayers by diverting resources and money away from citizens to illegals.

Clearly Democrats have a much different idea of what the border crisis actually is than do sane American citizens. You see, to sane Americans, the crisis is illegal immigrants flooding across our border before then being transported/dumped into communities large and small all across the country. Thereby wreaking all manner of havoc our society and overwhelming the limited resources of these same communities. To Democrats, the crisis is that they can’t get them processed into our system and communities fast enough and get them set up with free housing and services to make them comfortable and dependent upon them.

This all just more of same from the same worn-out Democrat playbook. Lies, duplicity, omission and misdirection. Millions of Americans understand this now. Although, regrettably, millions of others are low information voters that don’t understand the consequences of this election. They think their quality of life is guaranteed, just because. And so, I’m pretty sure that Democrats say these stupid and untrue things because they believe the people who vote for them will believe absolutely anything. Which appears to be true. Who should anyone vote for Cumala? Name the basis for your decision but you can’t use the excuse that, “She’s not Trump.”

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