Friday, January 3, 2025


For a political party that’s supposed to be just chock full of those considered to be so politically astute, many in the Democrat Party remain pretty slow on the uptake when it comes to why they got defeated in such resounding fashion in the most recent presidential election. For example, after having had a Democrat in the White House for the last four years I think it safe to say that the American people are feeling none too safe these days. And apparently, that’s just how the Democrats like it. But the American people have made it very clear that they want a change. But Democrats, right down to the last one, have no interest in allowing the change to take place.

Take, for instance, Sheldon Whitehouse, one the two less than impressive Democrat Senators from Rhode Island. You see it was as recently as this past Thursday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Last Word” that this doofus Whitehouse argued that President Trump’s nominee for FBI director, Kash Patel, has “nightmare views” that will “close the part of the FBI that helps protect us” against foreign terrorism. Whitehouse said, “Remember the history of all of this. We, for a long time as Americans, have made the determination that we did not want the CIA and other American intelligence agencies operating within the United States against Americans."

Whitehouse went on to say, “And the FBI had a criminal law enforcement responsibility, and it was focused on terrorism primarily as a criminal act.” He continued, “Then came 9/11 and people understood that the firewall between the intelligence community looking outward and the FBI only looking at criminal matters inward was a failed prescription and that we needed to coordinate better. We needed to take down the firewall, make sure that the FBI knew where its lanes were, the intelligence committee knew where its lanes were. It was actually a very successful shift and a very important development in the response to 9/11."

He said, “And to be completely unaware of that and to think that the FBI has no proper role. What does he think the CIA should come in and start doing the FBI’s work in the United States? Or we just stop looking at terrorism preventively? We just look at it when a crime takes place and go investigate? It makes absolutely no sense.” Whitehouse added, “With Patel, you don’t have to stretch. He puts it right out there. He’s going to close the part of the FBI that helps protect us against foreign terrorism. He’s going to shut down the Hoover building, which I’m no great fan of the Hoover building, but day one? That’s a lot of confusion. Where do people go to work now?"

And he said, “Then, of course, he’s got his enemies list of people who he thinks the FBI should go to work on that he’s going to be bringing with him. and he’s got his pledge to go after people like you civilly or criminally, he says, if, in his view, in the government’s view, the press isn’t telling the truth. So any one of those would be pretty disabling. and the fact that he brings all of this basket of sort of nightmare views to the job with him is going to be a lively hearing.” What he likely meant to say is that Kash will purge the FBI of the worthless deep state actors. Which will then allow those remaining to properly do its job of protecting the American people.

But it’s odd, don’t you think, that this dolt would bring up 9/11 since it’s more Americans who have been killed, or imprisoned, by their government in the name of 9/11 than were actually killed by the terrorists on 9/11. And let’s not forget they also are busy attacking parents attending school board meetings, starting riots at the Capitol, and attacking those deemed to political opponents of the Democrat Party. The current leadership of the FBI is a partisan faction that has failed miserably at protecting the American people. Mr. Patel is just the guy to clean house and to redirect the agency’s priorities to where they belong. It’s just not that complicated.

And so once again what we’re hearing from some Democrat is completely opposite from reality. Does he not realize all this happened under the existing director? The FBI is pre-occupied by instilling DEI and has forgotten its primary mission. Incompetence with no accountability. I’m sorry but I think there is something much worse than incompetence governing the actions of the FBI. The FBI, under its current leadership, is too busy arresting parents at PTA meetings and pro-life Christians for altercations outside abortion clinics and scheming to frame Trump supporters in their manufactured kidnapping plot against Big Gretch to keep us safe from terrorists.

If this fool thinks that what the FBI is doing is protecting us from terrorists, then it’s not working, and we don’t need the FBI. It’s doubtful that anyone will lose their jobs for the incompetence that was clearly shown in New Orleans. The chief of police of New Orleans, as out of touch as she is, knew and said clearly that it was a terrorist attack only a short time after the actual event. Not one minute later the young, and probably over-educated, FBI agent in charge got up and said it was not a terrorist attack. Few Americans really believe that the FBI protects people anymore. It has proven it’s willing to harm them, and worse, at the behest of the Democrats.

Whitehouse is clearly an idiot. And I wonder if he accomplished changing the membership rules at his whites only club, as he promised to do when he was caught belonging to such a club, despite lecturing others for being “racists.” He’s another mentally twisted ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ patient and a Socialist hack. Clearly both the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ) are both politically compromised. Obviously neither can be allowed to continue in its present form if the mission is to protect all law-abiding American citizens, instead of protecting domestic criminals and pandering to foreign illegal alien criminals and various terrorist cells.

Frankly, I’m just not sure what the FBI’s mission is these days. But one thing is for sure, I don’t believe it’s keeping the public safe. Joey & Co. have proven time and again that they don’t give a shit about anyone who isn’t a trans or a criminal. It would seem the only thing the FBI has done under this administration is to harass President Trump and conservative parents. Everyone involved in Joey’s bizarre little brain trust is just as clueless, complicit, braindead and criminal as Joey himself. And that would also go for the entire Democrat Party. Just 17 more days before this long national nightmare comes to an unceremonious end. And it can not come soon enough.

And finally, Whitehouse either forgets, or blatantly ignores, the fact that it was his party that invited terrorists from all over the the world to come here by not enforcing immigration laws already on the books. They stopped construction on President Trump’s wall and still give out all manner of free stuff to the invaders. Thousands of Americans have been killed, raped and murdered thanks to the incompetent illegitimate boob in the White House! The FBI is led by thugs paid to go after political enemies and those opposed to a Progressive agenda. They lie, fabricate evidence, do political favors for the Swamp, and persecute ordinary everyday people. Patel will fix this.

Thursday, January 2, 2025


It’s been since the most recent election that we’ve been witnessing shades of 2016 when everyone and their brother was coming with all manner of excuses as to why it was that Hitlery ended up having her rather sizable ass handed to her by then political novice, Donald J. Trump and in rather humiliating fashion. I say that because if we fast forward eight years, we find that which was old is now new again. Because it was then that another female Democrat had her rather sizable ass handed to her by the much less of a political novice, President Donald J. Trump. And it is once again that excuses abound for her defeat that was just as humiliating as the one in 2016.

One of those floating excuses for Cumala’s defeat is supposed Democrat strategist James Carville. Carville admitted that he was “wrong about the 2024 election” in recent a New York Times op-ed, stating that President Trump defeated Cumala by “putting the economic anger of Americans front and center.” When was the last time you heard a Democrat, any Democrat, actually admit they were wrong about anything? Carville, whose only claim to fame is getting ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton across the finish line first in a three-man race, conceded that his belief that Cumala would beat President Trump in the days leading up to November 5, was incorrect.

His opinion piece, published Thursday, began with, “I thought Kamala Harris would win. I was wrong. While I’m sure we Democrats can argue that the loss wasn’t a landslide or take a little solace in our House performance, the most important thing for us now is to face that we were wrong and take action on the prevailing ‘why.'” Carville went on to argue that the reason behind the Democratic Party’s failure to hold on to the White House was, is, and “always will be the economy, stupid.” Sorry Jimmy, it’s not just the economy. It’s also illegal immigration, DEI, attacks on Christians and all the gender perversion were very important to Americans.

Anyway, he said, “I’ve been going over this in my head for the past two months, all the variables, all the what-ifs, all the questions about Joe Biden’s re-election decisions and what kind of Democrat or message might have worked against Donald Trump. I keep coming back to the same thing. We lost for one very simple reason: It was, it is and it always will be the economy, stupid. We have to begin 2025 with that truth as our political north star and not get distracted by anything else.” He then said that most Americans do not care about President Trump’s indictments or other controversies when they “cannot provide for themselves or their families."

Carville called on Democrats to stop focusing on President Trump in general because he cannot be elected again. He wrote, “Mr. Trump won the popular vote by putting the economic anger of Americans front and center. If we focus on anything else, we risk falling farther into the abyss,” before concluding that Democrats will “live or die by winning public perception of the economy.” But Democrats are clueless when it comes to the economy. And despite what Hiterly once said about the economy always being better when there’s a Democrat in the White House, old Joey definitely proved that that wasn’t the case. Thanks to Joey our economy is in a shambles.

I still can’t figure out why those in the ‘fake news’ media insist upon trotting this decrepit old cadaver out every election cycle even though he hasn’t been right about anything for decades. And I really think it’s very few people who actually care about what this moron has to say. In an October op-ed for the New York Times, titled, “Three Reasons I’m Certain Kamala Harris Will Win,” Carville wrote that “Mr. Trump is a repeat electoral loser. This time will be no different.”  He wrote, “The biggest reason Mr. Trump will lose is that the whole Republican Party has been on a losing streak since Mr. Trump took it over.” Carville was again grasping at straws.

And it was in an MSDNC interview just two days before the election that Carville doubled down and, sounding like a truly credible and rational individual, claimed that Cumala would defeat President Trump because the Republican is “stone ass nuts.” And Carville then had a complete meltdown on his podcast shortly after President Trump won the election saying it was “sickening” and “depressing” that a “felonious bigot” won the presidency once again. All we get from those like Carville is just more of the same. They’re all far more interested in attacking President Trump than they are in looking within themselves to see what most Americans see when looking at them.

These left-wing liberal/progressives are still struggling to understand why they have been rejected by the majority of Americans. To all rational thinking Americans, it’s very clear why Cumala lost, and it was due to many issues, not just one. Let’s face it, it was in Cumala that the Democrats has a babbling, unelectable, blowjob queen of the California State Capitol. A lying prosecutor of mostly black fellas for offenses that did not merit the harsh sentences that were handed down. Carville is a lot of things but even he wasn’t dumb enough to actually believe Cumala was going to win. All of Democrats internal polling showed she was going to lose, and likely lose big.

That’s why they resorted to the “fascist” and “threat to democracy” attacks. You don’t go negative like that when you’re confident about winning. Carville is just lying. Again. It didn't matter to Carville that the Democrat candidate was a chuckleheaded DEI dud, and it didn't matter that all of their party policies are toxic and destructive. All that mattered to him was Democrat victory, so he jumped into the propaganda parade because he believed he is just so far above everybody else when it comes to delivering the verbal axe blow to a political opponent. This Carville evaluation about the economy is somewhat true for Cumala, but not as a single fallacy.

The open border, a woke military, tolerance of transgender demands on society, a foreign policy no enemy ever feared, were all part of the country saying a big fat fuck you to the Democrats. Why listen to Carville? When was the last time he actually accomplished a goal? The economy was part of it, but asking us to lie and pretend men are women was part too, so was her astounding ignorance, so was her fear of unscripted interviews. Remember she couldn’t get enough support to make it to Iowa in the prior election cycle. She had worse numbers in California, where people know her, than elsewhere. She was likely the only politician less likable than Hitlery.

There are many reasons she couldn’t win, even with more than the billion she spent. If Carville was worth his salt he could have seen that before she was nominated, but he didn’t. Carville continues to spout hot air as if he’s relevant. He was too stupid to figure out that the Democrat candidate was a moron and lost because she wanted to implement Marxist economic principles which would destroy the economy. Carville is a poster child for what happens to your mind and soul when you combine end stage dementia with alcoholism. What a mean vile old man. The only people who vote for Democrats are the racists, the elites and the welfare crowd addicted to free stuff.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


And so it was that we recently had a guy who were it not for Affirmative Action and/or DEI would likely be bagging groceries down at the corner market than being a ‘professor’ at a prestigious learning institution teaching the bullshit course of ‘African American Studies, whatever the fuck that is, go on MSDNC to do nothing more than to rant about what he sees as being the evils of what he referred to as Trumpism. But just how stupid must one be to take a guy like this seriously? I mean, here we have a guy who ‘teaches’ a bullshit course, and we’re somehow supposed to view him as being some sort of an expert on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about.

So, the dolt to whom I am referring to is Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude. And it was during an appearance this past Monday on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that Glaude attempted to make the idiotic argument that greed, selfishness, and hatred is what motivate those of us who voted for President Trump. We’ve been called every name in the book and yet we’re described as the hateful ones. Typical lefty nonsense. What does this say about Princeton? It says to me, “Do not send your kids there.” This guy is nothing more than just another typical ivory tower, out of touch intellectual elitist who gets paid to indoctrinate university students while spouting off nonsense.

Glaude said, “It’s an important point that requires I think a bit truth-telling about the Republican Party in its modern iteration. There’s always been at least these three elements corporatists, libertarian and nativist. Right. So this is a really important point, right? In the sense that you’ve always had these three components and Ronald Reagan was able to balance them in interesting sorts of ways.” To be a leftist like this professor, all you need is the heart and soul of a common ordinary thief along with the ability to project the reality of your thieving ways onto your opponents. Confession by projection. These commies always out themselves in this manner.

He continued, “And so we have here is the plutocrat, right, in Elon Musk, right? Greed, you know, pulling, kind of advancing his interests and you have right-wing populism that sometimes is expressed in terms of an emphasis in the American worker but it takes the form of xenophobia, it takes the form of nativism, it takes the form of hatred.” What an ignorant jerk. He knows absolutely nothing about President Trump or his supporters. His explanations are wordy, trying to sound educated but he comes across as having pure hate for anyone whose politics he happens to disagree with. He’s a rich, privileged anti-white bigot. There is no one more hateful than this guy.

Glaude added, “So we have the collision of greed and hatred right in front of us and that’s at the heart of Trumpism, of Magaism. It’s always been greed, always been selfish, it’s always been hatred and now it’s in full view.” He concluded, “What’s interesting about Bannon is that it carries forward this deep ugliness about who should be at the center of our imaginations, who we should care about. We don’t need five million Indians coming to the country, right? So it carries forth.” Only an insecure, frightened, racist asshole would resort to such old, sad, soiled and discredited rhetoric. But it’s all that people like him have, so they cling to it!

Contrary to what this imbecile says are the reasons I voted for President Trump, I am not consumed with hatred, racism or xenophobia or anything else this so-called ‘educated’ man claims that I support. Personally, I think these are the things that consume him, therefore he deflects by casting his own feelings upon others. The irony here is that it comes from the absolute focal point of his elitist privilege. The Ivy League believes that they are insulated from both the “deplorables” and the illegal flood. I feel more similarity with, and respect for, the working class illegal than with the Ivy League cool kids. I want them to be deported, but I respect them more.

And it’s interesting that his definition of greed is people wanting a strong country, his definition of selfishness is people wanting to feel safe and his definition of hate is people understanding how bad the left has denied those things. And apparently being greedy is wanting to keep more of the money that you earn and not being greedy is wanting more of the money that others have earned. Every time one of these leftists speaks, they reveal how things would be if they had won, if they were now in the majority. Greed, hatred and selfishness are at the heart of anti-Trumpism. We’ve seen examples of that time and time again and they’re always ignored by those like Glaude.

And I must say that it’s difficult to agree with a college professor who makes a six figure salary and never manages to get his hands dirty. Glaude, like all liberals, accuses but never gives any examples. I’m not greedy or racist or hateful. I voted for President Trump. He’s not my idol or hero or king, he’s just a man who best represents my beliefs. The problem this ‘professor’ has is that he’s black, and as such is afraid to lose his victim status. He’s ridden that to his current position. This guy is just pissed off because his side lost. The country pissed on his party at the polls in November. Get used to it. Keep on doing what you’re doing, and you’ll lose the next ten elections.

MAGA folks have a love of country and all that it stood for before the modern-day Democrat Party destroyed a good deal of it. Democrats are now defined as being full of hate. Hate for America loving/appreciating, free market participating, freedom loving, kind, decent folks. That hate runs even deeper towards those of us who are not of their creepy persuasion. Hearing statements like this from those like Glaude only reinforces my view of higher education and degrees. A degree is not a measure of one’s intelligence or level of education. It’s simply a piece of paper showing that a person has successfully completed a course of study to the satisfaction of the institution.

But he is right, hate drove my vote for President Trump. I hate our wide-open border that Joey allowed for over three years until an election. I hate that my electric bill went up 70 percent under Joey and I hate my food bill rise 28 percent. I that hate gas is still almost two dollars more than it was under President Trump. I hate that Joey allowed 13 service members to be murdered in Afghanistan because he couldn’t be bothered. So he’s right I voted with hate. Of course, this leftist dolt fails to mention the leftist billionaires like Buffett, Soros, Hoffman and others, he’s quite hypocrite. The left has spewed unadulterated hatred against conservatives for decades.

For someone who’s supposed to be educated, he sounds very uneducated. I mean, why is it that just because I want to keep more of what I earn, rather than have the government take it from me and give it to someone who isn't willing to work for it, I’m called “greedy.” And why because I want the government to stop grooming our kids and exposing them to adult sexuality topics when they’re in kindergarten I’m called “selfish.” And why because I am adamantly opposed to your open borders, and I said to filled with "hatred" toward foreigners. It’s for all of those reasons that I have a tremendous amount of animosity toward this guy and all of his liberal pals.

What standing does some Marxist stooge pretending to be a professor have these days beside none? One group doesn’t want anything from anyone, they just want to keep what they earn and to basically be left alone. The other group wants to take what the first group earned while not having to earn it themselves. And yet it’s the first group that this dolt Glaude refers to as the greedy people! He’s just another radical leftist professor who lives in the middle of a radical leftist college campus who’s claiming to know the minds of half the country! And he continues to be given a platform to spew his garbage because those who provide him with that platform agree with his drivel.

And who is this guy other than some unknown quota filler at Princeton? Why does he believe anyone cares what he thinks, and why is he continually been given a platform from which to spew his drivel? He’s nothing more than another butt-hurt so-called intellectual running his mouth after the election results didn't go his way. Too bad, cupcake. If the current climate of patriotism offends you, there are many other garden spots on the planet far more suitable for you. In other words, leave now. And take all the other tantrum throwing, spittle spewing, screaming whiners with you. These sour grapes, twerpy losers are irrelevant. What they think is of no importance.

A political movement whose primary strategy is based on hating half of the population is never going to be in power. When will Democrats finally understand that? Those like Glaude are the same scumbags who piously lectured all of us about the threats to democracy and the rule of law. President Trump won the election both electorally and by majority votes, and now these lowlifes don’t trust the democratic process of electing a president. Shows ya how seriously to take these enemies of liberty and the Constitution. Yes, I will admit that I hate Democrats. But where I differ with those like Glaude, it’s not personal. I hate that they are trying to destroy my country.

It is the containment of greed and selfishness that causes us to have our internal integrity, mores, policies, standards and principles. Collectively, as a society, we have government, and we create laws. These things change over time. And so, we follow the law. There have always been laws to protect us from greed and selfishness because we will always have selfish, greedy men. MAGA is focused on following the law. The government’s responsibility is to enforce the laws. End of conversation. Look, here we have another radical leftist professor who lives in the middle of a radical leftist college campus who’s claiming to know the minds of half the country!

And finally, when will it be that Blacks and Hispanics will finally come to realize they are being used by the Democrat Party? And when will Blacks finally tire of having the Democrats’ boot on their throat? Our Democrat run cities and states all have something in common, and they’ve been doing it for years. It’s known as the plantation mentality, that’s when Blacks and Hispanics view the Democrat Party as their masters, and likewise the Democrat Party view Blacks and Hispanics as their subjects. And it is the job of those like this ‘professor’ to convince those in the various minority communities that the Democrat plantation is the best place for them.