Those in the ‘fake news’ media world continue to be more than a little confused when it comes to why it’s so many Americans that seem unable to recognize the obvious, at least to them, connection between ‘climate change’ and the fires that still rage out of control in California. And they remain determined in their efforts to convince the nonbelievers that ‘climate change’ does exist and that it is all the fault of humans. And in that endeavor, it’s no claim that is deemed to be too outrageous. Too many hurricanes, too few hurricanes, usually hot weather and now even wildfires known to have been sparked by arsonists and allowed to burn out of control by Democrats.
One of those confused individuals is CNN senior ‘political
data’ reporter, Harry Enten. And it was this past Monday while on “News
Central” that he claimed that Americans just don’t understand the connection
between ‘climate change’ and wildfires. Well, no shit, Sherlock, because there
is no connection! I mean, is this dolt serious/ Does he actually think that if
we had given up our cars, plugged the cow farts, and recycled more that these
fires would never have happened? And does he really think that if we embraced
all the measures the left wants us to embrace in order to combat ‘climate change,
it would have made any difference, or make any difference going forward?
Host John Berman said, “Just a few minutes ago, you
heard FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell talking about the role that climate
change has in helping create the conditions for these wildfires burning out of
control, the most destructive in some ways that we’ve ever seen in and around
Los Angeles. So how do Americans feel about climate change and the danger it
poses? Do they feel the same way that they used to?” Enten said, “I mean, look,
I don’t think Americans are making this connection. And the way we can see this
right here and now, take a look at the monthly change in Google searches. Look
at the searches for wildfires up 2,400 percent."
And this moron went on to say, “My goodness
gracious. This is the most amount of people searching for wildfires ever, ever going
back since Google Trends began back in 2004.” He added, “But look at climate
change. Look at the change. It doesn’t go hand in hand with wildfires. It’s
actually down. It’s down 9 percent. And I also looked in California. There has
been no increase in the number of searches for climate change. So the bottom
line is this. Americans are definitely interested in learning about these
wildfires. They’re interested in following the news about the wildfires, but
they are not making that connection with climate change. That’s the bottom line
Lies. Lies. And more lies. These disastrous fires
are nothing more than the result of criminal negligence on the part of Democrat
politicians. And contrary to what this dolt is claiming, ‘climate change’ is
not why the fire hydrants had no water. Look, I’m now going on 73 years old,
and I’ve seen, and heard, all the scam predictions going all the way back to
the 1970s. Now if Enten wants to try and show me something new I would be happy
to listen before I then scoff at it too. But I welcome him, or anyone else for
that matter, to show me something new. Because I’m still hearing the same old
claims which are no more believable today than they were 50 years ago.
And why search for a connection that doesn’t exist? I
mean, after all, it wasn’t ‘climate change’ that caused power lines not to be
properly maintained, and/or updated, to spark and cause fires. And ‘climate
change’ didn’t cause reservoirs to be drained before the fires or cause
arsonists to start fires. ‘Climate change’ didn’t cause a $100 million cut in
funding to fire departments, didn’t cause the extinct smelt fish to be
prioritized over people and didn’t cause a record amount of rainfall the past
couple of years to be allowed to run off into the ocean rather than be
collected and stored. And ‘climate change’ didn’t cause the fire hydrants to
run out of water.
But people are making the connection between the
policies put into place by inept progressive Democrats and the disastrous
consequences. The incompetent lesbian DEI Fire Chief and the incompetent DEI
DPW Superintendent who makes $750,000 a year don’t communicate about the
incredible importance of having full water reservoirs going into the fire
season. The both of them should be immediately fired for that reason alone. Because
‘climate change’ isn’t real and these Democrat policies are bad, period. Only when
voters finally wake up and start voting these leftwing idiots out of office will
things get back to normal like most of the rest of the country.
Cleary this boob must think that ‘climate change’
causes people to become arsonists. And it must also cause Democrats to stop all
manner of fire prevention maintenance, such as fire creating breaks and
clearing dead trees and such. But just for the sake of argument, let’s say that
‘climate change’ actually was the cause of these devastating fires. And since
the Democrats running the state and city literally “knew” that ‘climate change’
was an existential threat, why weren’t they better prepared? If politicians
honestly believed in ‘climate change’ causing more wildfires, wouldn’t they
have taken extreme measures to do everything they could to mitigate the risk?
But nope, they did the exact opposite, they bought up
ocean front property, passed laws banning rainwater to be stored, diverted
fresh water away from communities that needed it most and dragged their feet on
building reservoirs that were publicly approved and funded. It almost seems
like all of this was by design, to destroy everything and to then conveniently
blame ‘climate change,’ something they never seem to be able to prove which
absolves them from ever lifting a finger to help or to accept blame for their
failures. So, Americans aren’t making the connection because there is not a
connection to be made despite what the FEMA director says.
She is simply trying to whitewash the situation
trying to make the case that California officials were, in fact, “very prepared”
and that ‘climate change’ was the sole cause of these horrific fires. That is
just nonsensical. There was no pressure at far too many hydrants, no water in
too many places, basic precautions like clearing underbrush were not taken, and
fire protection budgets were severely cut. And why is Newsom setting aside $50
million dollars to stop President Trump when that money needs to be diverted
immediately to hiring more firemen and other measures that will actually help.
California leftwing bureaucrats like Newsome and Bass are the problem.
Like I said if ‘climate change’ is to blame then
wouldn’t that make the political leaders in California twice as culpable. They
virtue signal about the issue 24/7/365, but they’re apparently unable to make
any kind of commonsense assessment of the problem, or to offer viable solutions
other than whining that the climate is changing or asking for more money, and
they’re apparently unable to understand that their job isn’t to save the world,
it’s to run a municipality it’s to govern and it’s to be there and to do all
the little nasty crap that comes with the job. Getting elected doesn’t mean you’ve
made it, it just means that you have much work ahead of you.
And because failure is incentivized in government, the
solution to every failure of government is naturally to spend more money and give
more power for those who failed. They never have to account for the money they’ve
wasted on ridiculous things. With failure incentivized, is it any wonder all we
ever get are massive government failures? And, you know, blaming ‘climate
change’ for California’s wildfires is similar to calling people racist because
they choose not to vote for blatantly incompetent black candidates, like Mayor
Bass. ‘Climate change,’ just as with accusations of racism, has essentially lost
its credibility due to years of overuse.
To put it another way, even if ‘climate change’ was
the cause, why should we ignore the mass incompetence of those who are supposed
to be in charge and with the blatant government mismanagement that allowed it
to be so severe? It’s California’s government that first failed to plan and then
failed to act. And still many have not learned their lesson. And it is those in
the Democrat Party, and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media who are
still perpetuating these lies at every opportunity. The American people, for
the most part, are pretty smart and all most are still waiting on is some
actual scientific proof that man-made ‘climate change’ actually exists.
Not a single one of these woke fools seems able to
grasp the concept of forest management, where excess tinder, brush and dead
trees equate to fuel and is a primary culprit of these blazes. Just as they
fail to acknowledge that urban sprawl, putting homes closer to forests, also contributes
to this issue. Their only interest is in budgets that place a higher priority
on promoting LBGTQ policies and pretending that gender dysphoria doesn’t exist
or green initiatives rather than investing in the development of infrastructure
that allows for the capture the billions of gallons of water from rain and snow
melt and utilizes a reservoir system to manage water.
And finally, for the sake
of argument, let’s pretend there really is man-made ‘climate change.’ Is it
only occurring in California? And if it is ‘climate change’ that’s causing
these fires, why is it only in California? Sure, there have been forest fires
throughout the country over the past decade. as will always be the case. But
why is there multiple forest fires every single year in California? From my perspective,
this is a California problem, not a ‘climate change’ problem. Fix all the known
contributing factors like poor water management, poor forest management, etc.
first and then, maybe, we can determine if ‘climate change’ is even a factor.
Sound like a plan?
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