You would likely have a very difficult time trying to find, in all of the U.S. Congress, a sleazier individual, male or female, than Raphael Warnock. This wife-beating supposed man of God that the people of Georgia saw fit to represent them is nothing short of a real piece of work. Another empty suit whose only job, or so it seems, is to do exactly as Chuckie Schumer tells him to do and not what’s best for his constituents back home. And the fact that this guy has been able to finagle for himself a seat in the U.S. Senate says much about the people of Georgia and essentially proves just how stupid they really are. And the rest of us must deal with the consequences.
Warnock claimed Thursday on MSDNC’s “All In,” hosted
by resident loon Chris Hayes, that President Trump’s “lawlessness through
executive orders” was an attempt to replace the American republic. As usually
moron has it exactly backwards, President Trump isn’t out to replace it, he’s
out to bring it back! And really, what does Warnock know about our American
republic? I would argue that he, like every other Democrat, know absolutely
nothing about it other than they seem desperate to destroy it. And Warnock
certainly seem to mind when the guy pumping out ‘executive orders’ was Joey, the
demented clown. Now with President Trump his panties are in a bunch.
Warnock said, “Yeah, let me be very clear on what
we’re dealing. This is the administrative expression of January 6th. On January
6th, it was clear that in a violent way, they were coming after the republic,
coming after the nonviolent transfer of power, including. a kind of brutality
visited upon police officers, the effort to disenfranchise the votes of
millions of Americans, and that that spirit of January 6th continues. Which is
why, on his very first day in office, Donald Trump pardoned all of these
violent insurrectionists. And then he proceeds with the same kind of
lawlessness through executive orders."
He added, “Whether that’s basically saying that the
laws that we’ve already passed to provide support for various efforts all
across our country from health care to child care to helping folk with jobs,
somehow that doesn’t matter, and it has to come back through the punitive
monarch. I guess, to sending out this awful memo asking that our federal
workers just resigned. This is an assault on the American republic and the
attempt to replace it with their dystopian vision of the future. We’ve got to
fight back.” Warnock is nothing more than another beneficiary of election fraud
trying to cover up his own sordid ascent to power. He’s a fake and a fraud!!!
‘Dystopian’ is a rather subjective view. We on the
Right think that it’s the Democrats who possess a dystopian vision. As for January
6, that was a set-up by the Democrat Party Chieftains, using the FBI, CIA and
Capitol Hills Police to launch phony claims of an ‘insurrection’. It was a
protest gone slightly bad, but promoted by the aforementioned insiders. What of
the real death and destruction supported by Democrats in the summer of 2020
across multiple metro areas of the U.S.? What of that? Nothing was heard from
Democrats, who wanted their way or chaos. Warnock is like your typical Democrat
in Congress, an idiot with a title and a desk.
Warnock never met an Executive Order he didn’t love
as long as it was a Democrat that was president. Executive Orders only have
power over the Executive Branch, which may be as simple as what type of
computers will be used in the White House. The Constitution declares that
Congress is the branch that makes laws, they should not originate from the
President’s desk. Congress has neglected its responsibility to pass laws
because members don’t want to answer to their voters for the unpopular ones.
Democrat nor Republican presidents have the authority to fire any federal
employees that are employed in the Executive Branch of government.
And so once again, just like we had during President
Trump’s first term, we have Democrats in Congress who, instead of staying in
their own lane in the Legislative Branch, are far more preoccupied with the
running of the Executive Branch. For 12 of the last 16 years Warnock's party was
focused on doing everything that it could to make America a fascist country, and
the only man who stood in their way was Donald J. Trump. Anyone, who has been
paying attention, knows Democrats want to destroy this country and implement
the global government. It couldn’t be more obvious. The left is against anyone
who wants to preserve our rights and freedoms.
Funny, but when it’s Democrat presidents who are issuing
Executive Orders, those like Warnock call it “bold leadership.” But when
Republican presidents do the very same thing then, and only then, it's an “attempt
to replace the American republic.” Warnock is yet another consequence of
election fraud. We couldn’t get Democrats to quit calling our nation a
democracy for 12 years. Now this imbecile from Georgia wants to call us a
republic all of a sudden. Guess what, moron? President Trump is representing ‘We
the People’ and making executive decisions accordingly. That's his job, exactly
what he was elected to do. But Democrats don’t see it that way.
All Democrats are hypocrites. The unvarnished truth
came out during the second half of 2024 when no one in the party thought it was
a problem to have a mentally disabled person sitting in the president’s seat
while unelected pseudo presidents usurped the power of the office and used it
as their own. President Trump is only trying to reset our country back to a
time when the Constitution was respected and followed. Socialists have been
here since 1905 and have been steadily growing, in both power and influence, steadily
undermining our government and institutions. They’re eating away at the very fabric
of our society. It’s time for that reset.
When are they going to understand that no one cares
about January 6 anymore! The investigators destroyed evidence. The words of
Democrat politicians mean nothing. Nor does January 6 have anything to do with President
Trump's cabinet nominees. Warnock is dancing to the wrong tune. He watched Joey
open the border while children and women were being raped and murdered by
illegals, and he said nothing. As far as trying to replace the American republic,
it was Joey who tried that, and the American people said no. Warnock is just pissed
because President Trump is trying to undo everything the Democrats spent the
last four years trying to do.
And finally, it was once again
we had a leftist stooge sitting across from another bobble headed member of the
‘fake news’ media simply nodding in agreement to everything the leftist stooge
said. Yes, my friends, this is now what passes for objective journalism in
America. Not once during this entire interview does the host mention, even in
passing, that both ‘BO’ and Joey both signed scads of ‘executive orders,’ or
asks why President Trump doesn’t have the same right. Nor does he suggest the
Warnock might be a bit of a hypocrite using propaganda and political smear
tactics when in fact the Democrats have put our country in peril with their
failed and lawless policies. Just sayin’!