Monday, January 13, 2025


So, what am I missing here? You have a state that is under the total control of the Democrats and yet there are those who remain confused regarding why it is that the wildfires now plaguing that state continue to burn out of control and are only partially contained. And what would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic is the fact that we now have a Democrat calling for an investigation into the rather botched response. You see, it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ that California’s newly minted Senator, Adam Schiff, said that an independent commission should investigate the local and state response to the wildfires in Southern California.

And in so doing this guy demonstrates a total lack of seriousness because it’s not the response that needs to be investigated, it’s what was not done to mitigate any of this. That’s the real crime. And what’s to investigate? Democrat politicians run the state, city and districts there in California, and have for decades. So just how is it that any of what has, or has not, taken place can be blamed on anyone other than these Democrat politicians who demonstrated a total lack of leadership and incompetence at every level. Yet I have no doubt that even though California is a one-party state, they will find a way to blame Republicans, and there will be those who believe them.

Schiff said, “The governor’s called for an independent review of why we didn’t have enough water in places like the Palisades, there were also water pressure issues in Altadena. I support that independent review. I think we should go further and, frankly, do an independent commission review of all of this. What went right in our response? What went wrong in it. I’m deeply concerned about these erroneous alerts, these erroneous evacuation alerts that have gone out. If people can’t trust when they’re told that they do need to get out, then it not only severely impacts the whole effort, but people ignore the alerts, endangering themselves and the firefighters."

He said, “So, there’s a lot to get through. I think we need an independent commission to look at all of it, and beyond that, Jonathan, we’re going to need to rebuild and with a sense of urgency. We need cleanup operations when the flames are out. We need the rebuilding to go forward.” I think we can all agree, knowing Democrats as we all do, the sole purpose of any “independent review” would be to concoct the supposed reasons that brought this inferno about that ignore completely what it was that was actually to blame and in so doing provide the necessary cover for those Democrat politicians who failed so miserably when their constituents needed them.

More than likely the claim that will be made is that it was somehow caused by ‘climate change’ and, as such, more taxpayer money will be needed if there is to be any hope of making sure that something like this never happens again. When it comes to blaming others, Democrats can work magic. And I have no doubt that they will find some way to blame Republicans. Likely that ‘global warming’ was exacerbated by Republican inaction on the environment. And they’ll likely blame, or try too, President Trump for pulling us out of the Paris Accords and that somehow it wasn’t the fault of the idiotic Democrats in charge of this engineered clusterfuck!!!

And we shouldn’t be fooled, any “independent review” will likely drag its feet and when all is said and done the result will be no fault, no consequences for any of his Democrat pals. Schiff asking for an investigation into Democrat malfeasance is like Hitler asking for an investigation into antisemitism. Schiff is simply shilling for a ‘climate change’ narrative. If this scumbag is calling for an “independent review,” it can only be to cover up Newsom’s and Bass’ incompetence and stupidity. Schiff is just trying to muddy the issue in order to save those two idiots’ political careers. They’ll end up blaming ‘global warming’ and creating more onerous laws to try to stop it.

Recently, I did my own “independent review” and it only took me just a few seconds. And it confirmed that these fires were the result of decades of Democrat destruction, and incompetence, enabled by a majority idiot population. And I also took the time to come up with a solution that would virtually guarantee that something like this never happens again. And it’s so simple I surprised no one else thought of it! People just need to quit electing corrupt, incompetent career politicians, like Newsom, Bass and Schiff. If they were ever able to do that virtually all of their problems would be solved. But the $64,000 question remains, can they actually do it. Likely, not!

Schiff seems not to believe that the federal government has any business trying to control his state’s government. But now that he needs cash to support his corrupt state, he wants to have an ‘independent review’ to make sure California gets cash. Schiff was none too concerned about those states that were devastated by massive storms. Schiff is a sneaky fuck who only wants to help his fellow corrupt California politicians get their hands on taxpayer money that they can then use to address all of the damage that was done because of the blatant negligence on the part of everyone for the governor on down. I, as a taxpayer, should not be made pony up a single dime.

Yeah, Democrats cover up blue state corruption and failure. The fires in Los Angeles were brought about by members of the Democrat Party of California. Every official involved in preventing, or fighting, these fires in Los Angeles, from the governor to the vacationing Mayor of Los Angles, to the person who let the water reservoirs used to fight fires run dry is a Democrat with a huge salary. These are all bloated six figure salaries paid to those who have demonstrated that they are clearly incompetent. These Democrats are acting like it’s some sort of mystery why it was that these fires happened and continue. It isn’t! It’s stupid leftwing policies enacted by Democrats.

And again, we don’t need an “independent review.” What’s needed is to recall both Bass and Newsom and to start electing Republicans. The folks in California had a chance a few years back to dump Newsom, but nope they kept him in office. And hindsight being what it is I’d be willing to bet that most of them would now like a do over. Democrats caused tens of thousands of homes to burn by their insane policies. But let’s be honest, there’s no such thing as an independent review in California. They will hire/employ a corrupt, politicized entity that will only report what the state pays them to report. This is what California does, we’ve seen it over and over.

It's another waste of time and he knows it. Schiff is just trying to slow down any action by starting an expensive and time-consuming charade to make it look like he is doing something good. When is it that an “independent review” has ever solved any problem? It’s just more government nonsense, the net result of which will always be the creation of more regulations meant to interfere with individual liberties. Democrats love to be able to blame ‘commissions’ instead of noting the obvious. That, of course, being the failure to simply ignore the rabid environmentalists and to practice responsible land management. People need to be put first.

Same shit, different year. Build/live in dry brush/vegetation with no precautions and guess what can happen? You would think that after decades of their lather, rinse, repeat mentality they would have learned something. It’s now a state disaster and they’re waiting for an infusion of taxpayer money to rebuild their multi-million-dollar homes in the same places their old ones burned to the ground. And the cycle continues. Look, it’s a terrible thing to lose all of your stuff. But at the end of the day much of this loss could have easily been prevented. And again, it wasn’t. So how many times will this cycle be repeated? Most likely not until the money runs out.

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