Friday, January 10, 2025


And now a word on the ongoing fires in California. It was on the very first day of this catastrophe that we had Democrats stepping all over each other in an effort to get in front of any microphone to scream about how it’s ‘climate change’ that’s to blame. On the contrary, what’s to blame is lousy forest management on the part of those in charge of running the state. They knew this was coming, and the steps that should have been taken to prevent it. The fault of this entire disaster lies 50 percent on the Democrats, 50 percent on natural events, and 0 percent on President Trump, global warming, conservatives, toxic masculinity, warts, as well as the Easter Bunny.

And it was during Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central” that one of those previously mentioned Democrats, Rep. Brad Sherman, stated that the cuts to the Los Angeles Fire Department’s budget will likely be reversed “and should be. And they were perhaps ill-advised, but they’re not a reason why the Palisades have suffered this. This was money to train people in 2025.” He said, “And if, for political reasons, you can explain that that somehow affects firefighting on the ground now…I don’t know how you would do that.” This goes way beyond the subject of funding; this is incompetence. This is exactly the kind of stupidity that caused this problem.

Sherman said, “Well, the budget cuts relate to money that’s going to be spent in 2025 and were chiefly for training. And I’m pleased to have gotten the federal government to give us a new site that we’re going to use for firefighter training in my district. I would expect that there will be appropriations at the L.A. city level for our firefighters that go beyond what they’ve done so far. Looking back, it’d be, — obviously, you can say we should have done — these cuts, I think, will be reversed and should be. And they were perhaps ill-advised, but they’re not a reason why the Palisades have suffered this. This was money to train people in 2025."

He continued, “And if, for political reasons, you can explain that that somehow affects firefighting on the ground now then you’re — I don’t know how you would do that.” But it is not ‘political’ to blame gun deaths on guns, rather than on the person who pulls the trigger? Duh! But in this case, it certainly was political to cut the budget. Just as it was political to fire all the firemen who wouldn’t take the shot and was political to have a DEI chief who focused on training social issues instead of on putting out fires. Democrats all have this incredible ability to ignore the truth. They never fail to find creative excuses to justify their own blatant incompetence.

And because Democrats are all very well aware of the many reasons behind this disaster, I think it safe to say that they’re now quite desperate to convince the victims their disaster that what they seeing occur right before their own two eyes has a very plausible explanation. And that Democrats are in no way to blame for the continuing disaster. We’ve heard every excuse imaginable; they’ve even resorted to blaming it on their catch all excuse for every ‘weather’ calamity that might come along, ‘climate change.’ After all, there’s no way it could be blamed on budget cuts or the failure to make it a priority to properly prepare for just such a calamity.

And it would appear the Mayor of LA is a perfect example of what the voters get when they elect the DEI and Affirmative Action ticket. They don’t get qualified individuals with the necessary skillset to do the job. But they do get leaders based on sexual orientation and skin color. And LA County’s push for DEI sure saved the day, as LA’s Fire Marshal Kristen Crowley possesses a rather impressive level of incompetence, which encompasses others negligence in water management and their omissive forestry-controlled burns. And she can be proud that so far it is only tens of thousands of acres that have thus far been burned.

Sherman is nothing more than another example of your basic Democrat nitwit. Any moron who votes for morons like this deserves exactly what they get. This is the perfect example for why one should never again vote for any Democrat. Never! Sherman personifies Democrat Party criminal cult incompetence and arrogance. They do stupid stuff. Disaster results. People suffer pain, loss, and die. And then the depraved, deranged, dysfunctional politicians whine about it being “political” to draw attention to their incompetence and arrogance! If these wildfires don’t sour California voters on the Democrat Party criminal cult then I don’t suppose anything will!

Had California allowed landowners to clean up deadfall and not been so worried about some ‘three toed spotted newt,’ this would never have happened. The environmental regulations that created this mess were all done in the name of “species protection,” not the human species. Farmers and landowners faced large fines for cleaning up their properties on the premise that it might displace some protected species. And not to revel in some rich Hollyweirdo’s problems, it’s now finally hitting home for these actors/actresses/celebrities, hopefully it wakes them up too. But it likely will not. Most are simply too far gone, they have the money to rebuild, so it’s no big deal.

Look, I’m certainly no expert on the subject, but I’m pretty sure the issues regarding the lack of water, not enough firemen, the lack of reservoirs and failure to clear the deadwood, are all political and it’s about damn time the Democrats were forced to own up to their blatant failures. Oh, and because the majority of Californians have been voting for these failures for decades, no bailout for them. They lost their insurance coverage because they voted to put price controls on property insurance rates. The fools screwed themselves. Sadly, there are good, intelligent people who were still in the LA area who have been harmed by everyone else’s stupidity.

And of course, it’s political, when Democrats are concerned it’s always political. One party has ruled the state and major urban areas for over 50 years. They’ve systematically defunded both the police and the fire departments. They’ve installed DEI boobs in positions of power. Crime has exploded and now fire departments all across the state lack the ability to contain very predictable fires. And what response does that same party have? It’s not our fault, it’s ‘climate change,’ nobody could have predicted, blah blah blah. Complete lack of leadership and no solutions. Californians voted for this. Your state is swirling around the toilet. What are you going to do?

And why is that every time the Democrats find themselves in a situation such as this does just the mere mention of it by those on the other side earn accusations of playing politics. And yet these same Democrats see nothing wrong with politicizing, and/or exploiting, any tragedy or catastrophe if they think there are any points to be made. Such as a weather event like Hurricane Katrina or some school shooting. They always see themselves as being above reproach when it comes to incidents like Palestine Ohio or Hurricane Helene. And if Federal agents act politically like refusing aid to people with Trump signs, well I guess that's just an isolated incident, eh?

Experts have been warning the state to build more catch basins and reservoirs, but the politicians laughed and said it wouldn't do us any good for the thirty years it took to build them. Now it’s more than thirty years later and look where we are. These types of politicians are beyond disgusting. They use one level (training) and base their position on that issue hoping the citizens are simply too stupid to grasp their misdirection. Money is fungible, there is not money that says ‘training’ and Sherman knows damn well his argument is total BS for nothing more than political cover. Sherman provides an effective example of the dishonesty of too many politicians.

Someone should explain to Sherman that most stupid policies are political, with some being rather dangerous. This is an example of that. DEI and the environmental hoax led the state to hire firefighters who can’t fight fires or save people, gut the budget for the equipment and resources to do so, all while pushing the alphabet soup agenda with precious dollars by pursuing an agenda that has nothing to do with fighting or preventing fires. California should have built reservoirs years ago instead of letting millions of gallons of water flow into the Pacific. This fire is a man-made disaster made worse by bad political decisions. And it’s fair to blame those who made those decisions.

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