Monday, March 3, 2014


Democrats really are a rather disgusting bunch. And, with the help of Barry, they have been able to make great strides in being able to bring to fruition their long sought after desire to bring about a complete financial and economic collapse here in this country. And yes I realize many on our side have assisted them in that endeavor. But to ignore the record level of debt that we have now accrued, or to claim that it does not represent a clear and present danger, is to place at risk the ability of future generations to experience that which was once referred to as being the ‘American Dream’. And on those occasions when Republicans attempt stop to madness, we can always count on the Democrat to blame them for their unwillingness to compromise.

But what’s needed now instead of compromise is a dose of some old-fashioned, down home, honesty! That would be something that the Democrats are in serious short supply. Democrats, you see, don’t want to cut any amount of spending. That point was abundantly clear when, in discussing federal spending and transportation funding, Barbara Boxer, Democrat, said "there is absolutely no way we’re going to cut spending." This declaration came during a discussion between Babs and members of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) regarding the Highway Trust Fund in Washington on Feb. 26th. She favors various tax increases that may be used to raise money for the program.

And the less than brilliant Babs went on to say, "I don’t see support for raising the gas tax and there is absolutely no way we’re going to cut spending, so it’s going to have to be a creative way to fund this in reality." Don’t you just love it when Liberals start talking about "creative’ ways to go looking to way fund their favored projects. Babs added, "The administration, you are going to be hearing from them today, is that right? I think you’ll be excited at what they have done on this whole area of transportation," Boxer told the annual AASHTO Washington Briefing. "They’re looking at tax reform which is certainly one way to make sure we have the funding for six years." Let’s face it, who is more ‘creative’ than Barry "Almighty"?

The Federal Highway Administration has projected that the Highway Trust Fund, supplied by gasoline and diesel fuel taxes, will have to soon alter reimbursements to states for work due to a shortfall. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts the Highway Trust Fund could run out of money as early as August. And of course, Babs says that she is very supportive of new taxes in order to provide the additional funding. It seem to bother this dingbat very little that in this day and age when more folks are already having a difficult time keeping up with the cost of food, gas, utilities and now Obamacare, and that Babs now wants them to have to fork over even more. What a deal! I don’t need to support my family, right?

This idiotic bitch actually said, "Either we’re going to replace the gas tax with another way of funding which I love, which is the fee at the refinery level, I think I may be the only one that likes that idea, so I haven’t seen a groundswell of support for that idea." Going on to say, "Also a way to figure out vehicle miles travelled, without an intrusive black box, which you could do. But I don’t see it." So in this "Era of Barry’ in which the federal government is now collecting more revenue in the form of taxes than ever before, this brain-dead bitch sees nothing wrong with even more, and higher, taxes being put into place.

How much more of this kind of shit are the American people going to be willing to take from morons like Boxer? Personally, I’d like to be able to keep at least a little of the money that I work pretty hard for and to spend it on things that I, and not on what Babs says, want to spend it on. This is the kind of madness has got to be brought to a stop. Frankly I’m getting pretty damn tired of being forced to fork over more and more of MY money to the likes of Boxer so that she and her cronies can then pass it on to their parasitic constituents. This year I could have bought a brand new car, and a nice one, with what I was forced to send off to Washington. And I’m sure that goes for a lot of people. How many jobs could that have created?

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