So it would seem that, at least to me, the recent reelection of Donald Trump has now brought the Democrat Party, in it’s entirety, to the brink of what can only be described as a collective nervous breakdown. Democrats have now attained a level of delusion greater even than that which they exhibited back when Donald Trump won the first time. Because it would seem that this time his victory has driven them completely round the bend. It’s the singular, most bizarre thing I think I’ve ever seen. I mean they seem to have convinced themselves that he wants to treat them in the same manner that they have long treated anyone who dared to disagree with them.
Which, of course, brings me to Senator Chris Murphy,
junior senator to Richard ‘Stolen Valor’ Blumenthal, from Connecticut. You see,
it was this past Thursday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell
Reports” that Murphy claimed that President Trump had somehow “legitimized”
political violence against Democrats. Now even if that were true, which it’s
not, who would it be that deserves more to be made to look over their shoulder
for the rest of their lives. Democrats tried to assassinate President Trump twice
and had anyone who disagreed with their evil ideology locked up without a trial
for years. And their attempt at gaslighting will have little or no effect.
When asked about the January 6 pardons, Murphy said,
“I mean, let’s let’s really talk about who he let out of prison this week, who
walked out of prison. The guy walked out of prison this week that pepper
sprayed multiple officers to the point where one had a heart attack, he let out
of jail this week. People who were beating police officers over the head with
poles he let out of jail. Someone who said when he arrived in Washington that
day there will be blood. Welcome to the revolution. These weren’t tourists.
These weren’t people that just got accidentally pushed into the Capitol.” Again,
with the same old horror stories of what President Trump is gonna do.
And he went on to say, “These were people who came
to Washington with the explicit purpose of beating the hell out of police
officers and killing Democratic members of Congress.” He continued, “So what
happened this week is that political violence just got legitimized in this
country. And you’re going to see it again and again and again, specifically
directed towards Democrats, because Donald Trump has said if you beat up a
police officer to further my political agenda, if you terrorize Democrats, I
will let you off the hook. We have never, ever in the 240 year history of this
country seen anything like this.” But where was Murphy during the summer of
love in 2020?
Murphy added, “Our country is fundamentally
different today than it was before these pardons are issued. I’m glad these
judges are speaking up, but I hope that every single one of my colleagues,
Democrats and Republicans, stands up and explains what has happened here, that
our lives have been put in jeopardy, our democracy has been put in jeopardy by
what Donald Trump did with 1500 pardons, including pardons for the most
vicious, the most violent, the most out of control.” This is but the latest
talking point to come out of the DNC and passed out to Democrats like Murphy
and also to those in the ‘fake news’ media for proper distribution.
For sure, it’s those of us on the right who are so
violent! We burn down our cities, we start wildfires, we try to assassinate a
president, not once, but twice, we run vehicles through crowds gathered in public
squares, we give your children all manner of life altering drugs that make them
sterile without parental authority and so very much more. Oh, wait a minute!
That’s what Democrats do. It was the Democrat’s hateful rhetoric that resulted
in two assassination attempts and countless death threats made against President
Trump. And it was many Democrats, including this dolt Murphy, who downplayed
both events while others actually claimed they were staged.
And let’s not forget the poll of Democrats taken after
the second assassination attempt, the one where over half of the Democrats polled
either approved the assassination of President Trump or could not say that it
was wrong. It’s horrible that Democrats might have to fear for their lives, but
it’s okay for Republicans and conservatives to be threatened and sometimes
assaulted. These people just haven’t learned. And apparently this guy didn’t
get the memo. Because it’s a majority of Americans who rejected the lies they’ve
been pushing. Murphy is one sick, twisted and hateful psycho. He’s so far left that
he can no longer even see straight.
And imagine if President Trump hadn’t won and we
were left to deal with a President Cumala. I’m assuming that all of these January
6 defendants would still be stuck in prison. Democrats are making this country
resemble the former Soviet Union in so many ways. Clearly the American people
saw through all of the lies and voted for President Trump. And should Democrats
keep delaying President Trump’s agenda I have no doubt that the American people
will do the same in 2028. He reminds me of the kid who walks up behind one of
his classmates and hits him in the back and then complains to the teacher that
the kid he hit was to blame for hitting him back.
And what about all of the criminals that Joey
pardoned as he headed for the exit, and all the jails that opened their doors and
allowed the inmates, some very violent, to leave. And what about all the
illegals coming into our country raping, killing and abusing our system and
what about attack made against our policemen? Democrats are narcissists. And one
of the characteristics of narcissists is their rampant paranoia, because they
consider themselves to be the center of the universe. Therefore, it's always
about them in their own minds. That’s why Democrats have no empathy for their victims.
Narcissists cannot empathize with other people.
The only jeopardy that radical left-wing Democrats
like Murphy may be made to face is that coming from those people who are their
constituents, those who they’ve convinced into believing they’re being
represented. Murphy is a lunatic with a short memory as he seems to have
forgotten all about the Summer of Love when Democrat voters went out and tried
to burn the entire nation to the ground. Ignoring the violence of the Left
burning and looting cities and attacking federal court houses and police
stations. The lives of conservatives were in danger. Where were you then, Senator?
Nobody was charged with a crime as it was a “mostly peaceful protest."
Murphy may now be beginning to understand how the
American people have felt for the last four years as Joey unleashed wave after
wave of illegal immigrants committing crimes against us. And then came the defund
the police and soft on crime policies that made matters worse. No one is
targeting Democrats or trannies or any other Democrat constituency. It’s all make
believe. There is no one I dislike more than a pretend victim. How many
conservatives have been beaten, starved, denied medical treatment and tortured
in Democrat-run prisons? How many have been beaten on the streets or even
killed by radical Democrats? Senator Murphy is a charlatan.
Murphy is an insufferable prick! Democrats have long
advocated violence against Republicans. How many times have conservatives been
attacked by Antifa, blm and other such terrorist groups? It was ‘Mad Maxine’
Waters who flat out told people to get in our face, make us uncomfortable
courtesy of threats and intimidation tactics. It’s a creep of the Democrat Party
who advocated for defunding the police that spews this kind of crap. Joey
pardoned murderers and Democrats did everything in their power to expand abortions
to the moment of birth. Democrats brought murderers and rapists across the
border in unprecedented numbers.
This guy is such a loser, he represents a state that
is roughly the size of my backyard with a total population of what, about 12. In
his time in the Senate, he has yet to produce even one piece of meaningful
legislation during the entire course of his ‘career’ and for some reason actually
considers himself so important that someone might actually want to do him harm?
Here’s a news flash, Chris, nobody cares, and I do mean nobody, gives two shits
about you. If you were to spontaneously combust in the well of the Senate, no
more than five minutes would be spent on reporting the event. You, Mr. Murphy,
are a nobody. So say what you want, few are listening.
And was it President Trump who weaponized entire
government agencies against his opponents? Did he have the FBI raid their homes?
Did he repeatedly use dog whistle names and accusations against them prompting
a couple of his supporters to attempt to assassinate anyone? Did President Trump
sic the government on parents who were only doing their jobs as parents of
children being taught questionable crap in school? Did President Trump threaten
you personally in any way? No. Democrats look absolutely foolish when those,
like Murphy, stand there and cry about fake accusations when in fact those
accusations are what they themselves have made.
No Chris, you and your brethren are totally
responsible for any threats to your collective safety because of how you aided
and abetted Joey and those who completely abused the citizens of this nation.
You were gleeful in your total support and went so far as to publicly threaten
the peace and security of individuals who disagreed with you. You deserve every
bit of the outrage and public humiliation the law will allow. It’s a shame that
tar and feathers in association with a rail do not fall within the boundaries
of the law. You are the poster child for the whining cowards Democrats are when
they are the justified objects of national scorn.
So it was the Democrats who left President Trump no
choice. The January 6 committee held unconstitutional hearings, tampered with
evidence, released unverified evidence and even destroyed evidence. Then to top
it all off the January 6 committee was granted pardons for the crimes they
committed. How exactly could anyone involved get a fair trial. The Democrats
have coaxed many of their devoted followers into violence and uncivil behavior
against anyone who disagrees with them. They even encourage those followers to
disavow their own family members just because of differences in politics.
Democrats are a most unhappy petulant people.
Democrats should be made to look over their
shoulders for the way they did nothing but betray patriotic American citizens
and spent years trying to upend the Constitution and the rule of law to divide
this country. The Democrats legitimized what is happening today. Reverse
cancelation, not violence is the result of Democrats presuming to have the
power to tell Americans what words or thoughts they could and could not use.
They institutionalized an intellectual bubble that only protected the rights of
the elites. We’re done with that now. You might as well get used to it. It may
come back around again but I assure you it won’t happen in the next 50 years.
Democrats are both blind as well as mentally ill. I
mean, wasn’t it a Democrat who was heard on video telling supporters to scream
at every Trump appointee in his first term and harass them everywhere they go? And
wasn’t it Democrats who attempted to orchestrate putting President Trump in
prison via multiple bogus prosecutions? And wasn’t it Democrats who had the
corrupt FBI raid his home, and who tried to bankrupt him? So I believe it’s Democrats
who legitimized attacking one’s opponent in a manner that had never been seen
before. Democrats must remember the great usurper said elections have
consequences and hopefully they will reap what they have sown!
And never mind who received
a pardon from President Trump, what’s more important is the pardoning of those
who jailed so many without so much as a trial. Apparently, there are many who
were jailed simply because they supported President Trump. They became
political prisoners much like those jailed in dictatorships all around the
world. So if anyone has put the lives of Democrats in danger, it’s the Democrat
themselves. Who took joy in the fact President Trump had two assassination
attempts against him? Urged and continue to urge noncooperation with our duly
elected President? Look in the mirror, Senator. You on the left are the
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